Latest Projects Based on Android

The following projects are based on android. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using android.

1. Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Through this project you will build a robot that can be controlled with an Android App using bluetooth communication. The robot can receive the commands from the user through the android app which will have the basic functions of actuations.

2. Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

In today’s world, Automation is one of the most trending topic for Research and Development. Through this project, you will develop a system that can control appliances we use every day like Fans, Lights, TV’s etc. and with this system, you can switch those devices on and off with your Smart Phone and we can store those devices present status (either switched on or switched off) automatically into a remote cloud and we can access them into our mobile or Systems from anywhere from the world.

3. Voice Controlled Wheel Chair

Voice Controlled Wheel Chair

Mostly Physically Handy-capped people always face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Through this project you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with your own Voice Commands using an android app created by yourself.

4. Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik’s cube is a puzzle which everybody cannot solve easily, a person needs to calculate and then twist the cube to match the colors of each side. How exciting would it be if a robot can solve a Rubik’s cube? If a person is solving a Rubik’s cube, then he checks the pattern of all the sides in the cube and calculates what should be the movement of the cube to match the colors of each side. This Rubik’s cube solver robot does the same.

5. Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.

Build projects on latest technologies

Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

6. Maze Solver Walking Robot

Maze Solver Walking Robot

In our Childhood, we used to solve Mazes in the books and News Papers. It is very interesting right?? Imagine there is a robot which can solve any kind of maze by itself. Through this project you are going to create unique Walking Robot which can solve any kind of maze on its own.

7. Android Application Development

Android Application Development

Now a days mostly everyone is using the services of android but from different companies. But it is very important to know how those services are created, which platform they are using for building apps, games etc. Because it is not only important to have knowledge but this field is very interesting. Through this project you are going to learn how to create a working android app which can be used in real time application.

8. Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

9. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

10. Respeaker Tomato Piano with arduino

Respeaker Tomato Piano with arduino

The development of the technology get improving away with human innovation and nature inspiration. more innovation in voice improvement technology by using an respeaker.RESPEAKER is an open source modular voice interface to hack things around us rather than a voice assistant that fulfill simple tasks. Respeaker prob=vies you an hand free way in your daily life.As like many other makers, we believe everyone is creative and able to make the world a better place with their inventiveness, created easy-to-use toolkits like ReSpeaker to help people unearth their potentials and turn wonderful ideas into reality by doing projects

11. Smart Energy Saver

Smart Energy Saver

There is a lot of electricity loss in homes due to the fans and lights that are kept on even when no one is present in the room. My idea is basically to inform a user that when he leaves his/her home if any of the basic appliances like the fans or lights, televisions, fans or air conditioners are left on accidentally, which are the basic and major electricity consuming appliances of our house. Some appliances like televisions and air conditioners consume electricity even when just their switchboard switches are on, it isn't much but a cumulative sum of a 1000 houses with the same condition would be a large enough number.

12. Shower Temperature Sensor

Shower Temperature Sensor

As busy engineering students, we know the importance of saving time. Especially in the morning, every extra minute is well worth it. That's why we have created a shower temperature system. Using this system, you can turn on your shower and go back to whatever you were doing. Rather than having to stick your hand into the shower, you can wait for the system to notify you that the shower is ready. In addition to helping save time, this system also helps you avoid uncomfortable showers. No one likes getting into the shower, only to realize that the shower is freezing cold or scolding hot. Imagine the possibilities available with this temperature sensing system. With a target temperature and an accurate error reading, many of the building blocks are in place to turn a normal shower into a shower that can set its own temperature. Overall, this project has been a great learning experience, and we hope you find it useful!

13. Application for Home Security

Application for Home Security

The advancement of technology has made things simpler and easier for us. Manual systems are being replaced by the automatic systems, there are several machine-controlled systems have been developed which are being used to detect any intrusion or commit to intrude within the house of the owner through various methods one famous method is via Mobile handsets.

14. Andriod Application for Curing and Irrigation

Andriod Application for Curing and Irrigation

In the construction industry, there is a rapid growth due to the urbanisation. So, there will be a maximum demand for manpower and resources. Due to the limitations of manpower and resources, their minimum wages are also increasing day by day.

