The following projects are based on iot. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using iot.
Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the doorbell automatically to notify the residents. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.
With the boom in Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the kind of impact that it is making on all the industries, there is no doubt about its importance in the health care systems. A lot of IoT based patient monitoring systems are being developed every day to perform basic functions such as translate between the protocols used in the internet and sensor networks.
Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the buzzer to alert the user. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.
In the World of Technology, Biometrics plays an effective role in identifying Human beings. Through this biometric project, you will develop a unique system that can identify students for attendance purpose using their fingerprints.
In this modern world, we all are enjoying the gift given to us by nature through the natural resources like Water and coal which is electricity. We cannot even imagine our life without power. Power is really the greatest power for us these days. Almost all household appliances, office machinery are running with the help of electricity. So, it is the time to do something for our environment by saving electricity. So, we must use it wisely and efficiently. Mostly in households appliances power is wasted from fridges in kitchen. Through this project, you are going to build a unique project that can remind you if you didn’t close your refrigerator completely with an alarm.
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In today’s world, Automation is one of the most trending topic for Research and Development. Through this project, you will develop a system that can control appliances we use every day like Fans, Lights, TV’s etc. and with this system, you can switch those devices on and off with your Smart Phone and we can store those devices present status (either switched on or switched off) automatically into a remote cloud and we can access them into our mobile or Systems from anywhere from the world.
Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will follow you continuously wherever you go to the malls and grocery stores and carry the things you buy. Through this project, you are going to build an Autonomous trolley which will follow the particular human using Image Processing.
Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will get all the groceries on its own. The only thing you need to do is just send the list of groceries through simple SMS. Through this project, you are going to build a Smart Shopping Trolley which will collect the groceries you need on its own.
In Today’s World, Automation is one of the trending and emerging technologies these days. Every time when you enter a room, you need to push the door to open the door. Imagine there is a door which opens as soon as you come close to the door.
Today, the most aspiring and interesting research is happening in the field of advancements in Security systems. Right now we have the door lock based on the keyboard (by pressing the password door will be opened), Door lock based on SMS (by sending an SMS, the door will be opened), door lock based on fingerprint (when you scan a proper fingerprint, then only the door will be unlocked) etc.
The most severe and frequently happening situations while conducting elections is rigging (One person give multiple votes). Right now, we are using an electronic voting machine and to identify people who already gave their vote, people will be given an ink mark on the finger. But today because of rapid development in technology, that can be erased and there is a chance of rigging. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Fingerprint based Voting system in order to avoid the above-mentioned problem.
One of the most trending and curious topics in the field of power generation from natural resources is the power generation from footsteps. Generally, people who want themselves to be fit and healthy, go for jogging, walking. If we carefully observe, there is a lot of energy which had been dissipated by them. Whenever people run or walk, practically they are applying pressure on the ground to move. Through this project, you are going to convert that energy into Storable power. The Power which is stored in the battery will be used to Glow the street light.
One of the biggest problem the world facing now is Wastage of Power. Generally, in almost all the countries, you can see that whether there is vehicle present or not, the street will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever the vehicle comes near the street light that street glows with full intensity and as soon as the vehicle move from that area the streetlight will be glow with very less intensity. Through this project, you are going to build a Power Efficient Street Lighting system.
Cloud computing is a technology which enables us to store data over internet and access it from any part of the world. Cloud computing is used almost everywhere in IoT, there are many cloud storage organization who maintains the data and charges the user for this facility. How would that be if you had your own cloud, and you could store anything in that cloud storage drive from any part of the world?
There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.
Imagine there is a Robot which can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Is it possible?? Yes, it is possible with Wi-Fi Technology. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled using Wi-Fi.
Today in India, Most of the people are getting products like Rice, Kerosene, Sugar etc. at low cost from government as Ration every month. Generally there will be a man who will scan the fingerprint and eyes for issuing the Ration. So usually it will take lot of time. So Imagine there is a machine where once you scanned your card, you will get products you want. Through this project you are going to create a unique Ration Machine based on the RFID Cards.
Speed always thrills…but no matter what sometimes it kills. Particularly in highway and broad roads, over speeding has become problematic. Through this project you are going to build a unique system where over speeding vehicles can be detected and the picture of the over speeding vehicle can be taken and stored.
Generally we have a very good system of measuring the power consumption. But the only problem is the energy used to measure the power consumption can be tampered. Through this project you are going to build a unique tampered energy meter monitoring based on IoT.
Fire Accident will occur very rarely, but once it occurred it consequences will be devastating. So at any cost fire accidents should be eliminated completely. Through this project you are going to build for a unique fire protection system for the Homes and commercial buildings.
The Internet of Things is a concept where that allows us to access continuous data sharing, remote control, and data monitoring. IoT is a concept which helps us in getting the data from any Wireless Sensor Network through the internet, and this monitoring or controlling of the data should be in real time.
It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered. The Packages which are sent are not recieved at the destination, or may be delayed and using this project you can track your package.
We are now interacting with technology the most natural way possible by talking people talk to your friends, family there device every day. Alexa is one type of brane can control or over millions of wireless devices with your voice command by understanding and replying questions in seconds by telling you weather updates and playing your favorite music. even Alexa is having lots of skills. Alexa is basically a voice service which makes your project more east with combining with Arduino.
