The following projects are based on ai. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using ai.
This project aims to design automatic control system for rail-road transportation system by implementing a PID feedback controller to achieve the desired speeds.
Pets are the closest friends to the humans and we do love to take care of our pets, there is always a problem we face when we leave our house for a day or couple. We have to keep our pet either on someone’s place or we ask someone to take care and look after them especially for the food. Hence we rely on someone to take care of your own pet.
Here you are going to learn about how to make an automatic flying robot called UAV. Nowadays everything is becoming an automatic system where you are able to reduce the human errors as much as possible.
In today's modern world we have ample amount of facility which can satisfy above our basic need, unfortunately this condition is not satisfied everywhere in countries like Kenya, India where millions of people don't have electricity to lighten their house even renewable energy(wind, solar, water) are hardly available at some places and they are using harmful fuels like kerosene to power their house spending 20% of their income. What is the solution?
There are more than 2.5 billions cars in this 21 century which generates wind turbulence and air pollution up to certain percentage every year. We have all seen those creepy old wind mils on farms which are unable to generate electricity efficiently.
Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
In Automobiles the clutches started to become popular over the past years, the variety of applications and clutch designs has increased dramatically, but the basic operation remains the same.
It's a combination of both fixed wing and multi-copter. For flying fixed wing drone you need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. For multi-copter, you don't need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. But the fixed wing can carry more loads with less power consumed than the multi-copter. For the multi-copter, you don't need more area where it can fly any places.
DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.
Adventure come with obstacles. Life is full of adventure but now where ever you go you phone is always with you or some other electronic devices which helps you to keep in touch and you find your way but these devices need to be charged. It's also very important to be hydrated in this adventurous life. But what if clean water is not available any solution? In this project you are going to make an innovative model with battery pack having USB connection and which also purifies water.
Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the atmosphere that causes serious health and environmental health but what causes air pollution for our planet. Most of the air pollution comes from human activities very least are from natural activities like a volcano eruption. Most of the harmful gases formed are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfates, nitrates, through Greenhouse gases, smog, toxic pollutants like lead and mercury now the question is do we have a solution? In this project, you are going to make an air pollution detector by using an Arduino and some air quality sensors. You need one Arduino Uno, LCD display, and 5-volt power supply
Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.
which can measure rainfall and it can predict the weather condition with the notion in your smartphone. It's about the real-time weather condition. In this project, you are going to learn about how to make a smart umbrella using IOT that will be connected to your phone via Bluetooth or wifi. It can notify you before 30 min about to start rain or not or you have to take your smart umbrella with you by vibrating or led blinking to get your attention.
Do you think by using battery constrain you to run the technology anywhere in the world or in a solar system. Our drawback is battery we need some platform or power source for storage of power in the form of chemical energy. What if you are making your project without battery sounds crazy right! You don't need to store energy anywhere or neither you need to convert into another form. What happens when you use the battery you are converting in the chemical energy to store in battery and then again to are converting into electrical energy in that process you are losing some amount of energy in form of power. Usually batteries are made of terrible chemicals among very few are being recycled and finally, in the end, we have to dispose of them in the earth which might be very dangerous for humans in future
The idea behind this project salt lamp is the chemical conversion of energy. It utilizes the scientific process behind the Galvanic cell, but instead of electrolytes, the SALt lamp uses saline solution, making it harmless and non-toxic. SALt lamp project is an LED lamp powered by the galvanic reaction of an anode with saline water. It also has a USB port to charge low-power mobile devices such as cellphones, smartphones, and mp3 players.The anode must be replaced approximately every six months and the saline water daily; sea water is usable.
As temperature is rise in many parts of the country, we are suffering from heat cramps, exhaustion, dehydration and heat stroke.According to studies in America, hundreds of people around the world die every year from heat-related conditions, which can be completely avoided if preventive measures are taken.where temperature reach up to 45 deg Celsius making corrugated tin huts unbearable to live in.
As we all know different branches existing in the engineering. Today we are in an era of fusion of such branches like mechanical combined with electronics is mechatronics, linkages with electronics lead to robots and so on. Similarly, there is another interesting type fusion of such of two different branches i.e. electronics and pneumatics.
To save the city it is very high time to take necessary steps. Creating public awareness is first one of the steps. For creating public awareness we need real time data of the noise we are creating everyday. If every one can see the noise level and air quality in real time it will create a mental pressure for taking steps against the pollution. Researcher will also be benefited from this open source real time data.
We all know about the golden rule spoken about in aeronautical domain. “Take off is optional but landing is mandatory”. Wright Bros changed the travel dimensions by designing an airplane which could successfully ascend or take-off, cruise in the air, descend or land successfully. A designed path or area in any airport in any airdrome where ascend and descend of the airplane is carried out is called as a Runway (as per International civil aviation organization ICAO).
Ever wondered how bicycle wheels rotate along with a fixed frame, how the windmill blades rotate on a fixed tower. The magic of degrees of freedom, kinematics constraints. Basic motions achieved by a bearing is an axial rotation, linear motion, spherical rotation, hinge motion.
As we all know that we are in an era of advanced technology. The technology is reporting to next step in the ladder and the impact is that we are planning to build home in neighboring planets, we are printing human organs, we are travelling at a speed of sound, we are building a platform of data communication where data transfer rate is equal to or more than speed of light, we are printing materials in space and the list is infinite.
Have you ever wondered the possibility of high-speed racing competitions like formula racing, a century ago? We all are well aware of advancement made in transit field. A section of Engineers is working on an agenda on increasing the value rate of distance covered on a daily note. We can also see the improvements that we have seen and experience in last century.
