Maintenance is the paramount thing to focus, after constructing any structure. It is necessary to maintain the design strength of structure to increase life span.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Structural health monitoring is a continuous process of finding safety and soundness status of existing structures. It also helps to find alternative solutions to ensure the safety of structures against early failures. This system use sensors to collect and analyze the various characteristics of the structure. The collected data used to avoid any damage or failure of structure that may occur in its life span. This system used for mass structures such as bridges, skyscrapers, airports, dams, stadiums, tunnels and many others.
There are many techniques available to perform structural health monitoring such as,
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All these techniques are different from one another by cost, purpose, quality and technology factors. They also use different types of structural health monitoring devices to collect data. And use different software to analyze the collected data.
About the Internet of Things (IoT) technology:
Internet of Things is a smart wireless technique which is using in different types of industries. IoT has a wide range of applications in the civil engineering field. Structural health monitoring is one of the best application to achieve. IoT used to measure the various parameters of structures like a stain, crack width, vibration, moisture, and others.
In the case of vibration analysis, structural vibration measured by using sensors. The data will be used to recognize and alert the abnormal vibration of the structure.
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How it works:
The advancement in technology making the structural health monitoring process much easier and simple. Internet of Things is one of that technology is helping to achieve these factors in very less time.
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