In this IoT project you will use Arduino and gas sensors to build a pollution detector which helps to have a track over the surrounding environment.
Arduino is the education based product,open source,easy to learn programming,compact and implementation using this air pollution controls on the internet of things and alert signal when the pollution level goes high.
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MQ135 sensor is used to detect the odor,gases in the atmosphere.The MQ135 sensor have sensitivity of gases like Ammonia(NH3), Nitrogen Oxide(NOx), Alcohol, Benzene(C6H6), Smoke, Carbon dioxide(CO2).etc.
Project Description:
- Arduino: The digital and analog input/output pins equipped in this board can be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits. Serial communication interface is a feature in this board, including USB which will be used to load the programs from computer.
- ESP2866:ESP8266 Wifi module is generally used to establish the wireless communication between the devices.But this module is not capable of 5-3v logic shifting and will require an external logic converter.
- BreadBoard:A Breadboard is used in learning of electronic used in connecting the components,testing it and pieces of bread well as the point holes in the lines to be used
- MQ135: The MQ-135 Gas Sensor are used in air quality measurements and more suitable for detecting or measuring of Ammonia(NH3), Nitrogen Oxide(NOx), Alcohol, Benzene(C6H6), Smoke, Carbon dioxide(CO2).etc.. Digital pins used trying to detect one particular gas,if we need to measures the gases in PPM the analog pins are used and analog pin is TTL driven works on 5v, signal connected to the controller. Buzzer will used for the indication purpose.
- Thingspeak: Thingspeak channel is researched based platform used to update the data on the channel and even can be download on the mobile application to monitor the current status of the application via the internet is connected.
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Project Implementation:
- Connect the heart MQ135 sensor has three pins VCC,GND,Analog Signal pin to the arduino board
- Create a thingspeak channel ,note the WRITE and READ API KEY
- You need to program for concept of heartbeat as well as update on thingspeak,mention the WRITE API KEY on the program so data will update on the mentioned thingspeak channel
- Take ESP8266 module connect the VCC,CHD join together connect to 3.3V of the arduino board,connect TX pin to the pin no 1(TX),RX pin to the 0(RX) of the arduino board,connect GND of the ESP8266 to GND of the arduino board,Take male to male connector,connect to GND and RESET of the arduino board.
- Open the serial monitor ,select the baud rate first 115200 and type as
AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0 So the baud rate of ESP8266 is changed to 9600 now
Again the change the baud rate on the serial monitor on the bottom of the IDE software
Type the ATTENTION Commands to connect the wifi or personal Hotspot commands are:
AT-----Press Enter
AT+CWMODE=1-----Press Enter
AT+CWLAP-------Press Enter And now screen shows all wifi or hotspot names
AT+CWJAP=”Name”,”Password”-------type your wifi or hotspot name and password and press enter
After the it shows the it is connected to the internet.
- Now the program can be upload to arduino board and press reset button on the board one time,program now starts again,open the serial monitor show the wifi connected and the data of the heart beat sensor
- Open the Thingspeak channel,click on the priciate channel now the heart sensor value is updated as graph.You can get the data on the mobile app,download the virtuino app on the playstore on mobile ,enter the WRITE and READ API key on app ,connect internet the gets the data it update on the screen of the app.
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE: You will be needing Arduino IDE software to write and upload the programming logic onto the Arduino Uno board
- Programming language: C++ language
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Kit required to develop IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino:
Technologies you will learn by working on IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino:
IOT Based Air Pollution Using Arduino
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-14 •
Last Updated: