A stepper motor is a brushless and synchronous motor, which divides the complete rotation into the number of steps. Each stepper motor will have some fixed step angle and motor rotates at this angle. Stepper motor is widely used in industrial, medicals, consumer electronics application..
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22. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Stepper Motors uses in normal Surveillance camera to a complicated CNC machine, Robot these Stepper Motors are used everywhere as actuators since they provide accurate controlling. In this project, the Stepper motor 28-BYJ48 can be interfaced with Arduino Uno using ULN2003 Device.
The stepper motor 28-BYJ48 has five terminal, it has the different colors to indicate the lead coil connected inside the motor. It has the rated voltage of 5v DC, no of phase 4, its speed ratio is 1/64
The ULN2003 module as stepper motor driver, there are many types of motor drivers are available but the applications-oriented rating based it chosen. The primary principle for all driver modules will be to source/sink enough current for the motor to operate.
It is important to know the steps per revolution for the stepper motor, in Arduino will be operating the stepper motor in four steps sequence the 28-BYJ48 datasheet starts from 5.625 so for 5.624*8=11.25.Steps per Revolution=360/Step angle. So Here 360/11.25=32 steps per revolution
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