Latest Projects Based on Python

The following projects are based on python. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using python.

1. Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.

2. Smart mirror

Smart mirror

A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.

3. Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

4. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

5. Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic sensor is used as a range finder or a distance calculator, It generates sound waves and waits for the echo and depending on the timing of the echo It calculates the distance between the sensor and the object. In this project you will be using the ultrasonic sensor to find the objects coming in the range, this project is somewhat similar to the radar, so the utrasonic sensor constantly sends sound pulses and if the sound waves are received back then there is aobject in in front of the sensor. You can create a GUI to show the area of the coverage of the sensor and if there is any object infront of the sensor you can also show the position of the object.

Build projects on latest technologies

Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

6. Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring is a Project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project, you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

7. PI Phone

PI Phone

A person, if he has to communicate with someone far, will be using a telephone or a mobile phone, like if he wants to send a text message or make a call. This Pi Phone can send and can receive text messages, can make a phone call and receive a call. This Pi phone is a basic mobile phone with a touchscreen interface and has basic features like time, date and you can also keep an alarm.

8. Weight sensing automatic gate

Weight sensing automatic gate

Automation is everywhere now, from industries to home, the automation has lead to a drastic change in this world. There is Automation or Automatic Control everywhere now, from machines, the process in factories, to microwave ovens, switching in telephone, steering, and many more. In this project, you can automate your gate or door and open it whenever a person's or a vehicle's weight is detected.

9. Artistic Robotic Arm

Artistic Robotic Arm

Robotic arm is one of the biggest milestone in automation industry. It has made the process in the assembly line of cars very fast and automatic. In this project, you will develop a robotic arm that can draw and paint for you. It will be capable of converting a digital image into a canvas.

10. Videography Robotic Arm

Videography Robotic Arm

In this digital age, photography has a huge demand. In this project, you will build a robotic arm that can become your photographer. It can take snapshots and videos from a variety of angles. It will be one of the best devices for branding.

11. Flight parameters monitoring and alerting system based on CAN communication

Flight parameters monitoring and alerting system based on CAN communication

This project aims to design an automated flight parameter monitoring and alerting system based on Controller Area Network (CAN) communication. The system monitors the parameters like temperature, pressure, humidity, door status sensors. It alerts through the buzzer if anything went wrong. 

12. Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML

Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML

The ever-increasing suicide rate is alarming. Experts are trying to understand the various reasons for suicide. From college going students to CEO of MNCs, there are a lot of cases. By doing this project you will try to save some lives by detecting suicidal tendencies.

13. Smart Traffic Management System

Smart Traffic Management System

Waiting in a traffic jam has always been a bad experience for everyone. In this project, you will develop a smart traffic management system. The traffic will be controlled based on the number of vehicles waiting. The lane with a greater number of vehicles will be allowed to move first.

14. Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Are you interested in robotics and mechatronics? If you are an engineer with a passion for mechatronics, then you should invest in projects to gain more insight into your chosen field.

15. Face recognition gate

Face recognition gate

With advancements in science and technology coming at a break-neck pace, almost all fields of life have been impacted. More than ever before, there is a steep rise in the demand for smart devices, as people all over the world are switching to such intelligent devices to make their lives easier.

16. How to Predict Bigmart Sales with Machine Learning(ML)

How to Predict Bigmart Sales with Machine Learning(ML)

Bigmart is a vast supermarket chain which is located nearly at every megacity. The sales of Bigmart are very crucial, and data scientists study those patterns per product and per store to decide about the new centers. Using machine learning to predict Bigmart sales enables the data scientist to do so, as it studies the various patterns per store and per product to give accurate results.

17. Sales Forecasting Using Walmart dataset

Sales Forecasting Using Walmart dataset

The objective of the project is to build an application that could predict the sales using the Walmart dataset. This application will help in providing us with the data on future sales, and hence we can improve the sales of the company. Walmart is one of the biggest retail services in the world. With 45 stores across the world, the data associated with it is huge in number.

18. Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

There are various potential projects in healthcare that are based on machine learning algorithms. In this project, we will discuss the heart-related disease diagnosis application, which is built with the concept of data analysis and machine learning. There is a great demand for this project in the real world, also, as doctors throughout the world want to detect the disease accurately.

19. Content Aggregation Project using Python

Content Aggregation Project using Python

With time being of the essence in the twenty-first century, we see the rise of a situation wherein people want to stay on top of things but don’t have the time to do so. That is why, in the last couple of years, there has been a phenomenal rise in the number of news aggregators on the web.

20. URL Shortener

URL Shortener

Nowadays people pay a lot of attention to how things look, that is why sometimes, websites make use of a URL Shortener, to make their website’s URL more presentable. Now, there are many ways one can achieve this shortening. There are several in-built functions available, and there are even hosted websites that offer you a platform to shorten your URL.

21. Develop An Expense Tracking System using Python

Develop An Expense Tracking System using Python

Being an adult is about being able to manage your finances properly. You don’t want a situation wherein you are only half-way into your month and already out of cash. Most of us millennials have a habit of overspending if we have too much money with us. Also, with so much exposure to online media and shopping, it doesn’t surprise me that most people can’t seem to make it to the end of the month without going broke! What if I told you there’s a simple way to put your love for coding to some good use! Use your Python knowledge to create a handy expense tracker to make sure you end the month with enough money in your wallet.


22. Mp3 Player using Python

Mp3 Player using Python

Most of us don't go anywhere without our headphones because we can't imagine a long bus journey or wait without listening to music. Headphone sales and music sales have never been higher before, and this just proves how dependent we are on our music. MP3 players are hence a must-have for almost every millennial now, and hence is a great option for a field to invest time studying. Here’s a look at a simple Python program that will work as an MP3 Player.

23. Streaming Video to a web-page using Open CV

Streaming Video to a web-page using Open CV

Surveillance equipment helps prevent thefts and mishaps around the world on a large scale. Have you ever faced a situation wherein having a camera around would have made things easier? For example, if your car got stolen, and you had a camera in the walkway, you might have gotten a photo of the culprit, helping to solve the case. That is why having a camera around can be quite useful in several cases.

24. Moneyball sports analyzer using machine learning

Moneyball sports analyzer using machine learning

Our world is heavily driven by technology and one of the newest facets of technology which is getting a lot of attention is machine learning. This field of study hopes to transform simple machines into smart machines that can think and analyze problems, much like how we do! In this post, we will be looking at one of the large scale applications of machine learning which is sports analytics. So here’s a look at a Moneyball inspired Sports Analyser project that works on the principles of Machine Learning.

25. Handwriting reader using Machine Learning

Handwriting reader using Machine Learning

As technology surges ahead, some of the most important developments have been ones that help us save time, because as we know, time is money in the twenty-first century. Handwriting analysis has been trying to make a ripple within the industry for a while now, as they would make it a lot easier for people to upload documents onto the web. Such character recognition works on the principles of artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition. Computers that can analyse handwriting and recognise or detect characters will be able to convert the paper documents into machine-readable form. Here’s a look at a simple Handwriting reader project using machine learning.

