Have you ever wondered how an airplane flies so precisely to land at such specific spots? Or maybe how a ship never seems to get lost in the vast ocean? Navigation is an essential part of science. It is science that helps things reach particular destinations.
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
7. Robotic Arm
10. Hexapod
11. Swarm Robotics
13. Mobile Robotics
14. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
21. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
22. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Navigation has been affected by changes and advancements in science and technology. A popular navigation instrument used by pilots, seafarers, and even the military is the RADAR. Let us take a look at a simple mechatronics project that will help students unravel the mysteries behind RADAR.
Project Description
Radar is used for long-range object detection and makes use of radio-frequency waves to measure various physical parameters such as distance, speed, and even position. RADAR technology allows aircraft, missiles, weather predictions, and even warships to exist. In this project, we aim to create a simple RADAR system using Arduino architecture and processing.
As Radio-frequency waves are a little more challenging to handle, in this project, we will be making use of SONAR technology to detect the objects. As we are using SONAR technology, this project will be making use of an Ultrasonic sensor. It is a visual project that aims to map out how a RADAR system works and how the Arduino processing helps such systems exist.
Project Implementation
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