Latest Projects Based on Management

The following projects are based on management. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using management.

1. Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

To run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a systematic manner we require a computerized management system. A computerized management system helps in storing, retrieving and modifying data more efficiently. So, in this project, you are going to address one of these kinds of a problem by developing a software for banking management system using C++ and Oracle 11g.

2. Railway Embankment Improvement Technique

Railway Embankment Improvement Technique

In this era, development of infrastructure such as roadway, bridges, various buildings etc. are increasing exponentially. Due to insufficient quantity of useful land and strength of soil, engineers improve the soil properties like bulk density, strength etc. by adopting different techniques. In areas of loose deposits, ground improvement is required to check the required performance.

3. Library Management System using SQL and C++

Library Management System using SQL and C++

A large organization uses a huge amount of data every day. Again with time the amount of data keeps on increasing. Keeping a record of those data using pen and paper is not advisable as physical data can be misplaced and difficult to retrieve. So, to run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a meaning full manner, we require a computerized management system. In this project, you will be addressing one of this kind of problem, which is the management of a library by developing an application using C++ and Oracle 11g.

4. Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water is the world’s most precious resource, yet it is also the one which is almost universally mismanaged. As a result, water shortages are becoming ever more common. Leakages, overflow of water and bursting of pipes these all most common in waste of water. So as to detect all these problems here you are going to work on the building, tank water level sensing monitoring and water pipeline leakage sensing monitoring system.

5. Mivan Formwork Technology

Mivan Formwork Technology

The increase in urban population is a challenging thing for civil engineers in the housing sector. With the help of old conventional methods, it is not possible to meet the various demands of inhabitants. New construction technologies need in the housing sector, to meet these demands at a faster pace. Mivan formwork is one of the modern technologies that comes under advanced technologies list.

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6. Use of Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Materials in Soil Stabilization

Use of Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Materials in Soil Stabilization

The increased waste in the construction industry causes a major problem for disposal operation. The waste materials from construction activities are heavy in weight and occupy more storage space. In India out of 48 million tones of solid waste generated, construction waste make up 25%. Concrete and masonry waste can be recycled by sorting, crushing and sieving into recycled aggregates. This recycled aggregates can be used to make concrete for road construction, soil stabilization, etc. The re-use of waste material is an important factor in point of sustainability.

7. Modular Buildings

Modular Buildings

The construction sector is one of the largest industry in the world. If the time required to complete a construction project is more, it will result in an increased cost.

8. Parking management in urban areas

Parking management in urban areas

Nowadays most of the cities are facing huge problems with traffic congestion. The number of cars being used nowadays has rapidly increased.

9. Floating Construction

Floating Construction

Global warming is leading to a rise in sea surface temperatures which led to an increase in sea levels. Many people live by the sea and are dependent on it for their livelihood.

10. Application of Augmented Reality in Construction

Application of Augmented Reality in Construction

There are many advanced technologies emerged in the construction industry over conventional methods. The use of these technologies is to save time and increase work efficiency.

11. Robot Swarm Construction

Robot Swarm Construction

The construction industry is different from other industries due to its large-scale projects, high investments, and other reasons.

12. 3D Printed Houses

3D Printed Houses

With more technological advancement in the architecture industry, we are able to experience more new innovations every year.

13. Effect on compressive strength of concrete with the addition of solid waste

Effect on compressive strength of concrete with the addition of solid waste

The disposal of waste materials is always been a major problem for environmental engineers. Solid waste has the most adverse effect on the environment compared to liquid waste.

14. Bamboo as a building material

Bamboo as a building material

Bamboo is one of the oldest traditional building materials used by mankind. They are the largest members of the grass family and are the fastest-growing in the world.

15. E-waste Management Project

E-waste Management Project

Electronic industry is the world’s largest and innovative industry for its kind. Every year tons of electronic items get shipped over oceans. Yet, after their usage time, they become a complex waste matter. It consists of many hazardous heavy metals, acids, toxic chemicals, and non-degradable plastics.

16. Solid Waste Management Using GIS

Solid Waste Management Using GIS

Solid waste management is one of the major problems in today's modern world. Improper planning and execution are the main causes of this problem. Also, an increase in population and urbanization increasing the solid waste load on disposal areas at a much faster pace.

17. Everything You Need To Know About U-Boot Beton technology

Everything You Need To Know About U-Boot Beton technology

The evolution in the technology has created many advantages, especially where high rise buildings of any height can be built but it requires more steel.

Thus, the demand for steel is rising and the construction cost of the structure is also not in control. To make it control a new technology called U-Boot Beton technology is used.

This emerging technology uses environmental friendly recycled polypropylene, that reduces the thickness and weight of the slab.