15. Developing fish market with mobile application

Developing fish market with mobile application

The technology is advancing day by day and improvements in many fields such as agriculture, engineering is also seen.

16. Android mobile Attendance system

Android mobile Attendance system

There are over 1.4 billion users of Android phones and android apps. Hence, it goes without saying that this is a field with a lot of unlocked potential. Every day we come across some innovative app that no one had ever thought of before. Everything from note-taking to voice recording is now being handled by applications on our phones. All these advancements and innovations has helped make our lives easier and more comfortable. The mobile phone market is billowing and the rate of expansion is increasing exponentially as the demand for mobile applications and phones is on the rise.

17. Party Management using Android

Party Management using Android

In the 21st century, time is money. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, we now have the power to do things faster and more efficiently. Whenever someone takes up a new project, one of the most important things they need to consider is how they will manage all the parts involved in completing the project. Being able to run and manage projects efficiently makes all the difference, as it determines whether a project will be a success or a failure.

18. Surveillance Camera using Raspi Cam and Android App

Surveillance Camera using Raspi Cam and Android App

Security is a top priority nowadays due to the rising crime rates and so people are not hesitant when it comes to spending on technology to keep them and their loved ones safe. Hence, a technology that revolves around security systems and surveillance devices has increased tremendously in the last few years. CCTV cameras are important tools that help people keep an eye on their homes even while at work.

19. Mobile Quiz using Android

Mobile Quiz using Android

This is a very simple, attention-grabbing and fun application to use. It tends to be utilized to create questions and generate choices to be answered. This app can be used for academics as well as for fun purposes. Android is an operating system developed by Google. Android is one of the best working framework created by Google. It is utilized in a few contraptions like cell phones, tablets, and even on TV. Android is an open-source to designers who have an enthusiasm for creating versatile applications. It additionally gives a versatile structure that enables the engineer to create applications in a less difficult manner. Android is open-source with the goal that engineers think that its simple to create and extend new highlights. 

20. Simple Pedometer Android application

Simple Pedometer Android application

In this Android project, we will perceive how to make a simple pedometer application that will count the steps when we walk or run and these days everybody is sharp and specific with regards to wellbeing and wellbeing is legitimately corresponding to your eating routine and exercise. So we present to you a framework that deals with your wellbeing by observing your activities step counter. A decent method to get familiar with another dialect i.e. kotlin and how to make a straightforward application in Kotlin on Android Studio.

21. Sound Recorder using Android

Sound Recorder using Android

Sound Recorder is one of the most essential highlights of any cell phone and it has been there since and before cell phones appeared. It is a significant basic utility that empowers users to record their voice or some other sound so far as that is concerned and the account gets put away locally and can be tuned in to whenever later on according to the necessity. In this article, we are going to explore how to implement Sound Recorder an android cell phone. I hope you’re eager to see and learn the process of making the app. So, without any further delay, how about we begin with it?

22. Voting system for the employee using Android

Voting system for the employee using Android

This application will provide the facility to vote from their mobile phones securely. The android voting system is an application developed for android devices to deploy an easy and flexible way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere the application is uniquely created for associations to get workers votes in favor of any new strategy guideline or issues. The issues or contentions are nourished into the framework by the administrator. Representatives would then be able to give their vote a role as yes or no. One voter can just post one decision in favor of a contention. Every single vote cast is put away in the database for the particular contention. Toward the finish of the voting process, the system counts the total votes and generates a brief report of it to the admin. Along these lines, the application causes the organization to get legitimate input from the workers.

23. Attendance management system android project

Attendance management system android project

In this article, I will present an android application for teachers. Android is the perfect stage for growing such an application because of the wide assortment of gadgets it underpins. The mobile attendance system has been worked to dispense with the time and exertion squandered in gauging participation in schools and universities. It likewise extraordinarily lessens the number of paper assets required in the participation of information the executives. It's worked to be utilized for school/college staff so they may take understudy participation on their telephones. This Android app for teachers supports basic functionalities, for example, adding a student to each class/department/division, spare notes, make plans for classes, and so forth. It likewise gives a CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) mini-computer that fundamentally ascertains grade-point normal from the given evaluation focuses.

24. Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA

Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA

This android project looks similar to tourist guide but it has totally various highlights, the purpose of or building up this android application is to make a timetable for the voyagers/traveler making a trip to the city and needed to explore the city by specifying the time in hours. The framework at that point insightfully dissects the poll and makes a timetable for an explorer dependent on the gave time. Above all else, the voyager/traveler needs to enroll himself by topping off the subtleties utilizing an android application. After successful registration, user can sign in now utilizing login credentials which then proceeds with a questionnaire where application ask the user about their liking and habits. Based on the questionnaire, the application astutely dissects for the spot dependent on the user indicated time. The application is sufficiently proficient to look through the spot naturally dependent on FourSquare API. The development is done in Java for Android Application for User/Traveler. This application likewise encourages you to discover puts close by you or around the globe. In the wake of looking for a spot, the guide will show the subtleties, for example, name, zone, area, telephone no. and kilometers from the present area of the user.

25. How to Develop a Tourist Guide Android App with JAVA

How to Develop a Tourist Guide Android App with JAVA

In this Tourist Guide Project framework, the guide of the city is given to the individuals on their cellphone which they get them by means of introducing this application into their android cellphone. The guide will assist voyagers/traveler by finding their ideal area. The side piece likewise comprises of the subtleties other than area, for example, in what manner will they reach there and in what manner will they make the most of their, etc. This Tourist Guide Project applications are really intended for individuals who want to travel and numerous a great deal of times they are distant from everyone else ones who travel. The voyaging/traveling guide application is an Android Project. It empowers the customer to explore with the city and furthermore realize some essential zones to wander around. 

26. Develop Location Based Garbage Management System App

Develop Location Based Garbage Management System App

To start with, we know that the “Smart City” topic is on-trend, so here I represent an app regarding this topic. All Smart cities incorporate numerous portable or web answers to manufacture an agreeable & comfortable human residence. One of these arrangements is to give an ecologically well disposed of, proficient and compelling trash the board framework. Now the current scenario for trash/wastage is not compatible if we discuss, the present trash assortment system incorporates routine dump trucks doing adjusts day by day or week by week, which doesn't cover each zone of the city yet is a totally wasteful utilization of government assets.

27. Women Safety & Security System using android

Women Safety & Security System using android

Security for women has become a significant issue in today’s era, as the number of crimes over women and girls increased over a period of time. Women’s safety matters a great deal whether at home, outside the home or working spot. A large portion of the ladies of different ages, right up 'til today are being exposed to brutality, rape, etc.

To determine this issue, we know in this day and age, people using smartphones have expanded quickly and consequently, and hence, a smartphone can be used efficiently for personal security or different other assurance purposes. Here we present an easy to use application that can be accessed by anyone who has installed it in their smartphones. Our motive is to provide you with the quickest and most straightforward approach to contact your closest assistance.

28. How to Develop a Food Wastage Reduction Android Application?

How to Develop a Food Wastage Reduction Android Application?

In this article, we will perceive how to make the Food Wastage Reduction app using android. This app will help to reduce the food wastage for sure if the public uses this application wisely. We know that wasting food is a typical issue these days and to resolve this kind of issue we can invest in-app like this. In order to resolve the food wastage problem, We have recognized the utilization of mobile and web technology to reduce food waste management and built an android mobile application that allows restaurants and even the general public to donate and share their foods and leftovers with people in need. This app will enable users to register, login, view items, add items, add items to cart, remove an item from the cart, log out and many more. A Food Wastage Reduction is an app any user in need can see all the food items donated by different users and add them to his or her cart to deliver them to the needy person. This app uses the firebase database as storage and real-time database, which makes this app more efficient and easy to use. 

29. Local Services Finder App using android

Local Services Finder App using android

As we probably know and aware that it is too difficult to even think about finding great assistance/service for home these days, utilizing the application, the public can find good service near their home a per need. At the same time as worker selection, he/she can view the ability and skillset, references given by those who have taken their service in the past area i.e worker location and accessibility of a specific worker's system sends SMS to a chosen worker with respect to work and user/public subtleties. Workers affirm either through telephone or this framework and either fixed up a meeting or working beginning date. In our App users can rate worker skills, charges, propensities, about timing, commitment, behavior, etc. and so on through this app. Users can put their requests in regards to specific ability/skilled workers along with project location, and details. Also, users can give feedback to the workers. This process is exceptionally helpful for users who want to give the work to the workers. Simultaneously workers likewise uncover their multi-skills to get the work and gain the money with ease.