26. Music Recommendation using Machine Learning

Music Recommendation using Machine Learning

There are few people alive right now who haven’t heard of Netflix and Spotify. Both these global brands have grown exponentially in the past few years, and have now become one of the most widely recognised brands of all time. One of the most significant things both of them have in common, other than being a streaming service, is that they both have amazing recommendation software. Netflix’s recommendation has built a name for itself, giving customers exactly what they want, time and time again. Seeing the popularity that such a system has, other tech giants such as Amazon and Google are also working on their own recommendations application. In this Machine Learning project, we will be taking a look at how to build such an app on our own.

27. Computer vision based rescue robot

Computer vision based rescue robot

Whenever a crisis occurs, one of the most important tasks that disaster forces have is rescuing trapped humans. This holds true especially in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcano eruptions, and also when it comes to large outbreaks of fire. Ensuring that victims are rescued is a number one priority in such cases, as being exposed to toxic fumes for too long can lead to death. So how do we develop a full-proof method to find victims in such cases? Surely, there are a lot of restrictions for humans when it comes to such adverse situations. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, we can now use autonomous vehicles and robots to go where humans can't and to rescue victims in situations that were previously impossible to us. In this article, we will be taking a look at one such project, where we will attempt to build a rescue robot using the principle of computer vision.

28. Computer vision based self-recharging robot

Computer vision based self-recharging robot

Computer vision is one of the leading technologies which is undergoing a lot of revision, and there is a lot of research happening in this field as well. It essentially gives computers, devices and other machines the ability to see and perceive images. From a pure engineering point of view, technology such as

29. Invisible Cloak using Open CV and Python

Invisible Cloak using Open CV and Python

We all have seen the famous “Harry Potter Invisible cloak” in the harry potter movie and if you are a fan of Harry Potter movies simply like me, then you must know that Harry Potter uses an invisible cloak to become invisible.

30. Simple Chat room using Python

Simple Chat room using Python

This python project is straightforward and simple to make and would consummately function as a scaled-down venture or for self-learning purposes. To begin you just to get familiar with Socket Programming and Some python concept. Here we are going to build a Simple Chat Room Server and enable different individuals to interface and speak with each other. The concept used here is socket programming and threading.

31. Cartooning an Image using Open CV

Cartooning an Image using Open CV

Cartooning a digital image sounds a very interesting, fun and easy project to work on. So as to achieve an animation picture from a digital image, we only need some bilateral filter and edge detection mechanism. These bilateral filters will assist us with reducing the color or shading palette of the image, which is an important step for the animation look, and edge detection are used to get a perfect bold silhouette.

32. Movie recommendation system based on emotion using python

Movie recommendation system based on emotion using python

It’s not always easy to pick the right movie to watch. Sometimes you're in the state of mind to see individuals begin to look all starry eyed at, or you need a motion picture to remind your connection with music, or you need to just watch characters to whom you relate or any emotion-based movie. Settling on this decision can't generally be understood by attempting to pick something dependent on genre. This is why we are going to create,  a “Movie recommendation system based on emotion”, which enables us to choose movies based on how you want their viewing experience to make them feel.

33. Develop Sign Language Translator with Python

Develop Sign Language Translator with Python

Sign languages (also known as signed languages) are languages that utilize the visual-manual methodology to pass on importance. Language is communicated through the manual sign stream in the mix with non-manual components.

34. Develop an Audio Sign Language Translator Using ML

Develop an Audio Sign Language Translator Using ML

Communication via gestures is a visual language that is utilized by hard of hearing and almost deaf individuals as their first language, it is additionally utilized by hearing people, for example, the individuals who experience difficulty with communicated in language because of an incapacity or condition individuals. To the extent a hard of hearing individual is concerned, approaching sign language communication is significant for their social, enthusiastic and semantic development. This framework is to help hearing-hindered individuals in India cooperate with others as it makes an interpretation of English text to Sign language.

35. Image classifier for identifying cat vs dogs using CNN and python

Image classifier for identifying cat vs dogs using CNN and python

We will make our very own Image Classifier which can recognize whether a given pic is a cat or dog or something different relying on your sustained info. To accomplish our objective, we will utilize one among the acclaimed AI calculations out there that are utilized for Image Classification, for instance, Convolutional Neural Network (or CNN). 

36. Folder sorter according to files extensions using Python

Folder sorter according to files extensions using Python

Many of you might have come across the situation where you want to find a file in a directory and when you open that directory, it is messed up with all kinds of files. It is really difficult to locate the required file. How nice it would be if we can have all the files with the same extension in one directory! The job of finding the file would get simpler and it would look pretty good as well.

This problem is solved by Python. Using Python os and shutil module we can easily sort the files with the same extension and store them in separate folders.

37. Batch Image editor using Python

Batch Image editor using Python

If we want to modify (resize, change file format, etc.) a single image. It is an easy job, just open a favorite image editor and do the modification. But what if you want to modify hundreds and hundreds of such images? It not only becomes time-consuming and boring also.

38. Password Generator and Manager using Python

Password Generator and Manager using Python

In today’s age every website or application we encounter, we need to sign-up with our credentials. There is no problem in filling name, email-id, contact number, and other stuff but when it comes to entering a password everyone really stuck and start to think about which password to use. Most of the people use common passwords like “abc12345” or “name@123” which are very easy to guess. There is another group of peoples who use a single password for every signup, but be aware! Because if a hacker gets that single password then you will be really in very trouble.

39. Fake NEWS detection using Data Analytics

Fake NEWS detection using Data Analytics

Do you think all the news that spread across the internet is true and realistic? Not at all. Fake news has become a serious issue in the digital world. This news spread just like wildfire, without limitations and very fast impacting the lives of millions of peoples.  So how can we deal with fake news? It is not as easy as turning to a simple fact-checker. Such news is intentionally written with some story-by-story base. Here comes Python to help us.

40. Web Scrapper (Amazon Price Tracker)

Web Scrapper (Amazon Price Tracker)

A few days ago, I had to buy the Hard disk for my computer from amazon. Its price was much higher than I can afford, so decided to wait for the sale so that I can get it at a lower price. But in the daily routine, I got so busy that even sale came and go but I could not get notified about it, especially about the product that I was willing to buy. On that day I decided to do a small web scrapper project Python so that I can get notified in my inbox when the price falls below my expected price.

41. Bird Species detection using Python

Bird Species detection using Python

Trying to identify the bird species is a challenging task and often leads to ambiguous labels. Many times professional bird watchers fail to recognize the species of a bird from the image provided. Though many bird species are having the same basic set of parts like a beak, legs, feathers, etc, they can vary much in shape and appearance. The identification of birds species is a challenging task for both humans and computers. Factors like lighting, background or variation in positions (like swimming bird, flying bird) make a larger difference in recognizing the bird species for computers.

So in this python project, we are going to apply the power of machine learning with Python to identify the bird species from images.

42. Bug tracking system java project

Bug tracking system java project

The project is aimed to find the bugs in the development of different software. The Bug tracking system will help us to find bugs and viruses in the development of any software. The software is being built with the help of the java platforms. The system will help the organization to catch any bug that lurks within the system without the knowledge of the administrator.

43. Career Information Management System using JAVA

Career Information Management System using JAVA

Career Information Management System is meant for National Engineering Corporation. The target of this project is to save time while reading the resumes of all the employees. The number of employees is quite large so, the java project facilitates the organization to save time while collecting their resumes. This JAVA project is very helpful to manage the large data of the candidates.

