The following projects are based on civil engineering. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using civil engineering.
Excavation involves the removal of a layer of soil beneath the topsoil. Excavation is done for footings, dams or any other construction projects so its importance is high and understanding properties of soil after excavation is very useful. Excavation requires supporting if depth is more than 6m such as diaphragm walls with struts, anchors or tie backs. This process becomes more complicated in heavy constructions like dam construction we know that diaphragm wall helps to eliminate seepage flow below the dam in order to minimize the water loss and it increases the stability of dam.
Urban population has seen a rapid growth in the past decade and the consequent pressure on limited space have consequently influenced the residential development in the city.
Construction of buildings is usually done on flat grounds, but due to the scarcity of flat grounds buildings are constructed on sloping grounds. Sloping grounds are those which are at an inclined level from the normal ground.
The population today faces an acute shortage of land and space. To get rid of this problem, people have resorted to multi-storeyed buildings both for commercial use and for residential purposes. As the height of the buildings increase, wind flows to become an important consideration for the designers. For static structures, wind interacts only with the external portion of the structure, but in the case of dynamic structures, the wind influences the motion of the building as well.
However, the effect of the wind flow on a building depends on a number of factors like the height of the building, it’s location, number of storeys, etc.
Natural disasters are one of the greatest tragedies that mankind has to face in the present era. Though there have been many types of research that are going on in this field and many measures have been adopted to prevent the losses caused by various natural disasters that befall humanity, no permanent solutions have been found for the problem. Moreover, with increasing urbanization, increasing pollution and deforestation, the threat of such disasters has increased manifolds. Natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc. continue to cause large scale losses to humankind both in terms of life and property.
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In case when there is a requirement of a structure with a large span without any intermediate column, most engineers resort to the use of grid slabs. Grid slabs are used in many constructions like halls, auditoriums, showrooms, etc.
Earthquakes are in no doubt that it is one of the biggest threats to any building that stand high. Various methods are applied to reduce this threat on a building and Steel braced frame is one of such measures which is used to resist earthquakes in multi storied buildings.
The existing concrete buildings lack resistance to earthquakes and they have a great chance of failure under seismic activities. These buildings thus need retrofitting to improve their resistive power when concrete buildings are not capable enough to resist the damage caused due to earthquakes.
With the advancement in technology and new innovations in the civil design and constructions, it has become possible to make structures which are much lighter in weight. This is the reason due to which these structures develop initial vibrations. One of the major dangers that buildings possess these days are due to the earthquakes which are caused in the process of energy released by the earth. These natural waves can cause great damage to the structure and therefore many measures have been adopted to make the constructions capable of preventing these damages.
Floating columns have become very common in modern multi-storeyed buildings. The buildings constructed nowadays generally have an open ground storey to serve as a parking area or a hall, etc. These types of structures have a discontinuity in the transfer of loads as the columns are not complete. Thus, these structures possess a great risk of damage by earthquakes and are thus undesirable in the seismically active regions.
With the increase in population, the need for high-rise buildings has increased many folds. These multi-storied buildings have become very popular in metro cities. With an increase in the number such ultra-high rise buildings, there has also been an increase in the need to make these buildings resistant to the effect of earthquakes and other lateral loads that may cause the building to fail in completing its purpose much before the completion of its lifetime.
Increasing population has led to a drastic increase in the number of multi-storied buildings in recent years. With this, open ground buildings have also become popular as these buildings provide parking area on the ground floor of the building itself and thus, there is no need to worry about creating a parking arena.
Earthquakes have been a threat to civil structures from a great time. With technological events, the structures have become all the slenderer and lighter and are thus more susceptible to damage by earthquakes as they undergo more sway under the effect of wind loads.
Building Information Modelling is a process of 3-D modelling that has gained much popularity among architects and designers in recent times. The industry today is shifting more towards practical approach and thus, model-based programs are much more preferred over the theoretical approach. BIM enhances the efficiency of the designers as it gives them a much more realistic view of their design and the wide scope of adjustment and control. It gives you an option of experimenting before coming on to a decision along with letting you focus on the smallest of the details of your design. The industry today puts up more trust in something that they understand and are able to visualise and BIM makes this much easy for the architect.
Thus, seeing the popularity and need of Building Information Modelling in the industry, Skyfi Labs brings to you this online course on BIM which is more of a practical course where you will learn to use software for building modelling.
Quantity surveying is a prominent tool used in the construction industry to manage all the costs related to buildings and civil engineering projects. It provides a road map to function the construction processes of a project without any disrupts.
In general, quantity surveying is a combination of estimation and costing of a project. Estimation is a technique of calculating the quantity of the various item of works, such as earthwork excavation, concrete bed, brickwork, masonry, etc. of a structure. Building drawing documents like plan, elevation and section view are generally used for the estimation process. Costing is a process of determining the probable cost that one has to incur to complete the project without any disrupts.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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