30. PG Finder App using android

PG Finder App using android

Millions of students and employees migrate to another city for studies or for work purposes, with the help of this application they can easily find perfect PG according to their needs and accommodation. This android project will provide PG’s information/data with respect to the area, offices, facilities, maps, budget, transportation office, food, and wellbeing measures. Because of an absence of data like cost, accurate area, safety efforts, an audit of PG and dealer tantrum, the user can’t locate their preferred best PG. Also regularly the user/customer may be misguided regarding the PG information. This application will allow users to easily access relevant & useful information and make important decisions with respect to PG's selection. Users can have a look at different aspects of PG's selection of the information provided like the exact location on the map, food, budget, transportation facility, and even security measures and can select their preferred best PG with ease and comfort.

31. Mobile attendance system using NFC

Mobile attendance system using NFC


This is a Near Field Communication (NFC) supported the Organization M-Attendance system. Near Field Communication (NFC) is one of the latest headways in radio trades besides, being a subset of RFID advancement, it is developing at a huge pace. NFC advancement gives the snappiest strategy to grant between two contraptions and it happens inside a modest quantity of a second. It has a couple of uses in Mobile Correspondences and trades. An NFC-supported Company M-Attendance system for association laborer’s is discussed as one potential use of this advancement. The proposed structure replaces manual move calls and along these lines, making it solid to phony. It gives Company and Manager Information and uses participation point of interest. The stamping of support is brisk, solo, and makes usage of a One Time Password (OTP) to improve the security of the structure and removes the probability of intermediary participation. NFC is more secure and beneficial than the dominating advancement of Bluetooth, and moreover clarifies the proposed structure of the M-Attendance system that makes use of this favored angle that NFC has over various advancements.

32. Simple Music Application

Simple Music Application

Music player based on Android application is well known in the market at the present. The finishing advancement of Android working framework gives engineers a decent stage, using which they can gain proficiency with the mainstream PC innovations and can likewise develop basic versions of popular mainstream apps to further their technical knowledge and experience

33. How to Develop Women's Safety Android Application

How to Develop Women's Safety Android Application

Nowadays, people using Smartphones have increased tremendously and hence, a smartphone may be used effectively for safety purposes. Violence against women is increasing rapidly like sex offence, rape, and domestic violence. It's often unreported because of social norms, sensitive issues, etc. during this present time, the main issues are women security. So, this project proposes the event of an Android application called “She brave app” that ensures the varied safety features to forestall from various victims, the main aim of this app is to avoid wasting women in unwanted situations. It doesn't require internet connections except for many features. The contacts are registered through network providers. just in case of emergency this application is employed to trace the placement of the user and also the contacts of the nearby police stations using GPRS, video and audio may be recorded for 15 seconds so forwarded to registered contacts.

34. Placement system using Android

Placement system using Android

Today, it's seen that Training and Placement Cell is a vital part of every educational institution, during which most of the work is done manually. The Last year is incredibly crucial for college students of any college additionally as for his or her colleges. Because it's the time when the businesses are available at. And for each student and company need one another to figure it out and hence this method comes in picture. The training and placement officer needs to inform thousands of scholars about every single training and placement related activity. So, to form the placement process convenient and effective, an android based placement system is utilized by the placement cell. Placement System because the name states it's purely used for helping the businesses to induce the most effective candidate and directives are available in contact with the scholar, within the same way student get to understand about the roles and also the companies directly. This App is going to be helpful in faster management of the position related activities within the college campus.

35. Employee tracker android application

Employee tracker android application

Smartphones are a great innovation for mankind. The demand for this new technology is increasing day by day and it is a very effective tool for our daily life communication and security along with search and rescue. Nowadays, to trace the employees and to monitor their activities in the company and enhancing the productivity of the company by securing company data is becoming necessary. To use the traditional method for the management of employees is very critical and complex. Through this app HR or admin can get all the information about the worker phone like their Locations, Data usage, and Unauthorized Call History details can be tracked. The only condition is that Employees should have Android phones. Thus, the unnecessary usage of the company’s valuable time and money are avoided and it helps to keep trade secrets and avoid legal liability.