18. Use of Aluminium In Building Construction

Use of Aluminium In Building Construction

The Aluminium element was discovered 200 years ago. After the technological development, Aluminium alloy is being used in structural applications even in the civil engineering field. It is the 2nd highly used metal after steel, and it is been used in all sectors from commercial building to a domestic dwelling. In the UK about 40% of Aluminium is used only in the construction industry which will be equal to 150000 tonnes of Aluminium per year.

19. Geo Polymer Brick

Geo Polymer Brick

Conventional bricks are the most important construction material and used extensively throughout India. But using these bricks that are made by earth (clay) is harmful to the environment because bricks are made from clay which is good in quality and only available from agricultural fields.

20. Causes, Prevention and treatment of damp in buildings

Causes, Prevention and treatment of damp in buildings

Damp is identified as one of the agents which can easily deteriorate a structure and weaken the strength of the building. Hence the life-span of the building is not attained as per the design period. The unwanted moisture that presents in part of the structure is called Damp. The Damp may occur due to seepage of rainwater from the outside environment or due to condensation within the structure.

21. Cement Stabilized Masonry Interlocking Blocks

Cement Stabilized Masonry Interlocking Blocks

The requirements of construction materials are increasing day by day due to the continued infrastructural growth. Because of this large quantity of waste is also generated every year. Waste generated from the aluminium industries like aluminium hydroxide and many more wastes are generated from the industries while processing the raw materials.

22. Comparative analysis of multi storey building with and without soft storey for seismic actions

Comparative analysis of multi storey building with and without soft storey for seismic actions

Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.

Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.

23. Effect of shear wall on l-shaped buildings

Effect of shear wall on l-shaped buildings

Construction of buildings is usually done on flat grounds, but due to the scarcity of flat grounds buildings are constructed on sloping grounds. Sloping grounds are those which are at an inclined level from the normal ground.

24. Prediction of compressive strength of concrete by machine learning

Prediction of compressive strength of concrete by machine learning

Compressive strength is the resistance of a material to break under compression. The compression test is usually performed in a universal testing machine. This varies from tabletop to large machines. To avoid large machines, we have introduced machine learning and automation in construction.

25. Application of drones in construction

Application of drones in construction

Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.

Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.

26. Bubble Deck Slab

Bubble Deck Slab

Concrete is thee majorly used material in the construction industry and it is also evident that it is one of the materials that are in the part of emitting the CO2 into the atmosphere.

27. Project Management with MS Project

Project Management with MS Project

The aim of project management is to produce the end product that promotes some change for the profit of the organization that induced the project. Project management is the process of planning, controlling of various activities, and initiation to deliver the final product. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to create a project plan in ms project, which is one of the best project management tools widely used by the project managers.

What is Microsoft Project?

MS Project is a project management software developed by Microsoft that is designed to assist project managers in assigning resources to tasks, developing a schedule, managing the budget, tracking progress, and analyzing workloads. 

28. Project Management with Primavera

Project Management with Primavera

Project management is a practice that involves knowledge of tools, processes, skills, techniques, and deliverables to project activities thus making sure a solid path to project success along with meeting goals and requirements. In this project management tutorial, we are going to discuss how to calculate the critical path for the project using primavera P6.

What is Primavera?

Primavera is one of the leading project portfolio management software for project-concentrated industries. It is widely used by industries such as engineering, construction, aerospace, utilities, defense, public sector, IT services, oil and gas, high tech, and manufacturing. Primavera helps organizations with its international project management standards by meeting deadlines and managing budgets thus moving the organization towards its performance and success. 

29. Automated Railway Crossing

Automated Railway Crossing

In this course, you will make an automated railway crossing model to understand the real application of embedded systems. Here's how it works:
1. Sensors detect train arrival and departure and send appropriate signals to microcontroller
2. Microcontroller is programmed to operate motorized railway gates as per sensor input

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

30. Construction Project Management

Construction Project Management

In this project-based course, you will learn about scheduling, planning, budgeting, and resource management of construction projects using the Primavera software. You will also learn to determine the risks and manage them efficiently using the Primavera Risk Analysis software.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

31. CPM & BIM


In this project-based course, you will practically learn about the concepts of construction project management and BIM using Primavera & Graphisoft Archicad software.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

32. Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

This project-based course involves you to build multiple Embedded Systems projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Embedded Systems practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

33. Serverless on AWS

Serverless on AWS

Going Serverless is a way to build and run applications and services, without managing the architecture. The server management is done by AWS which gives you more time to focus on product

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

34. Mobile App development using Flutter

Mobile App development using Flutter

The world is surrounded by numerous tools to make our life easy. One of them is android applications; used for productivity, entertainment, learning, and to kill time as well. In this course, you will learn to work with Google's UI Toolkit, Flutter. Flutter is used to create amazing applications for mobile, web and desktop as well.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on management
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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