Internet of Things

Smart e-Health Gateway

With the boom in Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the kind of impact that it is making on all the industries, there is no doubt about its importance in the health care systems. A lot of IoT based patient monitoring systems are being developed every day to perform basic functions such as translate between the protocols used in the internet and sensor networks.

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Smart e-Health Gateway project Looking to build projects on Internet of Things?:

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These kind of systems offer varied functionalities such as local memory, processing the real time local data, embedded data mining etc. This particular smart e-health gateway is proposed and implemented using simulator. This particular system also includes an open platform based intelligent medicine box which is connected to the internet and enables communication seamlessly.

This smart systems fuses IOT devices such as wearable devices, smart medicine boxes etc and provides in-home health care services for improved user experience. This is has proven to be one of the sort out technologies in the medical fields. The results got by implementing this technology shows that these type of devices are very reliable and can facilitate high data transfer.

The intelligent e-health gateway can tackle many challenges faced by the medical industry such as energy efficiency, scalability and reliability issues. It serves to be a bridge for medical sensors and hospital automation appliance using IP based networks and cloud computing systems.

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Project Description:

  1. Intelligent E-Health Gateway: The main requirement of this is to support various wireless protocols and facilitate the communication happening between the devices. The system also facilitates the temporary storage of user information and sensor data, facilitating the data fusion, aggregation and interpretation. It serves as a touching point between the sensor network and the local internet.
  2. Medical Sensor Network: These help in sensing communication capacity, biomedical signals captured from the body/room used for treatment and diagnosis purposes. The signal is then transmitted to the gateway via wireless network through Bluetooth or WiFi.
  3. Intelligent Medical Packaging: This particular device helps the patients who are critically ill to take their prescribed medicine at the required time. And also the noncompliance of the medicine to a particular person is becoming more prevalent due to their anxiety levels, motivation towards recovery, and some are suffering from amnesia due to which they forget taking their pills. In such cases, clinicians can’t detect the noncompliance of medicines and do not know when the patients stop taking their medicines, in such cases this system provides valuable insights to them. So this system timely reminds and dispense the medicine to the individuals and also register the activity online for monitoring purposes.
  4. iMedBox: This is an intelligent medical box that has a lot of intelligent devices integrated onto it such as the wearable sensors etc. These sensors can detect the physical changes in the patient and transmit the user’s bio-signals to the iMedBox real time. Also this iMedBox may be linked to the RFID system to assist the users with their prescribed medications. All the data collected will be sent to the cloud for storage and interpretation purposes. Also the data can be accessed by the clinicians and doctors to know more about the patient’s diagnosis status.

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Kit required to develop Smart e-Health Gateway:
Technologies you will learn by working on Smart e-Health Gateway:
Smart e-Health Gateway
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-19

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