Latest Projects Based on Solar Panel

The following projects are based on solar panel. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using solar panel.

1. Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

As the conventional energy sources are depleting day by day, it is very essential to search for alternative energy sources. Nowadays belt conveyor is playing a key role in material handling application, they are used to carry materials from one end to another end. Based on the size, nature of the material, different conveyors are being used.

2. Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Today the most promising source of energy where everyone focusing is the concept of Solar Power and its Utilization. Generally, we see people who had gardens use lawn mowers manually to cut the unwanted grass. Those lawn movers are powered from normal household’s power through cables or using petrol/diesel. Using cables creates messing problem and if there is any power cut, we can’t use that lawn mower. Similarly, if we use petrol/diesel powered machine, it requires money and they create pollution through the smoke. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Solar Grass Cutter (Lawn Mower) which is powered by solar energy and it will overcome all the above-mentioned problems.

3. Solar powered Irrigation System

Solar powered Irrigation System

One of the biggest networks where people work as groups in the field of Agriculture. As technology is increasing and automation is replacing manual operation in almost all the fields, the same can be applied to the Agricultural Field also. Previously farmers manually used to water the fields whenever needed and power for providing the water is taken from household power. The cons of this system are we need to pay for the power and every time human intervention is needed whenever water needs to be provided. Imagine there is an automatic system where whenever water is needed for the field, automatically pump will be turned on and when water level sufficient, the pump will be turned off automatically and the power required for the operation of the pump will be taken from the solar power.

4. Solar Endurance Flight

Solar Endurance Flight

Sailplanes are aerodynamically streamlined and are capable of gaining altitude and remain airborne, while maintaining forward motion. The main advantage of the sailplane solar glider is to generate free energy from the sun. That's the difference between a normal glider and solar sailplane glider. By using this model you can increase the endurance of flight.

5. Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

After 150 years, the entire world will run out of the most important non-renewable Energy resource “Coal”, where 48% of the total power now is generated from it. Once it is exhausted, entire world is going to face severe power shortages. In order to avoid this shortage, the entire world has started focusing on the Renewable Energy Resources. A step further to this solution is hybridizing the Renewable Resources to generate power based on the availability to maintain continuity in the Power Generation. Through this project you are going to build a unique hybridized power generation system using Solar and Wind Energy.

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6. Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Through this project you are going to build an innovative project where smart irrigation technique with maximum power tracking technique through dual axis solar panel application.

7. IoT based Dam Water Monitoring

IoT based Dam Water Monitoring

During rainy season,floods are very natural to occur. But if they occur heavily then problem will arise. Through this project you are going to build an automatic protection system for dams and reservoirs through IoT based water monitoring technique.

8. Solar-Piezo Mobile Charger

Solar-Piezo Mobile Charger

As we are running short of non-renewable energy resource, we need to increase our focus on renewable energy resources. As a part for contribution to solve above mentioned problem, you are going to build an innovative hybridised mobile charger which will get the power form solar and piezo electric transducers.

9. Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A

Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A

Solar Power is the conversion of light energy to electrical energy. The solar is main for the power generation. Solar (i.e.Sun) is a renewable energy through the year during the daytime. Instead of that some renewable energy also available but implementing difficulties, the maintenance and it not available all the time.

10. Ocean Drone

Ocean Drone

DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.

11. Saucer Solar Drone

Saucer Solar Drone

Drones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space. The advantage of Saucer shape is that is more aerodynamic as compared to other shapes and as it has only one rotor its quite difficult to fly.Due to is shape its having some angle 30 to 60 degree when the drone is parallel to ground. The use of solar here to increase the endurance of the flight by transferring power to the Rechargeable battery. Well, it's difficult to obtain the optimum amount of voltage and current (V= IR).

12. Solar Powered Go Kart

Solar Powered Go Kart

Go Kart is basically an open wheel car having less ground clearance and low center of gravity as compared to normal cars. generally, these cars are used for racing and obstacle racing. Both electric motor and engine can be used as power source. petrol and diesel (two strokes or four strokes) can be used as fuel. In our project, we are going to use an electric powered go Kart having battery and solar panel as a power source.

