In the current scenario, the population is increasing rapidly and the same is the situation with traffic. In metro cities, traffic is a huge problem and it takes a minimum of 1 hour to reach your destination. Cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, etc. are currently facing this problem and need an appropriate solution to resolve this problem. With IoT coming to India, an intelligent traffic management system can be designed to deal with this problem. This system will monitor the vehicle count on every road and set the priority accordingly. The main component of this system is the IR (Infrared) sensor which is to be installed in the lanes so that it can count the vehicle and regulate traffic.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
The traffic monitoring system uses various infrared sensors to learn about the number of vehicles in a lane. It uses IoT and the data from IR to update the signal timing. This system uses various algorithms to change the signal and proceed accordingly to manage traffic. The infrared sensor collects data from vehicles to maintain the count and use it to prioritize the lane with most traffic and signal accordingly. The vehicles interact with the IR sensor and there is an exchange of data between the two which helps them to record the count. These data are then used by the pre-installed algorithm, which understands the traffic situation and signal to minimize traffic in an area.
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There are 3 important modules in this project.
Android Application: it acts as a medium to transfer data from Arduino to the server. It performs all the to-and-fro operations of the system.
Server Communication: This module processes all the data which is provided as an input from an Android. It stores the data like how many times the vehicles have crossed a signal, etc. It maintains the cluster of data and uses it to decide the timing of the signal to regulate the traffic.
User Communication: The users can install the android application which will inform you about the current traffic in a signal. This helps you to make better decisions and choose lanes that have less traffic.
Future scope:
The traffic management system can change various aspects of life. It is useful for an emergency for an ambulance. It can use the TMS to find out the path with minimum traffic to reach the hospital on time. It also helps the policeman and firemen to reach the spot taking roads with less traffic using this technology.
This system is incorporated in various lanes and the results are phenomenal. IoT changes the way things take place in real life. It eases life and makes it convenient for people changing their lifestyle bit by bit. This system optimizes the traffic using IoT and IR sensors, this helps to control the traffic and minimize it.
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