Natural calamities will occur at any time and kill many people all over the world. There are many different types of natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods etc… The losses are very high including property loss, human loss, crops loss etc…
It cannot be avoided completely but it can be prevented.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Floods are caused due to a rise in the level of water in tanks or rivers. Due to unseasonal rains and flash rains the level of water in the river will increase tremendously and washes away all the things that come on its way. These waters have high speed and pressure. It will destruct everything. It is essential to find something that can mitigate the loss and notifies the flood occurrence in prior so that the loss due to the floods will be less.
This project is a prototype of flood detection and avoidance system. To detect the flood the various natural factors like humidity, Water level, Temperature, etc. are observed. For detecting this DHT11 sensor is used. Float sensor is used to observe the water level. It will be in a closed-circuit position where the circuit is incomplete. If the water level is more than the pre-defined level the circuit automatically get completed and triggers the alarm. The flow sensor always keeps an eye on the water flow.
Project description:
Arduino Uno: It is a board consists of a Microcontroller It has all input and output pins by which we can connect the sensor and get the output from output digital pins. We can load the required program into the board using USB.
WiFi Module: This WiFi module is used to upload the data online for future reference.
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DHT Sensor: This sensor is used to get the Humidity and temperature of the surrounding. It is connected to the Arduino.
Float sensor: This sensor will be floating on the water and keep an eye on the water level.
Project Implementation:
Software Requirements:
Programming language: C, C++ (for programming Arduino)
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