Fire is disastrous and it is important to take measures before a fire breaks out. Nowadays, fire detectors are installed almost in every public place be it malls, residential buildings, shops, and industries. These detectors alert about the fire and smoke early and inform using siren or buzzers. The traditional detectors only when the smoke or fire reaches a threshold, only then it triggers the buzzers which are not effective compared to the lives at stake. This project combines the traditional detectors with IoT, this not only signals the fire breakout but sends related information to the authorities timely so that they can avoid such mishaps even before it takes place.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
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This project combines the Fire Detecting system with IoT and uses Wi-Fi to alert the nearby Fire Department of the mishap. The places where the system is going to be implemented have a temperature sensor, smoke sensor, and device ID. We assume the place to be Wi-Fi enabled, the module ESP8266 which connects the Arduino to the Wi-Fi network. The module constantly updates the temperature and smoke level of the location to the authorities. In case of a fire breakout, the data keeps on increasing and when the authorities find it unable to control, the nearby fire department is informed about the fire and the device ID installed on the places, this helps them to retrieve the location of the place where the mishap has happened. The system should always be connected to the Wi-Fi for its effectiveness. One can use the GSM module instead of the Wi-Fi. In such a case, the authorities are informed via SMS about the location of the place and the current temperature and smoke value.
The IoT based system changes the dynamics of dealing with a fire breakout. The fire department is informed immediately using it and without any loss of time and they can reach the location.
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