44. Develop An Online CV Builder using Python

Develop An Online CV Builder using Python

What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)? In simple words, I can say that it is a document that reaches to the recruiter's table before you do! It tells briefly about your work, achievements, projects, and experience. The resume is the thing that helps you to sell your skill. It helps to stand out from the crowd and brand yourself. It’s okay up to this point but building an attractive and neat resume is an art. Only a few can create an impressive resume. Not everybody is an expert in it. Others have to buy it from an online website for a much high price. What a great opportunity it is for you if can build a small resume builder website and host it for public use. It will also create a decent income for you by charging users a few bucks and showing Google ads. Taking motivation from this idea, we are going to briefly discuss the project in this article.

45. Phishing Site detection using Machine learning

Phishing Site detection using Machine learning

To start with, you have to get acquainted with "What is phishing website?”,  So various clients buy items on the web and make installments through different sites. Numerous sites request that the client give touchy information, for example, username, password or credit card or bank details, etc. often for malicious reasons. This sort of site is known as a phishing website. To distinguish and anticipate a phishing site, we proposed a savvy, adaptable and successful framework that depends on ML. We implemented some algorithms and techniques to extract the phishing data for setting the criteria to classify their legitimacy. The phishing site can be recognized dependent on some significant qualities like URL and Domain Identity, and security and encryption criteria in the last phishing location rate. With the assistance of this framework, the client can likewise buy items online decisively. The administrator can include phishing site URL or phony site URL into a framework where the framework could access and sweep the phishing site and by utilizing the calculation, it will add new suspicious watchwords to the database. The framework utilizes ML innovation to add new watchwords to the database.

46. Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA

Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA

This android project looks similar to tourist guide but it has totally various highlights, the purpose of or building up this android application is to make a timetable for the voyagers/traveler making a trip to the city and needed to explore the city by specifying the time in hours. The framework at that point insightfully dissects the poll and makes a timetable for an explorer dependent on the gave time. Above all else, the voyager/traveler needs to enroll himself by topping off the subtleties utilizing an android application. After successful registration, user can sign in now utilizing login credentials which then proceeds with a questionnaire where application ask the user about their liking and habits. Based on the questionnaire, the application astutely dissects for the spot dependent on the user indicated time. The application is sufficiently proficient to look through the spot naturally dependent on FourSquare API. The development is done in Java for Android Application for User/Traveler. This application likewise encourages you to discover puts close by you or around the globe. In the wake of looking for a spot, the guide will show the subtleties, for example, name, zone, area, telephone no. and kilometers from the present area of the user.

47. Students Performance Prediction using Machine Learning

Students Performance Prediction using Machine Learning

Student performance Prediction is a method for foreseeing an understudy's presentation dependent on his/her past marks. This additionally makes the student know whether he/she is in a situation to arrive at his/her normal or expected marks or not.  On the off chance that this model shows that he/she needs to improve then that student can get ready more for that semester with the goal that he/she can arrive at their normal score. This venture helps the students in improving their exhibition. Presently, Machine learning is one of the most developing and creating dialects nowadays and in this task, we went to utilize ML, some classification algorithms and python.

48. Online Job Portal using Python and SQL database

Online Job Portal using Python and SQL database

Online Job portal is a platform where a job-seeking employee comes to find his targeted job and apply for it if liked. Then track his job application.

The job details and description is added, updated and maintained by the employer of the company. Employer scrutinizes the job applications received, update the status of the application and then call the respective candidates for interviews.  There is another entity that plays the main role in keeping up the job portal on the internet that is portal admin. Admin is responsible for maintaining the website is well and good condition and available live for all the time. Admin also has the right to insert, update or delete the jobs.

49. Social Media Site using Python (Django)

Social Media Site using Python (Django)

Social media is the best way to connect to friends over the internet. We use social networking sites like Facebook, instagram, twitter, whatsapp and more in our daily life. What if we can build our own social site to share posts, images, videos, chat, make friends!

50. Detecting Parkinson's Disease using Machine Learning

Detecting Parkinson's Disease using Machine Learning

It is a disease which is a disorder in the nervous system. Parkinson’s disease affects the movement of the human body. In today’s world, around 1 million people are suffering from this disease. This is a disorder which produces neurodegenerative dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. The following system will detect Parkinson’s symptoms in the human body. The project will be made by a new machine learning algorithm called the XGBoost.

51. Gender and Age Detection using OpenCV

Gender and Age Detection using OpenCV

This python project enables us to determine the gender and age of the people. Computer vision will help us to study the pattern and provides the result. But the views of computer limit itself to study the high-definition characteristics of human beings. The whole project is based on object recognition, video tracking, motion estimation, and image restoration. In this python project, we will use deep learning to identify the gender and age of the person.

52. Driver Drowsiness detection using Python

Driver Drowsiness detection using Python

This is a python project which will enable us to detect the drowsiness of the driver while he/she is driving a vehicle. The driver expressions are detected and then the dataset is compared to give the desired output on a particular scale. There are a lot of drivers and they all feel lazy or sleepy some times which could lead to fatal accidents. To reduce these accidents, a system should be developed which can identify the expressions of the driver and then alert the person in advance. This could save a lot of lives. This project will be helpful in that case.

53. Chatbox Machine Learning project

Chatbox Machine Learning project

An intelligent piece of software which is capable of communicating and gives voice instructions is known as Chatbox. Making a Chatbox is not easy at all as it works on various machine learning concepts. Nowadays, Chatbox has become one of the important parts of machines as it enables a user to communicate directly to the machine. Interaction with the machine consists of voice instructions that the machine can understand. There are basically two types of Chatbox: -

54. Typing Robot

Typing Robot

To learn machine learning and artificial intelligence you need to have good skills in Computer vision and image processing. Machine learning is one of the trending technology which makes the world easy by training the machines and this machine learning blends well with robotics. For example, if you want a robot to pluck an apple from the tree, you need to train it using machine learning, give it a camera for object recognition and some training. And once you can train and make this robot it becomes easy to make a robot that will perform surgeries and more complex robotic projects.

55. Traffic recognition using python

Traffic recognition using python

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about the Traffic sign Recognition system. It is the procedure of naturally perceiving traffic signs along the street, including speed limit signs, caution signs, blend signs, and so forth. Being able to automatically recognize traffic signs empowers us to construct “smarter cars”. Traffic signs are a vital piece of our street and road infrastructure. They give basic data/info, at times convincing suggestions, for street clients, which expects them to change their driving conduct to ensure they stick to whatever street guideline at present authorized. Without such valuable signs, we would in all likelihood be confronted with more mishaps, as drivers would not be given basic input on how quickly they could securely go, or educated about street works, sharp turn, or school intersections ahead. Millions of people die on roads each year and this number would be a lot higher without our street signs. Normally, autonomous vehicles must also abide by road legislation and in this way perceive and comprehend traffic signs. And a project like this system can be pretty useful for the driver and to avoid any kind of mishappening and can have a safe and healthy drive. Generally, vision strategies were utilized to identify and order traffic signs. And I think we need this kind of implementation in this modern age.