13. Transparent Solar Building

Transparent Solar Building

p> Solar panel pretty much come in one color Dark that's because they use dark sheets of SIlicon crystals to absorb light of sun rays then convert into electrical energy. Nowadays solar panels are so cheap and so efficient that we can run the whole city with a solar panel. Mostly all the sun catching area in cities are insides of the building. Which is designed to let line in we can use dark solar panels but that is quite awkward and reflection can create some problems

14. Solar Backpack

Solar Backpack

A backpack — also called bookbag, kitbag, knapsack, rucksack, rucksack, pack, backpack or backpack — is, in its simplest form, a cloth sack carried on one's back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, but there can be variations to this basic design. Backpacks are commonly used by hikers and students and are often preferred to handbags for carrying heavy loads or carrying any sort of equipment, because of the limited capacity to carry heavy weights for long periods of time in the hands.

15. Solar Based Railway Crack Detection Robot

Solar Based Railway Crack Detection Robot

Our Indian Railways has the largest railways network, in world’s fourth largest railway network. The indian railways covers all the part of the place,most of the train are diesel and electric were used in railways.Safety has been one of the biggest concerns in the railways system.

16. Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring is a Project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project, you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

17. Solar powered Environmental system

Solar powered Environmental system

To save the city it is very high time to take necessary steps. Creating public awareness is first one of the steps. For creating public awareness we need real time data of the noise we are creating everyday. If every one can see the noise level and air quality in real time it will create a mental pressure for taking steps against the pollution. Researcher will also be benefited from this open source real time data.

18. IOT Based Solar Power Monitoring System

IOT Based Solar Power Monitoring System

Solar is renewable source, demand of electricity is increased day by day. Solar energy is trough out the year and solar power plants need to be monitored for optimum power output

19. GSM Based Weather Report

GSM Based Weather Report

Weather Monitoring is a project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

20. River Level Monitoring for Flash Flood Warnings

River Level Monitoring for Flash Flood Warnings

Flood is one of the major disasters occurring around the globe. Every year it's affecting a large amount of population because of significant reduction of the forests the flood peak travels quickly and gives less time for people to evacuate from the flood-affected zones. This project will give a live data of water level and help people to find track the flow and changes in the flow of the water.

21. Simulation Of Solar Energy System With MATLAB

Simulation Of Solar Energy System With MATLAB

Solar energy is that energy which we gain from the sun through radiation on daily basis. Solar energy is present on the earth continuously and the energy generated by the sun is abundant for all types of application but harnessing that energy is the major factor.

22. Solar Roadways

Solar Roadways

A solar roadway is a road surface that generates electricity by solar panels and LED signal that can be driven on. It generates electricity by solar power photovoltaic cells.

23. Innovative Ground Storage

Innovative Ground Storage

Solar energy is a very important source of energy and has a very high potential. The main problems connected to its utilization are its low intensity and availability. Utilization of solar energy in the building sector is needed for the purpose of either heating or cooling.

24. Passive Solar Buildings

Passive Solar Buildings

The increase in the worldwide population, demanding energy consumption extremely. This high consumption has a negative impact on the environment and energy conservation.

25. Solar panel cleaning robot

Solar panel cleaning robot

In today’s world, almost everything is powered using electricity. Power can be generated from renewable and non-renewable resources, but the generation of electricity from a renewable resource is more reliable and less harmful than the non-renewable resource. Harmful gases like carbon-di-oxide and methane are emitted into the atmosphere in the process of electricity generation using non-renewable resources.

26. Solar power plant

Solar power plant

The basic requirement that we need the most for development in any stage is electric power. The need for this power is increasing day by day due to the increasing population.

27. Solar water pumping

Solar water pumping

Agricultural technology is changing quickly. Farm apparatus, farm structure, and manufacture facilities are constantly being enhanced. A solar water pumping structure contains panels and pumps. The smallest component of a panel is the solar cell. Each solar cell has two or more layers of semiconductor material that yield direct current (DC) placed when visible to light. This DC is collected by linking in the panel. It is then linked to a DC pump, which in turn pumps water whenever the sun shines and stored in series for future use by the pump. This project aims to explain the functioning of solar water pumping.

