Remember the situation, when you’ve parked the car or imagine you are parking a car. You need to look into the mirror and then you have to park the car. You may require another person to assist. Parking the car in a position is not a challenging task, but this project makes it better. This project helps to park the car in the parking area at a proper place easier. When the vehicle crosses the parking area, the buzzer makes the sound. This signal indicates the vehicle crossed the parking area. The sound of the buzzer continues until the vehicle is parked in the range of areas selected for parking. When the car is parked in the proper area, the buzzer will stop. Ultrasonic distance sensing technology is used for this process. Thus parking of the vehicle in the parking area is ensured by Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology. Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology is used in this project for parking assistance.
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13. Mobile Robotics
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21. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
22. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Hardware Components
Arduino Uno-1
Ultrasonic distance sensor HCSR04-4
Jumper Wires
USB Cable for Arduino
Power Cable for Arduino
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Software Components
Arduino IDE
In this project, we have used the microcontroller, Arduino Uno. Because of its features. It has open-source IDE, a large community is there to help you. Arduino is very easy to learn and implement. Arduino is a type of microcontroller. A microcontroller is used to process and control the data. A microcontroller is similar to a system on a chip computer. But it is less sophisticated than a system on a chip computer. It consists of CPU, peripherals, input/output peripherals. Arduino has an option for digital and analog inputs. It has an option for Pulse Width Modulation Technique. The Pulse Width Modulation Technique is used to vary the duty cycle of the motor. It has an option of sending and receiving signals for communication purposes.
The Power cable is used to supply power to Arduino. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. USB is used to upload the program to Arduino. Arduino IDE is the software used for the coding. Arduino IDE is an open-source coding language. It is very easy to learn, almost like the English language. It can be learned in a few hours. It has different libraries used for sensors like DHT11, and modules, etc. It can be used for various types of Arduino boards like Arduino Nano, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Due.
Distance Sensing is achieved using Ultrasonic Distance Senor HCSR04. It is a transducer used for the measurement of the target object. It uses sound waves. The distance measurement of this sensor is very accurate. It requires a power supply of 5 V. The Ground gives continuity to the circuit.
The logic used here consists of 4 sensors placed over the corner of the parking area. Every 2 sensors sense the decrease of distance in the parking area when the car is parked improperly. Sensors send the signal to buzzers to sound. Buzzers alarms, so that the driver in the vehicle gets to know. Buzzer sound will stop only when the vehicle is parked in a proper place and manner.
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