56. Website Blocker using python

Website Blocker using python

This python project is very simple to understand & build and best for a developer for practising purposes. This kind of project will help the user to block certain distracting, unwanted websites from your PC like Gaming websites, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or any kind of website that bothers you, during your work hours or study hour, so that the user can not open them during the specific period. Rather than using other party applications to block certain websites, we can create our very own customized application which will block websites of our choice and developing a website blocker in python is not so difficult too as I mentioned earlier.

57. Chatbot Project using Python

Chatbot Project using Python


Chatbots are very useful for business associations and furthermore clients. Most of the individuals want to talk legitimately from a chatbot as opposed to calling service centres. Facebook discharged information that demonstrated the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent among individuals and organizations month to month. The HubSpot explore tells that 71% of the individuals need to get client service from informing applications. It is a fast method to get their issues understood so chatbots have a splendid future in associations.

58. Image Caption Generator

Image Caption Generator

Overview of the project

We can easily identify any image immediately after seeing it, but it is hard for the computer to do the same. Nowadays, deep learning has unveiled such difficulties and has facilitated us to build an application which can identify any image. The caption of the image is based on the huge database which will be fed to the system. This machine learning project of image caption generator is implemented with the help of python language. This project will also need the techniques of convolution neural network and recurrent neural network.

59. Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation

Overview of the project

The following project is based on identifying potential customers for a particular product. This project will be implemented using R programming language. For machine learning techniques we will use K-means clustering. The algorithm is used for the project is very essential. Segmentation is the process of dividing customers into various groups for targeted selling. This data analytics project can help sellers a lot in many ways. The sellers can know about the customer’s mentality hence increasing the market for the sellers. 

60. Speech Emotion Recognition using Python

Speech Emotion Recognition using Python

Speech is simply the most common method for communicating as people. It is just common at that point only natural then to extend out this correspondence medium to PC applications. We characterize speech emotion recognition (SER) as an assortment of systems that procedure and classify speech signals to detect the embedded emotions. In simple words, It is the act of attempting to recognize human emotion and affective states from speech. This is the system that will significantly take a shot at the way that voice frequently reflects hidden feelings through tone and pitch. SER is tough because emotions are subjective and annotating audio is challenging. By using this system, we can identify the human emotion like sad, cheerful, calm, angry, happy, fearful, regret, etc. by their speech or voice or we can say using some audio.

61. Speed Typing test with Python

Speed Typing test with Python

In this python project, you will figure out how to make a speed typing test using python. It's an extremely helpful project to keep track of your typing speed and improve it with regular practice. This mini python project is very interesting, simple and best for practice purposes. Speed Typing Test is a python based system that will check the your-typing speed in wpm (word per minute), accuracy, correct & wrong words,  most missed words, most inaccurate words, etc. This can be pretty and useful and helpful for those people who are not good at typing, they can do this test and get to know where they need to improve.

62. Gender and Age Detection using Python

Gender and Age Detection using Python

This subject sounds intriguing and basic however at a similar point, it is a somewhat tricky project. with the appearance of AI, visual comprehension has gotten progressively important to the PC vision society. Age and Gender orientation orders have been around for a long while now and ceaseless endeavours have been made to improve its outcomes. Furthermore, this has been going on since the rise of social stages, which is very good for developing and growing. This article will show how will you make Gender and age detection using python.

63. Hospital Finder

Hospital Finder

In this ever increasing era of diseases humans are dying on a regular basis due to lack of solution of how to get cured. With the expansion in the types of disease people are really becoming confused day by day where to find the best cure or which doctor to consult or which hospital to visit for the best possible result. To cure this problem the developers with the help of the coding language “Python” have coded a website for the masses to live in peace. “Hospital finder” is a boon for the suffering people. 

64. Online Rental House Web Portal

Online Rental House Web Portal

Home is a place where people can return. Home means a place of comfort, pleasure and desired atmosphere. It’s the only place where people don’t want to compromise any piece of comfort. The long breath a person takes after he/she comes back after the whole day of tiring work describes the comfort level mentioned here. But the question is how many of us can actually build a home for us like that or how many of us have the time or fund to make a roof of comforting atmosphere for us. We have become so busy in our modern world that we hardly have time to breathe so building a home with every little detail is near to impossible for us by taking out time from our daily course. Keeping that in mind and with the help of Java language, the developers have coded this website called “Online Rental House” where people can choose their home by renting.

65. Computer vision based Smart Selfie

Computer vision based Smart Selfie

Machine learning is emerging as one of the latest technology nowadays. The computer is now capable of doing things and taking decisions based on various algorithms. The project based on Selfie is quite common but one can understand the way of the working of the system based on this. The system created will be capable of taking the Selfie by only detecting the person smile. The project is made with the help of C++ language and you will learn many things such as image processing, image manipulation, etc.

66. Pharmacy management using Python

Pharmacy management using Python

India’s progress in the digital market proves to be a boon for the citizens. The digital market had linked all our daily courses. Like for example, we now can order clothes from shopping sites, or even buy grocery that also can be done online. So, keeping that in mind the developers have come into building a project called pharmacy project where like clothes medicines will be delivered to the customer. This project has been coded in python. So, it comprises of python script and its database files. It is basically a medicine management system where the user has the scope to access the medicine required by him/her and purchase it.

67. Virtual Office Management

Virtual Office Management

A Comforting environment is very needy for a person to work. This time the developers came with a JAVA project that deals with the office management system using JSP and javascript. An employee in an office requires an atmosphere where he/she can work efficiently. So, to create that kind of atmosphere by maintaining office decorum and also incorporating activities like a bulletin board, training required for staff and meeting holding responsibilities the developers introduced this system in the market. This is basically a way to increase the efficiency and productivity of the business system of the organization. This system made it all online. Every official works record are being updated and maintained by this system.

68. Computer vision based text scanner

Computer vision based text scanner

The OCR or optical character reader works in such a way that it detects the text in an image and displays it on the screen. Well, it's not that tough to build a character reader for ourselves. The text scanner works on some algorithm to portray the result. The step-by-step objectives of the project are as follows: -

69. Virtual Notebook - Python project

Virtual Notebook - Python project

Thousands of thoughts linger in our minds every minute. Even when we are travelling outside or sitting in a room there are plenty of thoughts that comes in our mind but can we remember every single one of them an hour later? So why not put those thoughts somewhere down. So moving with this creative idea in mind developers with Python programming language has developed this virtual notebook mini project where we can write our thoughts down. In our subconscious mind, we think a lot of logical things that we forget later so if we write the moment the thoughts arise that way it will be accessible. But the problem was if we had some thoughts in our mind while we were jogging or walking or travelling we could not write as we always do not carry paper and pen but we do carry our phone everywhere so in this way the virtual notebook comes in handy.

70. Cancer detection using image processing

Cancer detection using image processing

In this modern time, people are more dependent on machines than manual work. We in our daily lives we are surrounded by machines that provide us comfort or makes our work easier. Not only us even doctors used machines diagnosis and in case of surgeries. Machinery work has become an important part of our lives. Even in work, multiple manual works is being done by a machine. Even the scientist have developed a lot of machines for scanning the human body so that diseases can be treated in a more appropriate manner. As in the medical field, cancer is considered as the ultimate threat so prevention of it is a prime effort for all the people. So, python has created a platform which helps to detect cancer of a person. This project has been created keeping in mind that the early one can detect the most chances he/she has for the cure.

