Internet of Things

Develop A Circuit Breaker System using IoT

Electrical shocks no matter how small it can be dangerous in many ways. Electrocution from even a small household circuit can have various detrimental effects on the victim. So we can imagine the level of consequences in case of an electric shock from high power lines. The electrical maintenance workers are working in a very dangerous situation with higher voltage lines daily. If something goes wrong the result can be fatal. A better and remotely accessible circuit breaker system can be a safer option to use when it comes to working on high power lines.

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Develop A Circuit Breaker System using IoT project Looking to build projects on Internet of Things?:

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Usually, when maintenance works are done on high voltage lines the load is switched off at the main supply station. Most of the time the work will be in a remote place and there will be someone responsible for switching the load on and off. If miscommunication occurs during the job the lineman can get seriously electrocuted. The best way to avoid such an unwanted scenario is to build a remote way to switch the load on and off by the lineman itself. A fast response circuit braking system that can be used anywhere is what the perfect solution will look like.

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Project implementation

A simple and powerful circuit breaker and the controller is what this proposed project is. The whole process happens quickly with the high response time capability added to the system. A microcontroller act as the heart of the project which passes the information to switch the load on and off by the input given by the user through IoT. An optional display can also be added to obtain the status of each load.

IoT Gecko: The easy and effective IoT Gecko platform is used here to develop the interface. The interface let us switch on and off any load by a simple tap of a finger.

Arduino compiler: The IoT hardware used here is the Arduino compiler. The compiler is well programmed to act as per the input from the interface.

Microcontroller: The ATmega microcontroller used in the project is the brain of the system. This connects the IoT with the load switching system. The information from the IoT is passed to the switching system by this controller.

Opto-controller: Connected directly to the microcontroller is an Opto-controller. This electronic circuit makes signal passing easy.

Triac: The switch used in this system is Triac. This is connected to the opt-controller which is in turn connected to the microcontroller circuit. According to the signal from the Opto-controller, the Triac switches the appropriate load.

Wi-Fi module: The internet connectivity of the system with the IoT interface is made possible through Wi-Fi. A module is connected to the microcontroller to keep it connected to the internet to ensure proper signal passing.

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Kit required to develop Develop A Circuit Breaker System using IoT:
Technologies you will learn by working on Develop A Circuit Breaker System using IoT:
IoT based Circuit breaker system
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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