Nowadays,people are using the smart phone to pay their electricity bills,book,transport,cinema tickets,home appliances,even personal things in online people ordering.Same way other things can be done on the online.By the Smartphones can monitoring the garbage bins in the urban areas.Because overflowing of garbage pins the breeding of germs and it spreads diseases like malaria etc.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
So the garbage bins are monitored by the sensor whether garbage pin capacity is filled or not in the areas.This concept aims optimize waste collection and maintain the cleanliness of the area.Internet of things is becoming an increasingly growing concept both in workplace and outside of it.
This concept aims to design an IOT based trashcan will automatically and continuously intimate the status of the trashcan to the Municipality.The municipality workers get the notification and they can locate the area remove the garbage pin replace the new one.
The garbage can consist of sensors it detects the waste is dropped,if it is sensed the sends the signal to the microcontroller and it check the waste is degradable or nondegradable by capacitive it can separate the waste pulled into corresponding container in the garbage In top of the garbage can the infrared sensor is placed to sense the waste after that there is a plate that open and close according to separation of the waste so it falls on the container one is for degradable another for non degradable wastes by using the dc motor to open ,close the plate of the container.
When the waste is filled the sensor sensed the signal is passed to the controller and then to the Raspberry module.In ESP2866 is connected with the Raspberry,the signal from the raspberry internet is connected via mobile or wifi in the area so the data is transmitted to the cloud server the message is sent to the mobile application of the Municipality nearby or the worker of the particular area workers.
The wavelength region which ranges from 0.75 to 3µm is known as the near infrared regions. The region between 3 and 6µm is known as the mid-infrared and infrared radiation which has a wavelength greater higher than 6µm is known as far infrared.Infrared technology finds applications in many everyday products.
Televisions use an infrared detector to interpret the signals sent from a remote control. The key benefits of infrared sensors include their low power requirements, their simple circuitry and their portable features.
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Steps to install OS Raspberry Pi,
Programming language: Embedded C language and python
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