71. Develop A Sixth Sense Robot With Arduino

Develop A Sixth Sense Robot With Arduino

Robots are the topic of innovation and experimentation, which is evolving day by day. Robots with special features have been contributing to human society a lot. Everyday improvement in the field of technology leads to the birth of smart robots which can act like humans. Similar is the sixth sense robot as it can understand real-world situations and act accordingly. It can identify the hand gestures from us and can interact with us.

72. AI-based Voice Assistant

AI-based Voice Assistant

Voice assistants come to some degree, in small modules and can play out an assortment of activities subsequent to hearing your command. They can turn on lights, answer questions, play music, put in online requests and do a wide range of AI-based stuff.

73. Spam SMS detection system

Spam SMS detection system

The popularity of cell phones has heightened in the recent decades prompting another territory for junk advancements from disreputable advertisers. Individuals guiltlessly give out their cell phone numbers every day and are then subsequently overflowed with spam messages.

74. Find My Professor

Find My Professor

If you are a student presently studying at any level, you must take in many doubts while reading or working out any problem, and in the campus, you don’t cognize where the particular subject professor is at the minute. If you have where’s my professor then it would get softer for you to see him/her at that instant or you can even request for a meeting. This finds my professor – python project will allow the user to select the professor and request him/her for a meeting for any query and will be granted admittance to the professor’s time table.  The faculty will be granted admittance to the requests and to bear them or eliminate them. The professor will be asked to update his/her timetable if any modifications. Both the sides will be notified for their requests.

75. Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi

Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi

In today’s universe, especially in India the car parking arrangement is not so well built up. Let’s get an example of the shopping malls of our nation, on peak hours or on weekends there is a vast deficit of parking slots.

Management doesn’t know whether the parking is full or not, and they keep on letting the vehicles in the basement.

76. Movie Ticket Booking system using python

Movie Ticket Booking system using python

The basic role of making the online cinema ticket booking system is to make a programmed online-based system which will provide a simple and exchange approach to book a ticket for a film. The client should enter the data identified with the film after which the system will provide choices to book the ticket. Right now Ticket Booking System, the staff of the cinema hall won't need to do anything for the ticket booking as the procedure will be finished by the client through the web which will decrease the measure of staff required in the booking counter.

77. How to Develop a TIC TAC TOE game using Python

How to Develop a TIC TAC TOE game using Python

As we all know about TIC TAC TOE game is a very famous game for many years. In past years, it can only be played with pen and paper by using cross and zero. Nowadays, as our technology is enhancing it has changed its place from paper to technical gadgets. After successful implementation in programming language C now we are going to implement the TIC TAC TOE game using python. In this python project, we are going to develop an interactive game where two players will be able to play against each other in suitable GUI by using a keyboard and mouse in their PCs.

78. Wi-Fi Controlled Robot

Wi-Fi Controlled Robot


In this wireless project, we are going to make a straightforward Robot (robotic vehicle) that can be controlled over Wi-Fi Network, for example, the user contributions for the course of the development of the Robot are provided through the Wi-Fi (with the assistance of a basic HTML Page).

79. Admission tracking system

Admission tracking system

Project description

Education is essential for the development of intellect and knowledge of a person as well as for the growth of the economy of a nation. An enhancement in the teaching sector has directly resulted in advancement in the saving of a country, as it raises the skill-set of the workforce which can get fuller usage of the available technology. Nevertheless, to the utter dismay, currently, the Indian education system faces a number of setbacks, the main one being lack of standardization in both school and university/college level.

80. Develop A Movie Ticket Pricing System Using Machine Learning

Develop A Movie Ticket Pricing System Using Machine Learning

We live in an era of personalization, as the days evolve nothing remains static. Through Machine Learning and Data Science nowadays it is possible to suggest, create a product according to the user’s choice and preferences. Personalization, that is recommendations are somewhat static-like Spotify or Netflix uses these algorithms to recommend users what they want to see or listen based on their previously played playlist.

There are further optimizations we can do using data science is to offer more personalized services, such as dynamic pricing used for Movie ticket booking.

81. Object detection using Machine Learning

Object detection using Machine Learning

Object detection is associated with computer vision and describes a system that can identify the presence of any desired body or object in an image. The output of an object detection process is an image bounded with boxes around the object we want to detect and describe the name of the object. This is one of the most powerful machine learning algorithms.

Autonomous driving cars have an embedded system that can perform object detection in real-time. For instance, when the autonomous car’s system detects a human-shaped body crossing the road the car stops several feet before coming in contact with the human body.

82. Coronavirus outbreak prediction project using Machine Learning

Coronavirus outbreak prediction project using Machine Learning

Machine learning is a technique that teaches the computer to perform the actions done by humans or animals (basically learning from experience). Using machine learning you can able to analyse large amounts of data with almost accurate results.

In this machine learning project, you will get an idea about how to use machine learning to predict the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. You can also use the same method to predict other epidemic diseases like malaria, dengue, swine flu, SARS, etc. Recently coronavirus has created a huge impact worldwide by infecting lakhs of people and killing thousands.

83. Assignment submission system using Python

Assignment submission system using Python

When it comes to submission’s we often tend to be late, or become lazy to do the assignments, practical’s and submit them late, or find it hard to submit it on paper. Let’s build a submission portal which helps students to submit their practical and assignments online easily. And the faculty can upload documents on the portal for students’ reference. The students can upload and download documents as well as the faculty. And students will then graded for their work on the portal itself.

84. Smart feedback system using Python

Smart feedback system using Python

Nowadays many companies, schools, colleges etc. take surveys regarding feedback of their particular products. It becomes hard for them to take it on paper, and plus it encourages to wastage of paper and affects the environment.

So, let’s build up a smart feedback system, where a particular company, school or college can register itself and create feedbacks for their products, teachers and working system. And allow their employees, students and parents to give them feedback.

85. Breast Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning

Breast Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning

Nowadays Machine Learning is used in different domains. From recommending movies to detecting any disease, machine learning is the most talked thing in today's world of technology. Breast Cancer is one of the most common diseases among women. Early diagnosis of such cases can reduce the risk and increases the chance of survival. Diagnosis of the right time can prevent patients from undergoing unnecessary treatments and operations.

86. Data collection tool using Python

Data collection tool using Python

When we have a website, we have a certain requirement of data collection, normally we do it using a database, but here we are using python to create the data collection tool. In today’s world, the data analysts use such tools made using python and machine learning to collect data, scrap it and analyze it. It is not a major project, you can use it as a mini project. We are creating a data collection tool for collecting data from a simple form used for local use.

87. Language translator and converter using Python

Language translator and converter using Python

There are many languages around the globe, but the majority of content we see is in the English language online as well as offline. English is the official language of only seven countries comprising little more than five per cent of the globe’s population. Many corporate people want to talk or communicate in their native language and use the English language as their second language. By using machine translation with the help of python anyone could easily translate the content in one language to another language in real-time. If they own their smartphone they can be familiar with one more facility that they use on a daily basis that is Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. They all are using speech to text models, it saves a ton of time of typing an important document. In this project, we will also discuss this technology using Python.

