Internet of Things
IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system
Tej Kumar

Fire Accident will occur very rarely, but once it occurred it consequences will be devastating. So at any cost fire accidents should be eliminated completely. Through this project you are going to build for a unique fire protection system for the Homes and commercial buildings.
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You will need Arduino to interface the microcontroller with smoke sensor, temperature sensor sprinkler, servo motor and motor driver. You will program the microcontroller in such a way that say whenever the smoke sensor detects the smoke in the air, a sms will be sent to respective authorities. After sending a sms the microcontroller will immediately check the temperature in the room. If the temperature is beyond certain level, immediately water sprinkler will be turned on. The sprinkler will be in on position till the temperature is reduced below than the prescribed value. The data regarding Sprinkler status, how much time it was in on position, temperature status, smoke level etc. will be immediately stored into remote server. Thereby we can avoid loss of life.
Project Description:
- Arduino Uno: The digital and analog input/output pins equipped in this board can be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits. Serial communication interface is a feature in this board, including USB which will be used to load the programs from computer. Generally we use ATMEGA 328 microcontroller with Arduino/Genuino UNO board using UART communication.
- Wi-Fi Module: ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is generally used to establish the wireless communication between the devices. But this module is not capable of 5-3V logic shifting and will require an external logic level converter
- Smoke Sensor: The sensor which can detect the amount of smoke level present the air is called Smoke Sensor.
- DHT sensor: The sensor which can detect the temperature and humidity at the same time is called as DHT Sensor.
- Motor Driver: Generally the Arduino board is not capable of providing required amount of current for running the motors. So we use a device called Motor Driver which will provide sufficient current for driving the motors.
- Servo Motors: A servomotor is a closed-loop servomechanism that uses position feedback to control its motion and final position. The input to its control is a signal (either analogue or digital) representing the position
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Project Implementation:
- Interface the Smoke sensor and DHT sensor with the arduino
- Now calibrate the Smoke sensor for specific smoke level
- If the smoke level in the air is more than the prescribed limit, immediately a sms will be sent to the respective authorities
- After sending the sms, the microcontroller will check the temperature value in that room. If temperature is higher than the prescribed limit, immediately the sprinkler will be turned on
- The turning on and off of the sprinkler will be done by servo motor automatically
- The present status of the smoke level, temperature of the room, sprinkler status will be updated in remote server for further server
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE : You will be needing Arduino IDE software to write and upload the programming logic onto the Arduino Uno board
- Thingspeak : Also, you need to create an account in the ThinkSpeak IoT platform to integrate the system onto the cloud and store the data online
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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Kit required to develop IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system:
Technologies you will learn by working on IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system:
IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-08 •
Last Updated: