Latest Projects Based on Robotic

The following projects are based on robotic. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using robotic.

1. Night vision SPYBOT

Night vision SPYBOT

Night vision spy bot is a unique type of robotic system which can be used for spying on enemy territories. This type of robots can be used to collect information and monitor suspicious activities, even we can track location of terrorist organizations. These type of robots can be used for surveillance of any disaster affected area or a place which is difficult to reach. Its night vision camera makes it active and effective even in darkness using infrared lighting.

2. Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

This project involves building a robot that uses PIR (passive infra-red) sensors to detect the human presence. It makes use of the PIR sensor application of sensing the infra-red rays that emits when heat is generated from the human body. The application of this project varies from rescue operations to finding out the capacity of humans at a place.

3. Mobile Controlled Robot

Mobile Controlled Robot

This project involves building a robot that can be controlled by sending the instructions to the mobile phone that is connected with it. The robot functions using the DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency) technology to establish the connection. The application of this robot varies from remote monitoring to surveillance.

4. Mobile Robot Navigation System

Mobile Robot Navigation System

Through this project you will develop a robot that uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag sensors, laser range sensors and ultrasonic sensors to find its way out of a path. The robot that you build will automatically move along the path using the scanned range data till it finds a tad and then follows a pre-set map for the next movement.

5. Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Through this project you will build a robot that can be controlled with an Android App using bluetooth communication. The robot can receive the commands from the user through the android app which will have the basic functions of actuations.

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6. Land Survey Robot

Land Survey Robot

The main objective of this project is to build a robot that can conduct a land survey, especially help a user in the calculation of area of the given land and divide into subplots accordingly. You need to use Zigbee technology to establish the connection and make the robot work efficiently.

7. GPS-Guided Mobile Robot

GPS-Guided Mobile Robot

The main objective of this project is to build a modular mobile robot that can navigate around its way using GPS. The primary component of this robot is its navigation system, with an augmented GPS system integrated to provide the local coordinates and help in positioning of the robot. It can be programmed to carryout multiple functionalities.

8. Pick and Place Robot Vehicle

Pick and Place Robot Vehicle

The main objective of this project is to build a robot that will be embedded with a robotic arm and can be controlled using a RF remote. The robot can move to remote places and do the pick & place action of objects that are dangerous and harmful. The applications of this project is vast and can be implemented in a lot of industries.

9. Autonomous Firefighting Robot

Autonomous Firefighting Robot

According to survey in india nearly 25,000 people die every year due to fire and related causes and the loss due to these fire incidents is more than Rs.100 crores. Even though there are lot of precaution taken to prevent the fire there are accidents happening everywhere, so we have to kill the fire before it kills us. In a fire breakout the firefighters are restricted to go near the fire as the intensity of the fire is high in some cases, In order to overcome this we can build an autonomous firefighting robot which can help the firefighters in reducing the heat of the fire.

10. How to Build a Self Balancing Robot?

How to Build a Self Balancing Robot?

Self-balancing robot is a two-wheeled robot which balances itself so that it prevents itself from falling. This concept is somewhat similar to the operation of a unicycle, the rider of the unicycle balances by moving himself in the same direction of the inclination so that he stays vertical, similarly the self-balancing robot balances by moving in the same direction of the inclination.

11. Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik’s cube is a puzzle which everybody cannot solve easily, a person needs to calculate and then twist the cube to match the colors of each side. How exciting would it be if a robot can solve a Rubik’s cube? If a person is solving a Rubik’s cube, then he checks the pattern of all the sides in the cube and calculates what should be the movement of the cube to match the colors of each side. This Rubik’s cube solver robot does the same.

12. Load sharing Swarm Robots

Load sharing Swarm Robots

Swarm technology is a concept based on Artificial Swarm Intelligence where there is a master robot and one or more slave robots, the job of slave robots is to follow the instructions of the master robot. This technology can also be seen in nature like the flock of birds flying in a formation or with the colony of bees and also in a school of fishes. Swarm technology is a concept based on Artificial Swarm Intelligence where there is a master robot and one or more slave robots, the job of slave robots is to follow the instructions of the master robot. This technology can also be seen in nature like the flock of birds flying in a formation or with the colony of bees and also in a school of fishes.

13. Bluetooth Controlled Walking Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Walking Robot

If we are talking about short range wireless technology, the topic under discussion will be about Bluetooth Communication. Through this project you are going to build Walking Robot which Can be controlled by Bluetooth in your Smart phone.

14. Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Robotics is one of the trending topics today. There are many ways in which we can control the robot. One of the top technology of controlling Robot is using Human Gestures. Through this project you are going to create Walking Robot which can be controlled using your own Hand Gestures.

15. Maze Solver Walking Robot

Maze Solver Walking Robot

In our Childhood, we used to solve Mazes in the books and News Papers. It is very interesting right?? Imagine there is a robot which can solve any kind of maze by itself. Through this project you are going to create unique Walking Robot which can solve any kind of maze on its own.

16. Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Today one of the common thing for all of us is Mobile or Smart Phone. Imagine there is robot which can be operated by your smart phone. Isn’t is cool?? Through this project you are going to build a unique walking robot which can be controlled by any smart phone.

17. Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Robotics, one of the interesting topic to do research for solving different challenges. Imagine there is robot which can avoid obstacles on itself. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can avoid obstacles on its own.

18. Object Follower Walking Robot

Object Follower Walking Robot

Today most of the research scholars are choosing their research area as robotics. Imagine there is robot which can follow you wherever you go. Isn’t amazing?? Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can follow anything.

19. Sensor Guided Walking Robot

Sensor Guided Walking Robot

As the Technology is developing day by day, Automation has been continuously replacing human intervention every day. In order to perform certain tasks, Robots needs to move by following certain path. Through this project you are going to build a unique Line Follower Robot based on IR sensors.

20. Swarm Based Walking Robot

Swarm Based Walking Robot

Generally humans coordinate with each other to complete certain tasks like lifting heavy weights, carrying long items etc. Similarly we can achieve the same coordination between the robots using Swarm Technology. Through this project you are going to build two unique Walking Robots which works based on Swarm Technology.

21. Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Everything in this world is becoming controllable by your mobile as technology is changing day by day. A similar tech which is going to change world in terms of automation is Voice control. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled by your Voice commands.

22. Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Imagine there is a Robot which can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Is it possible?? Yes, it is possible with Wi-Fi Technology. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled using Wi-Fi.

23. Gesture based Robotic Arm

Gesture based Robotic Arm

Robotic arms are used in various fields like Industries, Medical and many more. In industries the robots are used in the manufacturing process, packaging, in the production line, these robotic arms are used in the place where human intervention is impossible. In the medical field the robotic arms are used in operating the patients in a surgery. The robotic arms can be controlled by many means, in gesture based control of a robotic arm the user can control it precisely by his hand gestures.

24. Whiskers based Robot

Whiskers based Robot

The whiskers are highly sensitive tactile hairs that grow on muzzle of animals, some animals like cats and dogs have these whiskers even on ears, jaws and forelegs. The whiskers when brushed to any object the animals can detect the precise location, size and texture of the object in the dark. This natural type of sensors can be used in robots to detect any obstacle in the dark.

25. How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

The robots which are based on wheels can move only on flat surface, and even when there is a hurdle in front of any wheel the robot cannot cross the hurdle or go on it. What if the robot can not only be able to cross the hurdle but also can climb the stairs. In this project idea you will be able to start building a robot that can cross any hurdles.

26. Robotic Snake using Arduino

Robotic Snake using Arduino

We Humans have always been inspired by nature so much that we try to replicate everything that nature can do one such example is making a robotic snake.

27. Robot Swarm Construction

Robot Swarm Construction

The construction industry is different from other industries due to its large-scale projects, high investments, and other reasons.

28. Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Drone swarm is a way towards the coordination of many drones as a single system. Multi-robot systems own greater adaptability, performance, and safety than individual robots, a crew of collaborative robots can do a particular task much quicker and execute tasks beyond the limits. Swarm robots can perform a complex task easily with the help of many specialized simple robots. Drone Swarm is the mixed technology of swarm robotics and UAV systems.

29. Solar panel cleaning robot

Solar panel cleaning robot

In today’s world, almost everything is powered using electricity. Power can be generated from renewable and non-renewable resources, but the generation of electricity from a renewable resource is more reliable and less harmful than the non-renewable resource. Harmful gases like carbon-di-oxide and methane are emitted into the atmosphere in the process of electricity generation using non-renewable resources.

