Internet of Things

Smart Door Unlock system using IoT


In the current scenario, science is making exceeding advancements in the field of technology. With every passing day, new inventions and systems are being developed which makes a huge impact on the lifestyle. IoT revolutionizes technology in a never imagined before fashion. The smart door is just one of the byproducts of the same. It is a combination of the traditional door system and IoT, and the results are secure and reliable. It is a simple project that prevents any unauthorized access to the area. The system requires few products for its assembly and the cost of develop it is also less. It helps in controlling breaches and establishes a secure atmosphere.

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Existing system:

The existing model involves the use of locks. These locks aren't too secure and can be easily broken using the necessary apparatus. They are less effective and as they are easily broken they fail to provide safety and are more prone to theft.

Proposed system:

The proposed system eliminates the need for carrying a key to unlock the door. The digital lock uses an LCD screen and a keypad where you need to enter a 4 digit or 6 digit pin to enter the premise. When you enter the correct pin, the motor automatically opens up the door without any human intervention. Once the pin is entered, it is checked with the system whether it is correct or not. If it is the correct one, the door is unlocked.

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  1. Arduino UNO
  2. Servomotor
  3. LCD
  4. Buzzer
  5. Matrix keypad
  6. Jumpers


When anyone wants to enter the premise, he/she needs to have a pin that is configured to the system which unlocks the door. The person needs to enter the pin via the keypad, the LCDs the pin entered by the user. Once the person enters the pin and presses the submit button. The input is compared with the "unlock pin" of the door. If both matches, then the servomotor is switched on which unlocks the door. If in any case a person tries to intrude the premise and enters the incorrect pin, then the microcontroller alerts the owner about such an incident using IoT. The Arduino sends the necessary information about the incident like the time and date of the intrusion. The owner can act accordingly and inform the nearby police of the incident.

Future scope:

The system is cheap to design and comes in handy. Bluetooth modules can be integrated into the system to allow the door to unlock using a smartphone. One can also integrate a camera, it will capture real-time images and when an unauthorized person tries to intrude the property it can send information along with the photo of the intruder. This would come in handy as well.


People need to secure their premises and stay safe from any burglaries or theft. The system works fine and keeps the intruders away from your home or offices. The pin can be changed multiple times to suit the need of the owner. The system can be incorporated with the above-mentioned add ons to improve its efficiency and reliability.

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Kit required to develop Smart Door Unlock system using IoT:
Technologies you will learn by working on Smart Door Unlock system using IoT:
Smart Door Unlock system using IoT
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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