88. Automatic Brand LOGO detection using Python

Automatic Brand LOGO detection using Python

Signature and Brand logo act as a significant content for numerous documents specially for scanned documents. Brand recognition in pictures and videos is the key drawback in an exceedingly very large choice of applications, like infringement detection, discourse advertises placement, vehicle brand for intelligent traffic-control systems, machine-controlled computation of brand-related statistics on social media, etc. Historically, Brand logo recognition has been self-addressed with key point-based detectors and descriptors. This technique for brand recognition uses deep learning. Our recognition pipeline consists of a brand region proposal followed by a framework of Python known as PyTorch specifically trained for brand classification, whether or not they are exactly localized.

89. House Price Prediction using Machine Learning and Python

House Price Prediction using Machine Learning and Python

Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence which is used to analyse the data more smartly. It automates the process using certain algorithms to minimize human intervention in the process.

In this machine learning project, we are going to predict the house price using python. This project will help the sellers and buyers to have an overview of the situation so that they can act accordingly.

90. Brain Tumour Detection using Deep Learning

Brain Tumour Detection using Deep Learning

In this machine learning project, we will use deep learning method to detect the brain tumours with the help of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) images of the brain.

Brain tumours are two types: malignant and benign. Most of the disease will reach the critical stage if not detected earlier. Timely detection of the disease will help a lot in the treatment process.

The major cause of brain tumours is because of the abnormal growth and uncontrolled cell division in the brain. Pituitary, meningioma and Glioma are some of the common types of tumours.

91. Rock, paper, scissor game using python

Rock, paper, scissor game using python

Python is a multi-purpose language which can be used to do anything. You can also develop games using python. In this python project, we are going to develop a Rock, paper, scissor game using python. Rock, paper, scissor is a game which is played between two individuals. Here you are going to develop a game where your opponent is the computer. We are not going to use any external library to develop this game.

92. Youtube video downloader with Tkinter UI python project

Youtube video downloader with Tkinter UI python project

Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language which is used for various applications. Using python you can make a web application, desktop application, Games, etc. In this python project, we will discuss how to download youtube videos using python and also we will create a nice UI using the Tkinter library.

Youtube is a widely used video-sharing platform downloading a video from youtube is a hectic task. To download a video you need to copy and paste the link to another site or you need to install an extension which will display unwanted ads. To avoid all the headaches and also to develop your programming skill I will show you how to download a youtube video.

93. Instagram bot using python

Instagram bot using python

Who doesn’t want to increase their Instagram followers? Ever worried for not getting more likes or followers for your Insta page. Forget about it. In this python project, we will develop an Instabot which will boost the followers and likes for your Instagram page or post.

There are so many people who earn money via Instagrams posts and pages. Also, there are some companies such as Kicksta, SocialCaptain, Instavast, etc. who will work to promote one’s Instagram page or post by reaching more audiences. The above-mentioned companies do this by automating the tasks in return people pay them a lot.

So, how we can increase the followers? Basically to increase the number of followers you need to share posts, post new videos/photos, comment on other people’s post and like other’s post. You need to do all these things more often to gain more followers.

94. Desktop notifier app using python

Desktop notifier app using python

Notifications help people to remember things. It is a small piece of text which appears on the desktop or mobile screen to inform the user about the updates or any other important pieces of information. This allows the user to focus on important things and ignore the non-important ones. The notifications are stored in the notification bar which you can refer after finishing your works. In this python project, you will learn to develop an application which will notify the user.

We will include the URL in the program from where the necessary information should be fetched. Before starting the project ensure you have installed the newest version of Python and install the libraries - notify2 and BeautifulSoup.

95. Learn How to Crack a Password With Python Programming

Learn How to Crack a Password With Python Programming

In recent years ethical hacking has gained huge popularity because of its wide applications. It is used by many organizations to prevent their site from hackers. Before discussing ethical hacking first you need to understand what is hacking.

Hacking is the process of performing malicious activities in a device by gaining unauthorized access using the vulnerabilities found in the system. The malicious activities such as deleting a system file or stealing sensitive information. Mostly hacking is performed illegally without taking permission from the user.

Now, will discuss what is ethical hacking. It is the process of finding the vulnerabilities in a system or device by performing various attacks to resolve those vulnerabilities. Ethical hacking is legal and it is performed after taking permission from the user.

In this ethical hacking project, we are going to use python to create a password cracker which uses a dictionary attack to crack passwords.

Passwords are always hashed before storing in the database and the hash is compared for verification purpose.

96. Spotify song downloader using python

Spotify song downloader using python

Everyone in the world loves to listen to songs. Spotify is an online music streaming application through which you can able to listen to almost all the songs. But here the drawback is when the song plays online it will buffer while playing. Also, most of us want the songs to play in offline mode.

But it is a difficult task to download the songs by searching manually, wherein Spotify you can create a playlist and save all your songs so that you can listen to it wherever you want. Also, Spotify will not allow you to download the songs. What if I say you can able to download the songs from Spotify with the help of python.

Yes, using python you can download the songs from Spotify. This python project will teach you how to download songs from Spotify using python.

97. Who is a good dog (Data Analysis project)

Who is a good dog (Data Analysis project)


We've prepared AI frameworks to distinguish objects, explore roads and perceive outward appearances, yet as troublesome as they might be. They don't contact the degree of refinement required to reenact, for instance, a dog. Indeed, this undertaking intends to do only that — in a restricted manner. By watching the conduct of A Very Good Girl, this AI took in the basics of the proper behaviour like a dog. 

98. Sports predictor using Machine Learning

Sports predictor using Machine Learning

AI (ML) is one of the clever techniques that have demonstrated promising outcomes in the spaces of order and forecast. One of the growing territories requiring great prescient precision is sports expectation. Because of the enormous money related sums engaged with wagering. What's more, club supervisors and proprietors are making progress toward characterization models. With the goal that they can comprehend and figure techniques expected to win matches. These models depend on various variables associated with the games. The aftereffects of chronicled matches, player execution pointers, and restriction data

99. Handwritten document recognition system using machine learning

Handwritten document recognition system using machine learning


Neural networks are utilized as a strategy for deep learning, one of the many subfields of artificial knowledge. They have first proposed around 70 years back as a try at reproducing the manner in which the human brain works, yet in a more streamlined structure. Singular 'neurons' are connected in layers, with weights allocated to decide how the neuron reacts when signals are spread through the network.

100. Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project

Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project

HR managers in big companies are facing difficulties in hiring the right candidate for a particular job profile due to the high volume of applications. Also, the hiring process takes lots of time and workforce. Data mining techniques can be used in the hiring process to overcome this problem. In this data mining project, you will learn to build a model that will help the Human resource department to shortlist the right candidate for a particular job position.

This model will predict the personality of the candidate based on the details provided in the resume/CV. Personality prediction system selects the best candidate by ranking the CV based on the candidate’s experience, skillset, qualification, and other important aspects that are required for the job position. 

Basically, the personality prediction system extracts the unstructured data from resumes and transforms it into a structured format. And ranks the resumes based on the job description provided by the company comparing with the extracted information.

101. Creating a website using WordPress

Creating a website using WordPress

We all surf the internet day and night on our PC’s and mobile phones. We come across a lot of websites and we also think of owning or making one for ourselves. If creating a basic website has always been your dream but you are not a coder then my friend let me tell you creating it does not require coding. This web development project gives you a simple guide of how you can create a basic but cool website for yourselves within hours. 