36. Develop an Android App for House Rental Management System

Develop an Android App for House Rental Management System

As we all know it is difficult to manage time for your daily needs in this fast-moving world. With this case there is a need for change in a technological field, there's an urgent must embrace and appreciate the power of innovative technology. So there is a vital situation to manage one in all the essential need that's a shelter or home for survival. If you are not known to an individual in some cities and want to rent a house than it's difficult to hunt out suitable aim time. Hence, there's a requirement to develop a House Rental management App that will simplify the work for the rental managers and tenants so all their works are often done efficiently and effectively. It's also difficult to hunt out the renter on time, for the owner and property managers. This App will provide the whole knowledge about houses which is accessible for Rent. It will make easy to hunt out the position of Houses, need of rooms and other facts by the renter. Using this app the Landlords even have provision to post or update their property details whenever they want.

37. Battery Optimization for Android

Battery Optimization for Android

The Android working framework offers highlights of connectivity such as Bluetooth for data transmission, Wi-Fi and other highlights, for example, GPS. Every one of these procedures expends the battery of the gadget. Different elements that influence battery are the continually running background administrations, screen brightness, continually refreshing gadgets on the home screen, NFC staying ON in any event, even when not utilized.

38. Bus booking system mini project

Bus booking system mini project

Transport Booking System is a web-based application that is associated with a database. The database incorporates data about transports or buses, no. of seats accessible, inhabitance, accessibility, days and time of activity, no. of transports from point 'A' to point 'B', Price ranges, automatically generated reports and bills and so on.

39. Health monitoring Android app

Health monitoring Android app

The fundamental point of building up this android project is to make a health application to screen a client's health. This is an android based application.

40. Drug addicts counselling system using Android app

Drug addicts counselling system using Android app

Many youngsters are addicted to chronic drug use, truth be told, numerous youngsters can't bear the cost of mental treatment, some of whom are reluctant to portray themselves as drug addicts in the public eye to find an answer so they don't get satisfactory treatment since they stay classified. It is prompting wrongdoing. There are such a large number of youngsters who can fathom medicates that so we have to make an open space for youngsters where they can talk, share experiences and options from companions who can explain chronic drug use and get them to converse with a therapist.

41. Android Mobile Application for Metro Rail

Android Mobile Application for Metro Rail

This project is a combination of sites and applications for Android, which the controller will use for Android, while administrators and guardians use web applications. The framework is essentially intended to monitor the underground railroad where the client goes to non-genuine clients to screen the driver and get data on working hours. A framework that permits the head to add clients to utilize the keyword is delivered by the framework which is then sent by means of SMS to his dad with the goal that his dad can get to the metro train schedule. Frameworks that permit schedulers add separation and metro trains to the database. Metro Train drivers must sign in to your record, where certifications are a telephone number and your administrator will give you a password You can get an application when you have your work.

42. Coronavirus/COVID-19 Tracker Android Application

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Tracker Android Application

Coronavirus created a huge impact by affecting not only the people but also the world economy. Since the first case, the disease had consumed thousands of lives in 4 months because of its viral spreading capacity.

Coronavirus spreads when you are getting contacted with the infected person or the droplets generated by them when they cough or sneeze. The major issue with this disease is the symptoms, you will get to know that you are infected after a period of one week. Until that point, you might have infected more than hundred’s.

The best way to control the disease is by isolating the patients from others. Isolating the infected person is very simple. But the people who got contacted with the infected ones will be roaming and spreading the disease. To solve this problem we need a perfect system to track the people who had contact with the infected person.

In this project, we will develop an Android application which can able to track the individuals who had contact with the infected ones.

43. Pet tracker android application

Pet tracker android application

Most of the people or farmers don't own any dedicated monitoring system for their pets or live stocks. Because of that the animals will get into danger or lost. Stolen and missing pet can harm people financially and emotionally. To induce rid from this problem, an application called Pet Tracker is developed. The Pet Tracker works with a GPS collar. These GPS collars are fixed to the animal’s neck. The function of the GPS collar is to update the place of the animal via GPS. GPS is one amongst the good technologies that are employed in a large number of applications today. This application keeps regular monitoring on them and may inform you of the placement and route travelled by animal, which information is observed from anywhere on your android devices.