Did you ever think that how the street lights automatically turn ON in the night and turn OFF automatically at morning? Is there any person who comes to ON/OFF these lights? The following circuit that described below which perform this job automatically. This circuit employed the output from an uncomplicated light/dark activated circuit and oblige a relay in its output which can be further attached to switch ON/OFF a street light and electrical application in a household also.Automatic street light control is used to control the street lights(Turn on and off based on the light).
Maintenance is the paramount thing to focus, after constructing any structure. It is necessary to maintain the design strength of structure to increase life span.
Water is an important resource for our planet. We should not waste it and try to regulate its use. There is a constant decrease in water levels in the environment. Currently, water in urban areas comes for a specific period and an individual is needed to present physically to switch on the pumps, store water and then again switch it off once the tank is filled. If a person forgets to switch off the pump on time then a lot of water is wasted and if the person is not available on time to switch on the pump, then they will have to face difficulty due to the unavailability of water. This IoT project focuses on this issue and eliminates the need for a person. It automatically switches on the pump when water comes, and will switch it off once the tank is filled. Many people have installed this in their houses and find it effective.
In the current scenario, science is making exceeding advancements in the field of technology. With every passing day, new inventions and systems are being developed which makes a huge impact on the lifestyle. IoT revolutionizes technology in a never imagined before fashion. The smart door is just one of the byproducts of the same. It is a combination of the traditional door system and IoT, and the results are secure and reliable. It is a simple project that prevents any unauthorized access to the area. The system requires few products for its assembly and the cost of develop it is also less. It helps in controlling breaches and establishes a secure atmosphere.
The internet is now an important part of our life and without it our life is unimaginable. IoT is now used in various sectors and since it can be monitored from anywhere, it becomes reliable. Currently, various electrical and electronic devices are operated and controlled remotely. Home automation is our first step towards the future where we don't need to physically present to control the devices. One can control them using an android application or a dedicated website.
Episodes like robberies, house invasions are normal nowadays. What is unprecedented, however, is an individuals' awareness about various frameworks like a security system, camera and buzzer frameworks and so forth. Installing all these various detectors so as to keep the house secure is additionally something that is hard to keep up. Here, we have planned a coordinated home security framework that would assist individuals with verifying their homes from such occurrences.
Electrical shocks no matter how small it can be dangerous in many ways. Electrocution from even a small household circuit can have various detrimental effects on the victim. So we can imagine the level of consequences in case of an electric shock from high power lines. The electrical maintenance workers are working in a very dangerous situation with higher voltage lines daily. If something goes wrong the result can be fatal. A better and remotely accessible circuit breaker system can be a safer option to use when it comes to working on high power lines.
Prison breaks sound like no sort of big deal for normal people like us. But in reality, it is happening around the world. The impact of these is also upon every civilian which includes all of us. Government authorities for a long time have come up with a lot of ideas to stop prisoners from breaking out. With the improvements in technology, the systems became more and more reliable. Today we will be looking at a prison break monitoring system that works with the power of IoT.
Smart building refers to the place where the system can keep a track of people and maintains a database. The building will be used to get information about the number of people, usage of resources, etc. Such type of buildings is known as Smart buildings. To run that type of building we will need a system which can track people with the help of sensors and then display the results visually. Let’s have a brief look at the smart building using IoT project.
Smart traffic lighting project is about sensing the density the traffic on roads and automatically controlling the traffic lights. The traffic lights are to be controlled using the Arduino Board. The IoT project is similar to that used in nowadays smart traffic lights; which will teach you the basics of a traffic lighting system. The project will require some kits and concepts which are as follows: -
In today’s universe, especially in India the car parking arrangement is not so well built up. Let’s get an example of the shopping malls of our nation, on peak hours or on weekends there is a vast deficit of parking slots.
Management doesn’t know whether the parking is full or not, and they keep on letting the vehicles in the basement.
Farmers normally operate on broad portions of the field to develop numerous crop varieties. It's not always easy for a single person to maintain control of the entire agricultural land all the time. Often a certain area of the land may receive more water which may lead to sludge or it may receive very little water that dries the soil. The crops may get affected in any of the situations, and farmers may suffer damage.
The primary aim of Automobile Movement Street Light project is to save energy by turning on the street lights when the system senses the traffic activity by using Arduino Uno. The mechanism turns the street light ahead of the car and also turns off the trailing lights.
The motion of automobiles is sensed through sensors. The mechanism immediately switches on the lights ahead of the identified car, and the following lights are turned off as long as the vehicle passes forward.
Remember the situation, when you’ve parked the car or imagine you are parking a car. You need to look into the mirror and then you have to park the car. You may require another person to assist. Parking the car in a position is not a challenging task, but this project makes it better. This project helps to park the car in the parking area at a proper place easier. When the vehicle crosses the parking area, the buzzer makes the sound. This signal indicates the vehicle crossed the parking area. The sound of the buzzer continues until the vehicle is parked in the range of areas selected for parking. When the car is parked in the proper area, the buzzer will stop. Ultrasonic distance sensing technology is used for this process. Thus parking of the vehicle in the parking area is ensured by Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology. Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology is used in this project for parking assistance.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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