Creating a website will always require a domain name, and hosting. The domain name, also known as URL is the name of your website. Hosting means the web server will allow you or allocate you the space to hold your storage. Both things will cost you something when you will buy it but then as it is said, “It is all worth it in the end!”. 

102. Jarvis Personal assistant using Python

Jarvis Personal assistant using Python

We are all admirers of the Marvel series and especially Tony Stark’s assistant J.A.R.V.I.S. The full form of J.A.R.V.I.S. i.e. “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System” is also very appropriate and fit for all he does for Tony. We have all dreamt of having one JARVIS for our whole lives. So, why not start by building one elementary JARVIS ourselves. Though the real JARVIS is built with AI technologies, here in this python project we will simply code it with some basic knowledge and skills of Python.

Let me tell you about all the features our JARVIS will possess. It will wish you according to the time and it will hear your basic commands such as searching or opening a window on the web browser, for example, YouTube, Google, Reddit, etc. You can also code it in a way enabling it to send emails for you. 

103. Sound processing python project

Sound processing python project

Sound is nothing but a vibration in a medium that is propagating in a form of wave. We all know this very obvious definition of sound, right? We know music applications and software which visualize the music or audio or sound and display it on the screens in real-time which is wow! The basic need for visualizing the audio is for analyzing purposes. I know it is too fascinating to look at what audio looks like. 

As fascinating it is to look at the visualization, believe me, it is even more fascinating to code a program to visualize audio. Python has made our lives easier by reducing coding efforts with libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and also Sci-Py. Hence, visualizing audio is not much a task for a regular coder who has some knowledge about python and its libraries. 

104. Develop a Supermarket Billing System with Python

Develop a Supermarket Billing System with Python

You will agree with me when I say that we encounter various software in our daily lives and know the importance of it. Some things would just have been a mess if a particular software had not appeared there to help. But, the software's no miracle. It is all about summing up all the mess and solving it at one-all place at once. So, similar software is a supermarket billing system which reduces so many manual calculations while billing all the items you buy from a supermarket. 

This python project will guide you through the whole drill of creating a super easy-peasy supermarket billing system. You do not need to be a pro coder for it. Just some simple logic and a bit of knowledge of python would do. 

105. ToDo Web app using Django

ToDo Web app using Django

In this python tutorial, we are going to use a powerful python web framework and are going to design the ToDo web application from scratch. Python is a high-level general-purpose language that is used for various purposes like web development, game development, machine learning, data science, etc. Websites like Quora, Google, Dropbox, Youtube, etc are developed using the Python programming language. By developing this Django project, you will understand the MVC framework (Model View Controller) which is used in most of the web development projects. You will also develop hands-on experience on Django, a popular Python web development framework. 

106. Disease Prediction using water quality dataset (ML)

Disease Prediction using water quality dataset (ML)

There are several Machine Learning projects currently available. As it is a leading technology, there are many project ideas based on this field. It will be helpful for engineering students to complete their final year project. Disease prediction from water quality using machine learning is one of the best project ideas. Skyfi Labs will help you with the basic steps of implementing this project. 

107. Build a Cryptocurrency from Scratch - Blockchain project

Build a Cryptocurrency from Scratch - Blockchain project

Cryptocurrency has become a hot topic these days, which was once an academic concept and is now adopted in various industries. In this blockchain project, we will learn to develop a cryptocurrency from scratch. So just assume that you are going to launch a startup or business and you want to adapt your business to the new world by creating your own cryptocurrency. This blockchain tutorial explains all the concepts such as What is blockchain, what a cryptocurrency is, and how to make your own cryptocurrency.

108. Student Result Prediction using Data Mining

Student Result Prediction using Data Mining


This article gives guidelines for the project with WEKA software. As we all know data mining is very popular for analysis and modeling, so the article is for student result prediction using data mining. You will definitely learn about What is WEKA software about and How to use it for analysis and prediction. It is very easy to predict the result using WEKA. You can learn new technologies with Skyfi Labs. We provide the best courses for improvement.

109. Comment Analysis using NLP

Comment Analysis using NLP

Seen Jarvis of Iron Man and wanted your own AI, so exploring the world of ML and AI. Well, it is not that in a project you could reach there but when your own computer reaches the capacity to tell about how the message is good or bad about just a statement then you are a step further to it. May be someday this would help to bring Jarvis to you.

This is the Project you should do to practice in Natural Language Processing to move ahead from basic ML libraries like pandas and NumPy to reach a place of Data Scientist.

110. Cancer Prediction using Data Mining technique

Cancer Prediction using Data Mining technique


Today, Data Mining becomes highly important among the health care areas along with industrial areas. Mostly data mining is helpful to predict the result by analyzing the data. Collecting data, computing data, analyzing data are an indivisible area of business methodology. As we all know data mining is very popular for analysis and modeling, so the article is for Cancer prediction using data mining. The article focuses on the back end technologies for project implementation. If you are interested in this domain then go through the article. Skyfi Labs helps you to learn more technologies and boost your career.

111. Restaurant Recommendation System Depend on the frame of mind

Restaurant Recommendation System Depend on the frame of mind


So here is another project idea on data mining or data analysistechnology. It will definitely help to improve your knowledge in data mining field. It analyses the data and uses it to find a similar pattern for prediction and recommendation. So in this article, we will introduce the Restaurant Recommendation System depend on the frame of mind. Data mining system learns from examples of the data that how to partition or classify the data. It helps to discover hidden patterns and insights. If you are interested then Skyfi Labs provides you data mining course too. Check our website for more information.

Project Description

So this article is all about the Restaurant Recommendation System depend on the frame of mind. We will see the basic guidelines for the implementation of the project. The article is helpful for second-year students as their minor academic project. The project focuses on different kinds of mood-wise restaurant recommendations. For example, if the person is happy then he/she will prefer junk food like pizza, burger, etc. If the mood is angry or sad then the person will prefer sweet any more. The article gives back end implementation guidelines for the project.

112. NEWS Recommendation system - Data mining project

NEWS Recommendation system - Data mining project

As we see in the technical field, data mining refers to a broadway of software tools and mathematical modeling techniques that are used to find patterns in data and use this information to model building. It describes the collection of analytical techniques that helps to build a recommendation model. Data mining processes are highly used for the building of machine learning models which include website recommendation programs and search engine technology. There are a few techniques in data mining as follows: Predictive Modeling, Descriptive Modeling, Pattern Mining, and Anomaly Detection. These are used for various purposes and the building of the different kinds of models. So today we are discussing the News Recommendation System. If you want to know more then read the whole project idea on Skyfi Labs.

113. Data Analysis of Cab services

Data Analysis of Cab services

You need to analyze something to get the work done properly or to make improvements in your life. Data analysis is exactly like that. Data Analysis is generally used to extract information and use it for decision making for better performance. Some logical and analytical facts are taken into consideration from the information gained from data. In this article, we are discussing the data analysis of cabs trips. It will be helpful for beginners. If you are interested in technologies the Skyfi Labs will help you to improve your knowledge.