44. Simple calculator Android app development using Android Studio

Simple calculator Android app development using Android Studio

Android studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the android operating system developed by Google. It is built on Jetbrain’s IJ (IntelliJ IDEA) software. In this android studio project, you will create a simple calculator android application using Android Studio.

Before getting started let’s look into some basics:

45. Mobile App Development using Flutter

Mobile App Development using Flutter

Flutter is an open-source software development kit made by google which is employed to create a mobile app for both android and ios. Flutter uses Dart an object-oriented programming language which is in itself simple to learn.

In this mobile app development project, you will build a mobile application that will create an infinite, lazily loaded list of random words. By working on this project you will practically learn about:

46. Augmented reality Android app

Augmented reality Android app

Augmented reality has gained huge popularity since its inception. It is widely used for gaming, eCommerce, healthcare, sports, etc. Augmented reality is the introduction of artificial things into the real world based on the environment. In this AR project, we will develop an Augmented reality android application which will replace the original card with a different one and will play a video on a static image.

Following are the tools used to develop this Augmented reality project:

47. Performing Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack using dSploit

Performing Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack using dSploit

Hacking someone’s Wi-Fi and sniffing their tasks is actually a cool thing to do but also it is illegal. Wireless networks are available to anyone within the routers broadcast area which makes it vulnerable for attacks. In this ethical hacking project, we are going to simulate a man-in-the-middle attack in a friendly network using dSploit android application. This project is for learning purpose only. Perform this simulation on your own Wi-Fi network 

48. Battery optimiser Android project

Battery optimiser Android project

In the developing universe of innovation, cell phones have immediately risen as one of the quickest advancing fields. They have expanded in both prevalence and unpredictability. Requiring further developed working systems and applications to fulfil the needs of the buyer. Android is a software stack intended to fulfil these needs in an open-source environment. The task is at present created and financed by the Open Handset Alliance, which incorporates organizations, for example, Google and T-Mobile

49. 2 Mechatronics Projects

2 Mechatronics Projects

This course introduces you to the concept of industrial robotics through two different innovative mechatronics projects. The first mechatronics project that you will build is the robotic arm, which has 3 degrees of freedom and can be controlled by your smart phone using an Android App. In the second project, you will learn to build a two legged robot or a biped walking robot that will have six degrees of freedom with a hip, knee & foot and mimic the walking action of humans.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

50. Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

In this project, you will build a robotic arm that has 3 degrees of freedom which you can control by your mobile phone. The robotic arm will be connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth and can be controlled by an Android App.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

51. 5 Android Apps without coding

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

52. Home Automation using IoT

Home Automation using IoT

In this project, you will learn to build an electronic device that can be used to control all the home appliances using Bluetooth technology. The project you develop can be used to switch ON/OFF the devices by giving commands using an Android App installed on a mobile phone. You will be able to store and analyze the data about the usage of home appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

53. Home Automation System

Home Automation System

In this project, you will develop a Home Automation System using Bluetooth technology. The system you develop allows you to remotely control home appliances with your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone and a special Android application. The system is fitted with a Bluetooth module, microcontroller and relay switches to automatically control the appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

54. Voice Controlled Robot

Voice Controlled Robot

In this project, you will build a Voice Controlled Robot that can be controlled through voice commands. You will also build an Android App which will understand your voice commands and control the Robot to perform specific tasks via Bluetooth.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

55. Bluetooth Robotics

Bluetooth Robotics

In this project, you will develop a robot that can move in accordance with the signals sent from a smartphone using an Android Application and Bluetooth Communication. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via BlueTooth. And the robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

56. Android App development using Android Studio

Android App development using Android Studio

As most companies and products are going mobile first, the demand for android app developers is very high. This is only expected to increase as more advanced mobile phones come into the market and as people spend more and more time on mobiles. So learning how to build Android apps will keep you in a very good position from career perspective.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

57. Mobile App development using Flutter

Mobile App development using Flutter

The world is surrounded by numerous tools to make our life easy. One of them is android applications; used for productivity, entertainment, learning, and to kill time as well. In this course, you will learn to work with Google's UI Toolkit, Flutter. Flutter is used to create amazing applications for mobile, web and desktop as well.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on android
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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