The Microcontroller is very basic and widely used microcontrollers for projects and the student learn from basic things to learn the programming of the controller series. The Microcontroller program code is done using by the Topall Programmer,USBASP, etc…
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
7. Robotic Arm
10. Hexapod
11. Swarm Robotics
13. Mobile Robotics
14. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
21. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
22. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
The Topall programmer is used means the controller wants to remove from the board and placed on the programmer slots of topall, dump the code and remove it, Back to place on the controller board in sometimes the pin of the IC gets damaged its on of the drawback.
The Development boars are designed by their requirements they design while fabricating as PCB Board. The Atmel Series family microcontroller have built in SPI interface to program the microcontroller. By using the SPI interface the USBASP connect to controller the program is upload to the Atmel Series.Here the Arduino Board used to upload the program to microcontroller.
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