The RADAR is Radio Detection And Ranging, it consists of a transmitted radio signal aimed by an antenna in a particular direction, and receiver that detects the echoes off any objects in the path of the signal.
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
7. Robotic Arm
10. Hexapod
11. Swarm Robotics
13. Mobile Robotics
14. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
21. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
22. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
In Marine, radars are X band or S-band radars, used to detect the objects in the deep ocean other ships and submarines. In Ship radar used to detect the other ships distance, to avoid the collision on the sea.
An Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) is a radar system used to detect the present position of the aircraft, the airspace around the airport to land off. Radar plays an important role to control the air traffic system.
In these project ultrasonic is used to detect the objects,processing software shows radar display and distance in metres.
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Project Brief: Ultrasonic sensor detects the objects, processing software can see the objects detection in radar form and distance of object on the screen.
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