In automobiles car wipers are manual systems to turn the switch while raining. So here we an automatic wiper system that automatically switch on by detecting rain and wiper stop when rain stops.
Maglev trains are a revolutionary development in railways systems as well as transportation engineering. The speed, the smooth operations, convenience, easy maintenance has made it is a basic need for any developing country to manage the transportation of citizens.
A plasma railgun is a linear accelerator uses two long parallel electrodes to accelerate a "sliding short" armature. In a plasma railgun, the armature and ejected projectile consist of hot, ionized, gas-like particles heated by a very high temperature. Scientific plasma railguns are operated in a vacuum.
The Aerospace industry is increasingly relying on advanced numerical flow simulation tools for analyzing all the components of aircraft. The main part which helps in producing lift is wings. So, the shape of the aerofoil should be designed in such a manner so that maximum lift can be achieved. In this project, you are going to work on a standard NACA airfoil and analyze it using finite element volume tool AcuSolve. Then you have to validate your numerical result with the wind tunnel experiment result.
Accumulation of solid waste requires a large area for its disposal. Human hair fiber (HHF) a non- degradable matter is creating an environmental problem so its use in soil improvement can minimize the problem. Also human hair fiber available in abundance at a very low cost. The main purpose of this project is to understand and investigate the variations in the strength of the cohesive soils using human hair fibers (natural fiber) as a soil reinforcing material.
A capillary tube is a long, narrow tube of constant diameter. The word “capillary” is a misnomer since surface tension is not important in refrigeration application of capillary tubes. The capillary tube is used as an expansion device in a vapor compression refrigeration system. In this project, you are going to calculate pressure drop in the various capillary tube for R22 refrigerant and air by varying capillary tube diameter keeping the length of the tube constant and varying the tube length keeping the diameter of tube constant with the help of control valve.
Centrifugal pumps are a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work-absorbing turbomachinery.Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor.
The new generation launching system StarTram is a proposal for a maglev space launch system. The initial Generation 1 facility would be cargo only, launching from a mountain peak at an altitude of 3 to 7 kilometres with an evacuated tube staying at local surface level; it has been claimed that about 150,000 tons could be lifted to orbit annually.
Electromagnetic propulsion (EMP), is the principle of accelerating an object by the flowing electrical current and magnetic fields. The electrical current is used to create an opposing magnetic field for repell. When a current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field, an electromagnetic force known as a Lorentz force, pushes the conductor to perpendicular to the conductor and the magnetic field.
In today's world, renewable and sustainable energy is becoming the most important thing to focus. There are many reasons for this concern like to reduce environmental pollution, energy saving, finding an alternative source for electricity generation, etc...
Maintenance is the paramount thing to focus, after constructing any structure. It is necessary to maintain the design strength of structure to increase life span.
The health service industry is growing for a while now, thanks to the advancements in science and technology. As more scientific breakthroughs happen, the medical sector benefits from this, and as a result, the standard of living rises.
Project Description
Pneumatic power has found great application in the engineering industry today. The are heavily used for automation to simplify tasks. A great deal of human effort and time is saved by its application. Through this project you will learn how to use pneumatic power to automate a task. This is a scaled down setup for an electro - pneumatic sorting machine that can sort objects based on their colour. Here, we will sort defective objects from a moving conveyor belt using a cylinder and optical sensor.
Voice assistants come to some degree, in small modules and can play out an assortment of activities subsequent to hearing your command. They can turn on lights, answer questions, play music, put in online requests and do a wide range of AI-based stuff.
In recent days you might have come across terms like blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, etc. frequently. Blockchain is a technology that finds its applications in financial institutions, cryptocurrency, healthcare, real estate, etc. Since the blockchain stores its data globally in different servers - allowing everyone to see the entries in real-time, it is difficult for an individual to take over the control or manipulate the data. We are going to use blockchain to develop a voting system to eliminate the election frauds.
In this blockchain-based voting system project, we will develop a distributed electronic voting system and also identify the technological limitations of using this system.
Cryptocurrency has become a hot topic these days, which was once an academic concept and is now adopted in various industries. In this blockchain project, we will learn to develop a cryptocurrency from scratch. So just assume that you are going to launch a startup or business and you want to adapt your business to the new world by creating your own cryptocurrency. This blockchain tutorial explains all the concepts such as What is blockchain, what a cryptocurrency is, and how to make your own cryptocurrency.
Smart Contracts are similar to the traditional contracts but the difference is smart contracts are enforceable by code where traditional contracts are enforceable by law. Thus Smart Contracts can revolutionize the way the business and people interact. In this blockchain project, we will learn how to build a smart contract using the Ethereum Blockchain platform.
How Smart Contract works?
Smart contracts are digital contracts that contain security coding of the blockchain. It consists of details and permissions written in code and it requires the exact sequence of events to take place to start the acceptance of the terms mentioned in the smart contract. It also consists of time constraints that display the deadlines of the contract.
For instance, Alice is a homemaker who wants to clean her lawn so she uses a blockchain marketplace and specifies the amount of cryptocurrency that she is willing to pay. Similarly, Bob is a man eager to earn money by doing part-time jobs and he accepts to take the job. Now the blockchain market place creates a smart contract for the lawn mowing job and if Alice confirms that the job is done the money will be transferred to bob’s account else the smart contract will automatically revert back the money to Alice.
If you are a student or parent looking for a cool science fair or STEM project then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to learn how to develop an electromagnet. This STEM project is for kids who want to develop a project for their science fair or to gain more knowledge about the working of electromagnets. In this DIY science project, you will use the components in the home to build the project.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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