28. Hybrid Solar Energy

Hybrid Solar Energy

These days electricity has become a need for the survival of the human being on this earth. The major source of the electricity is conventional energy sources which is produced in thermal power stations by using Coal. And the reserves of the coal are been depleted day by day.

29. Wireless Power Transmission via Solar Power Satellite

Wireless Power Transmission via Solar Power Satellite

One of the major problems that is been faced by the planet earth is insufficient supply of the clean energy. we are simultaneously facing the three challenges – they are resource consumption, environmental degradation, and population growth.

30. Solar Mobile Phone charger

Solar Mobile Phone charger

Our life becomes very easy with the coming of new technologies like mobile phones, laptops, etc. Mobile phones are very essential for our daily life and is a basic requirement for everyone. One of the essential features that we want to give our smartphone is a good charging. Charging may become a problem for us while traveling to a place. For this purpose, the Solar cell phone charger can be used. Our main aim will be in this project is to charge our mobile phone with the help of a solar charger. The solar mobile charger project will require some wiring for the solar panel. We also need a switch and a booster model and connect them. We need to connect our mobile USB pin 2 power cables. Our phone will get it's charging when it will get proper radiation.

31. Audio Transfer using LiFi

Audio Transfer using LiFi

With the blast of Smart Phones, Internet of things (IoT), Industrial Automation, Smart Home Automation systems and so forth the interest for internet is likewise developing exponentially. The technology has developed such a lot of that everything from our vehicle to our refrigerator needs an association with the web. This brings up different issues like; Will there be sufficient data transmission for every one of these gadgets? Will this information be secure? Will the current system be quick enough for everyone of this information? Will there be an excessive amount of combination on the network traffic?

32. Solar-Wireless Power Transfer

Solar-Wireless Power Transfer


Wireless power transmission is the effective transfer of power from one point to another through any medium or vacuum without the use of wires. It is used where there is an immediate or continuous energy need. The solar project focuses on delivering energy to devices using low power using wireless transmission. Resonating coils play a vital role here transmitting power from an ac source to resistive load.

33. Arduino based smart water garbage accumulator using solar power

Arduino based smart water garbage accumulator using solar power

Water is crucial to life and water contamination is amongst the most severe challenges to the world people face today. Our lakes and rivers are becoming more and more polluted. It is very hard and expensive to mitigate the impact of water pollution, which will take years to eliminate all the toxic contaminants from the environment.

34. UPS using solar

UPS using solar

The good times of fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy sources are slowly diminishing. With global warming considered as an emergency by most nations, non-renewable sources are gaining more and more popularity. The solar energy is considered as the best and eco-friendly form of energy. Although solar energy was there for over two decades the importance of this source has increased in recent years. More and more individuals and nations alike are shifting to solar as a reliable source of energy. From solar-powered appliances to auto motives, this source of renewable energy is for sure how the world will be powered in the coming years.

35. Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

In this project-based course, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

36. 4 Smart Energy Projects

4 Smart Energy Projects

In this project-based course, you will learn to build 4 different smart energy system projects. Following are the projects that you will build: Home Automation System using IoT, Smart Building System using IoT, Solar Battery Charger and Smart Traffic Control System.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

37. Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

This project-based course involves you to build multiple Embedded Systems projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Embedded Systems practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

38. Robotics Training & Internship

Robotics Training & Internship

In this program, first, you will learn the skills hands-on using online course & kit. Then, you can choose an internship from the available ones where you will be working on real projects for Skyfi Labs/ partners.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

39. Embedded Systems Training & Internship

Embedded Systems Training & Internship

In this program, you will build multiple Embedded Systems-based projects and develop your develop practical skills on Embedded Systems hands-on. Then you will be eligible to get a paid internship from Skyfi Labs/ Partners.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

40. Summer Training in Embedded Systems (Aug 15)

Summer Training in Embedded Systems (Aug 15)

In this summer training program, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

41. Summer Training in Embedded Systems (July 15)

Summer Training in Embedded Systems (July 15)

In this summer training program, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on solar panel
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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