The security system is more essential in homes, offices, banks, storage place, industries, etc…Lock system starts from the initial stage use the different materials shape, size, etc... Even in the software having the lock system to save the files from the unwanted files, to keep the files safe from the other.
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The lock and the key for it, changes to the reader and the tag is as key. The technologies replace the old system into modern more features to attain in order, by using these kind of equipment exacts key which person is used who is in entered last can be found.
The RFID reader is placed near to the door the lock mechanism is connected to the microcontroller to open and close. The Tag consist of the particular number for each tag card. Each number is assigned to the person those who responsible for the card. The card contain their details exactly.
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Project Brief: When the card is near the reader the magnetic occur the coil reader reads the card number the controller release the lock to open then the door or lock. The open, close the lock is indicated by blinker light at the rfid reader and can use the buzzer while in open purpose only. In addition the card is record in software the card user can be feed to serve the attendance also recorded (i.e.IN and OUT) every day.
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