30. Autonomous Navigation Robot

Autonomous Navigation Robot

Robots are very attractive and involve interdisciplinary field with a wide of applications and research possibilities. The development of embedded systems, microcomputers and computers helped to bring an effective solution for developing this field. Now a days, the usage of robots increased in different fields like doing some indoor or outdoor activities: sports, agriculture, goods delivery, hospital services, military and defence, office and domestic purposes.

31. Artistic Robotic Arm

Artistic Robotic Arm

Robotic arm is one of the biggest milestone in automation industry. It has made the process in the assembly line of cars very fast and automatic. In this project, you will develop a robotic arm that can draw and paint for you. It will be capable of converting a digital image into a canvas.

32. Home Cleaning Movable Robotic Arm

Home Cleaning Movable Robotic Arm

Cleaning the room is always a headache for engineers. In this project, you will build a robotic arm that can clean your room. You have to mount it on a movable robot. Use a web camera as the eyes of the robots. You will use image and video processing.

33. Robotic arm in construction

Robotic arm in construction

The technology is advancing day by day due to the continuous growth in the country’s development

34. iRobot


Can you move a robot by using your brain? Yes, it is possible now. In this project, you will make a robot that you can control using your brain. All you have to do is think, and the robot will move. If you think that the robot has to move forward, the robot will move forward.

35. RF based Robotic Vehicle

RF based Robotic Vehicle

Robots have evolved from being a figment of our imagination to a reality we possess and enjoy. Automation is one of the leading fields in science due to the large-scale impact it has had. Robots now play essential roles in our daily lives and have replaced several mundane and repetitive jobs.

36. Bluetooth controlled Hexapod

Bluetooth controlled Hexapod

The world of robotics has been amazing the word for years now. From a time when robots where main characters of science fiction movies, we came to a situation where kids play with robotic toys. Like any other technology, robotics has also become common and accessible to even the general public. However, the field is really wide and we have small toy robots for big robotic manufacturing units. Today we will be seeing about a common robot that is getting popular among the general public known as the hexapod.

37. How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career. 

In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.

38. Agricultural drone

Agricultural drone

Nowadays drones are gaining popularity very fast because of their wide range of applications. In this project, we will see how to develop an agricultural drone and what all things can be done using it.

Due to the depletion of natural resources, all the farmers started implementing Precision agriculture (PA). Precision Agriculture is a technique that uses Information Technology to give the crops and soil what exactly is required which ensures sustainability, profitability and protection to the environment.

39. Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Robots are similar to humans but they are robust and more efficient than human beings. Similar to humans they can also sense the environment and react with the help of sensors. Because of its various applications, it is widely used in fields such as military, space exploration, manufacturing industries, etc.

In this robotics project, you will use Arduino to develop an autonomous robot which can able to detect and avoid the edges with the help of IR sensors.

40. Rugged elevation four legged robot using Arduino

Rugged elevation four legged robot using Arduino

Espionage robots are not best suited for surveillance on rugged terrain because of its wheeled systems. Due to the inability to operate on rugged terrain, robotics and drones get jammed.

Here the model presents a rugged terrain beetle robot that can quickly move across jungles, hilly and rocky areas with minimal effort. Its compact size helps it to travel across rugged terrain like a little animal with little noise moving through the forest. To perform this function the robot uses a crawling method.

41. Design and Implementation of a Real-time Traffic Light Control

Design and Implementation of a Real-time Traffic Light Control

Traffic lights help people to move properly in the junctions by stopping the route for one side and allowing the other. But most of the traffic lights have fixed time controller which makes the vehicles to stop for a long time during peak hours. Because of this, traffic congestion is increased during peak hours. Sometimes traffic police placed in the congestion areas to manage the traffic this shows the ineffectiveness of the system. While for smaller roads sensors are used to control the traffic autonomously.

In this VLSI design project, we will design an FPGA based traffic light controller system which reduces the waiting time of the drivers during peak hours. VHDL is used to design FPGA because with VHDL you can simulate the operation of digital circuits from an easy one to complex gates.

42. Pick and Place robot simulation in MSC ADAMS

Pick and Place robot simulation in MSC ADAMS

ADAMS is a multi-body dynamics simulation software used by industries to test their product before manufacturing it. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to perform a simulation of Pick and Place robot in MSC ADAMS.

Robots created a revolution in the industry field by automating the manufacturing process and making the output fast. Pick and Place robot is one such robot which is used in industries like automobile, aerospace, embedded system, etc. to speed up the manufacturing process in the assembly line.

