
RADAR using Arduino

Have you ever wondered how an airplane flies so precisely to land at such specific spots? Or maybe how a ship never seems to get lost in the vast ocean? Navigation is an essential part of science. It is science that helps things reach particular destinations.

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Navigation has been affected by changes and advancements in science and technology. A popular navigation instrument used by pilots, seafarers, and even the military is the RADAR. Let us take a look at a simple mechatronics project that will help students unravel the mysteries behind RADAR.

Project Description

Radar is used for long-range object detection and makes use of radio-frequency waves to measure various physical parameters such as distance, speed, and even position. RADAR technology allows aircraft, missiles, weather predictions, and even warships to exist. In this project, we aim to create a simple RADAR system using Arduino architecture and processing.

As Radio-frequency waves are a little more challenging to handle, in this project, we will be making use of SONAR technology to detect the objects. As we are using SONAR technology, this project will be making use of an Ultrasonic sensor. It is a visual project that aims to map out how a RADAR system works and how the Arduino processing helps such systems exist.

Project Implementation

  • Use either the cardboard or wood to make a stand for the sensor equipment. You can either glue the cardboard strips together or fasten the wood pieces using screws and fasteners.
  • The servo motors are then attached to this stand that houses the ultrasonic sensor.
  • To connect the sensor to the breadboard, use a pin header to the output cable of the sensor and attach it to the soldered jumper wires on the breadboard.
  • Attach the motor to the Arduino using elastic bands or glue.
  • If you are sticking it onto the board, make sure you don't damage any of the electrical connections.
  • The HC-SR04 must be connected to pins 10 and 11 of the Arduino Board.
  • The servo motor must be connected to pin 12 of the Arduino.

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  • Next, the code for the Arduino must be written and fed into the Board.
  • Basically, the code allows the Arduino to access the values of the angle and distance measurements as measured by the sensor.
  • The SerialEvent() function helps the IDE read the relevant data from the input port.
  • This data must then be fed into the variables iAngle and iDistance.
  • These variables help the radar detect objects and make visual representations via imaging.
  • To make the visuals, a function drawRadar() must be defined, and it must have the sub-functions arc() and line().
  • The function drawLine() will help the Arduino draw any straight lines that pass through the radar's range.
  • The center of rotation of each line is defined using the function translate().
  • The line() function then uses the variable iAngle to draw the lines at the required elevation and angle.
  • To draw detected objects, the drawObject() function may be used.
  • This function makes use of the data received from the ultrasonic sensor.
  • Distance values are converted into pixels, and combined with the angle information helps the function draw the image at the right position.
  • To add text to the screen, the drawText() function is used.
  • All of these functions are then listed under a primary function named draw() which calls them repeatedly to create actual visuals for the radar.

Concepts Used

  • Basic Motor functioning
  • Signal Processing
  • Signal Transmission and Receival
  • Data Processing
  • Sensor Technology
  • Arduino Programming
  • Circuit design and assembly

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Components Required

  1. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
  2. Servo Motors
  3. Arduino
  4. Breadboard
  5. Jumper Wires
  6. Cardboard/Wood
  7. Fasteners
  8. Elastic Bands
  9. Battery/External Power Source
  10. Mounting Bracket for sensor
Kit required to develop RADAR using Arduino:
Technologies you will learn by working on RADAR using Arduino:
RADAR using Arduino
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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