Today in India, Most of the people are getting products like Rice, Kerosene, Sugar etc. at low cost from government as Ration every month. Generally there will be a man who will scan the fingerprint and eyes for issuing the Ration. So usually it will take lot of time. So Imagine there is a machine where once you scanned your card, you will get products you want. Through this project you are going to create a unique Ration Machine based on the RFID Cards.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
You will need an Arduino to interface the microcontroller with RFID scanner, Wi-Fi module and servomotors. You will programme the microcontroller in such a way that whenever a valid RFID card is scanned, you will get an option to select the products you need. Once you select the products and pay the bill, the machine will automatically give you the things you selected. Once you had collected all the things, the data will be updated to remote server for further analysis. Once you bought the items with the RFID card, you will not be able to buy things till next month. The Machine will automatically reset every month.
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Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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