The Pick and Place robot have to withstand various loads on its joints and components while functioning. After manufacturing then testing the components will increase the production cost. So with the help of ADAMS multibody simulation software, we are going to simulate the model to find the loads acting on its joints.

43. Design and VLSI implementation of anti-collision robot processor using RFID technology

Design and VLSI implementation of anti-collision robot processor using RFID technology

Nowadays, robots are used for various applications. From home to big industries robots are implemented to perform repetitive and difficult jobs. Robots are preferred over human workers because robots are machines which can able to work 24x7 without getting tired. Because of its wide range of applications some industries use multiple robots in the same place. In such a case, there might be a chance of collision between robots. To solve this problem we are going to propose a solution using RFID tags.

In this VLSI design project, we are going to develop an anti-collision robot processor which is combined with a smart algorithm to avoid crashes with other robots and physical objects using RFID. The algorithm is implemented in VHDL (VHSIC - HDL Very Highspeed Integrated Circuit - Hardware Description Language) and simulated using Xilinx simulation software.

44. Controlling a Robot hand in MATLAB simulation and reality

Controlling a Robot hand in MATLAB simulation and reality


This MATLAB project is about creating a mechanical arm which actuates according to the directions given it. The project can be made in different ways and we will see the simplest way of creating it. We will make the project possible with the help of MATLAB/Simulink. The use of MATLAB is very extensive in the field of IT and Robotics. The design and material should be used carefully picked for the project.

45. Multi link Aerial Robot

Multi link Aerial Robot

Drones or Unmanned Aerial vehicles are used widely to do various things in fields like logistics, rescue, surveillance, inspection, and many more. More innovations are happening in the structure of the aerial vehicles to reduce the size of the aerial robot to make it more agile. Multirotors are more stable than fixed-wing but the size of the drone and the rotor positioning make it inaccessible in small areas.

In this drone project, we will try to implement biomimicry design in aerial robots to solve the structural issue in accessing small areas. Aerial transformation is one way to solve the problem. Here we are going to implement a biomimicry design similar to snake with the help of multi-link structure. This provides the ability of multi-degree of freedom aerial transformation. 

46. Automatic Grass cutter using Arduino

Automatic Grass cutter using Arduino


You heard about the world like smart homes, smart streets, smart cities, etc. Many homes have smart functions like turning on and off the lights with voice and many other functionalities. Many cities are also leading towards smart constructions like smart cities and smart streets. Automatic street lights, automatic parking systems are some of the examples of smart city planning. This is only because of the smart technology ‘Internet of Things’ commonly known as IoT. The technology helps to communicate between hardware. It helps in robotics also. In this article, we are discussing another project named Automatic Grass Cutter using various basic IoT components. So if you want to learn more then stay connected with Skyfi Labs. We will definitely provide you all information about every technology.

47. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

7 Robots (Combo Course)

Robotics involves electronics, mechanics and programming. And the number of engineers with good robotics skills is far below demand.
You can only learn and experience robotics by building robots. The projects that you build in this course take you through the entire journey of building robots from scratch.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

48. 2 Mechatronics Projects

2 Mechatronics Projects

This course introduces you to the concept of industrial robotics through two different innovative mechatronics projects. The first mechatronics project that you will build is the robotic arm, which has 3 degrees of freedom and can be controlled by your smart phone using an Android App. In the second project, you will learn to build a two legged robot or a biped walking robot that will have six degrees of freedom with a hip, knee & foot and mimic the walking action of humans.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

49. Gesture Controlled Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. The course is also equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy even for beginners. So you need not require any prior programming experience to build this gesture controlled robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

50. Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

In this project, you will build a robotic arm that has 3 degrees of freedom which you can control by your mobile phone. The robotic arm will be connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth and can be controlled by an Android App.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

51. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

52. Gesture Based Robotics

Gesture Based Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

53. Soccer Robotics

Soccer Robotics

This project-based course is a great sneak-peek into the world of robotics for high school students. By doing it yourself, you’ll understand the basic building blocks of a robot. With hands-on exercises, you will learn about DC motors, DPDT switches, batteries and other components inside manual controlled robots.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

54. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

Computer Vision - Text Scanner

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based text scanner that can scan any text from an image using the optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

55. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on robotic
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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