The Internet of Things is a concept where that allows us to access continuous data sharing, remote control, and data monitoring. IoT is a concept which helps us in getting the data from any Wireless Sensor Network through the internet, and this monitoring or controlling of the data should be in real time.
The data to be monitored in real time is sent through the internet to the end user and for the real-time data acquisition, the protocol what is used will play an important role. This project is based on MQTT protocol MQTT stands for Message Queuing telemetry transport which is a lightweight protocol that is the procedure followed by the protocol is very short and thus the time is reduced in communicating with the end user. MQTT is a publish-subscribe protocol where from one end of the network the data is published with a Topic name and the subscriber has to choose the same topic to get the data. The data is published or uploaded to a server and this server is called as a broker which collects all the data and send it to the respective subscribers.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
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Project Brief:The project lets you to publish data to the broker and then monitor that data by subscribing to the same topic name at the user end and by using this protocol you will be able to monitor your project in real time, if you want to control your project you will have to publish from the mobile app using a different publish topic and at the sensor end you have to subscribe to the broker with the topic given at the user end. This protocol is fast compared to others because the process happening to send and receive the data is very small and using this protocol you will be able to monitor and control your project from any part of the world in real time.
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