114. Personality Prediction Project With ML and Python

Personality Prediction Project With ML and Python

Human beings tend to learn from previous experiences. The same thing is done nowadays digitally, and the technology is known as Machine Learning. Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence or in short AI, the hot cake of today’s technology. Using Machine Learning we can do a lot of stuff, for instance, predicting Bitcoin prices, movie ticket price prediction or people you may know the section on Facebook. Even ML Is used in medical science also. Nowadays, researchers are also able to predict personality using Machine Learning.

115. Design An Online Grocery Recommendation System with ML

Design An Online Grocery Recommendation System with ML

Everyone wants their life to be easier with automatic recommendations with customization. Isn’t it cool whenever you purchase your monthly grocery you get recommendations based on what you have saved in your cart? Of course, yes. Here Machine Learning comes into play. Whether it is your favourite music app recommendation what you would like to play next to Netflix or Amazon what you want to see next, Machine Learning works like magic in these cases.

116. Lane Detection using Machine Learning

Lane Detection using Machine Learning

Machine Learning is everywhere. Nowadays, automatic driving cars are into action and being used by lots of people. These automatic driving cars need something that can detect lanes or even moving objects. Here Machine Learning comes into action. Machine learning is used in medical science too. In this case, we will be using deep learning to detect lanes.

117. Text mining - Data mining project

Text mining - Data mining project


Text Mining as known as text analysis is a technology which helps to convert unstructured textual data to structured textual data. It is a part of data mining which is also known as Text Data Mining. We can explain it by an example of our emails. Some mails automatically get into spam. These are detected as unwanted mails which are there in your inbox. So if you want to see the practical approach of text mining the continue this article to the end. Skyfi Labs helps students to learn more technologies by providing many courses and technical articles.

118. Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning

As we all know, Machine Learning is ruling the world nowadays. You name it to predict, Machine Learning is there for your predictions. Whether it is Breast Cancer predictions or online grocery recommendation Machine Learning is everywhere and is used by many small to big-sized companies. However, the predictions are not 100% accurate. Depending on which algorithms you have applied, the accuracy varies. Bitcoin Price prediction using Machine Learning can be 67-70% accurate.


The objective of this machine learning project is to predict the price of Bitcoins. After the popularity of Bitcoins, it is classified as assets.

119. Hopping Robot Simulation using ROS

Hopping Robot Simulation using ROS


For the development of robots in the computer required many tools like simulation tools, third party tools with s/w drivers. ROS framework helps you by binding all these necessities in a single package. ROS is an abbreviation of Robot Operating System which is used by many organizations for robotic simulations and automation. It is a meta operating system which is an open-source and its main highlight of the framework. Robot Operating System can also be installed on the microprocessors like Raspberry pi. You can code and use the required tools for your project work. In this ROS robotics project, we will look at the overview of the robotic simulation using ROS. Skyfi Labs will help you to learn more technologies in the competition.

120. How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

As the usage of drones is expanding day by day the misuse and accidents are also increasing because of drones. Before testing a drone in real-time simulating it on a simulator will decrease the wastage of time and money. By doing this, the occurrence of accidents due to the malfunction in hardware or software of drones can also be avoided. In this ROS tutorial, we are going to simulate a drone in FlytSim simulator which is a ROS-Gazebo based setup. 

FlytSim is a 3D simulator for Drone applications. This simulator helps developers to test their applications at the convenience of their laptop/desktop. With the SITL simulation environment, the developed application can be tested without the drone hardware. During the simulation, autopilot uses the same algorithm on FC to make the behaviour close to real-time. 

121. Desktop voice assistant project

Desktop voice assistant project


We all know about Google Assistant and Cortana desktop, they recognize the voice and perform an action according to our commands. Actually it is a part of the smart home concept. Just you have to give a voice command and the system will help you to act on it. So if you want to develop such a system then this article is for you. Skyfi Labs will give you a brief overview of the project.

122. IoT using Raspberry Pi

IoT using Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

123. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

124. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

Computer Vision - Text Scanner

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based text scanner that can scan any text from an image using the optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

125. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

126. Raspberry Pi Robot

Raspberry Pi Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and can be controlled in real-time with your laptop. You will use Python programming to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

127. Computer Vision Based Mouse

Computer Vision Based Mouse

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based mouse to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. Using this project, you can carry out all the functionalities of a mouse by just showing corresponding colors in the webcam.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

128. Sixth Sense Robot

Sixth Sense Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Arduino as a microcontroller and can be controlled using image processing algorithms. You will use object tracking algorithm and colored object recognition algorithm to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

129. Machine Learning using Python

Machine Learning using Python

In this project-based course, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a new house price prediction project using Python language.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

130. Surveillance Camera using IoT

Surveillance Camera using IoT

In this project, you will use Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized computer, as the brain and program it to transmit the video captured over the internet as live footage to your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

131. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

In this project, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a credit card fraud detection project using Python language.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

132. Movie Recommendation using ML

Movie Recommendation using ML

In this project-based course, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a machine learning model to recommend movie titles using Python language.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

133. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML

Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML

In this project-based course, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a machine learning model to recognize handwritten digits using MNIST data. This project will be your first application towards, using machine learning in computer vision.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

134. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

135. 2 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

2 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

In this course, you will use Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized computer, as the brain and build 2 different projects based on computer vision technology.
You will develop the following projects, Surveillance camera using IoT and Surveillance robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

136. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)

Machine Learning (Career Building Course)

This career-building course involves you to build multiple projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Machine Learning concepts practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

137. Robotics (Career Building Course)

Robotics (Career Building Course)

In this course, you will practically learn the concepts of Robotics from basics to advanced by building projects and develop the skills needed for an exciting career in Robotics. The course helps you to develop enough experience to apply for jobs or higher studies in Robotics with confidence.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

138. Computer Vision (Career Building Course)

Computer Vision (Career Building Course)

This project-based course involves you to build multiple Computer Vision projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Computer Vision practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

139. Machine Learning using Python

Machine Learning using Python

In this project-based course, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a new house price prediction project using Python language.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

140. Digital Signal Processing using Python

Digital Signal Processing using Python

In this course, you will understand the concepts of Digital Signal Processing by building projects
You will learn about various signal manipulation algorithms and build them in python, and as you move further in the course you will learn to work with fourier transforms and build various filters to enhance your knowledge in DSP.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

141. Android App development using Android Studio

Android App development using Android Studio

As most companies and products are going mobile first, the demand for android app developers is very high. This is only expected to increase as more advanced mobile phones come into the market and as people spend more and more time on mobiles. So learning how to build Android apps will keep you in a very good position from career perspective.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

142. Web Development with PHP and MySQL

Web Development with PHP and MySQL

Since the E-Commerce business has boomed, the need for websites has increased and clients are emphasizing more on web development and design. So learning web development is definitely a skill to have under the belt.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

143. Front End Web Development with React JS

Front End Web Development with React JS

The best part of Frontend development is you don't have to worry that it's going extinct any time soon, Since its a booming era for web page development. Also when it comes to numbers the market is expected to grow by 27% by 2025. So, start developing the required skills to become a front end developer.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

144. Back End Web Development with Node JS

Back End Web Development with Node JS

Back-end Developers are usually responsible for server-side web application logic as well as the integration of the front-end part. backend developers deal with databases and make sure everything works well behind the scenes. So, learning a tech that is the backbone of webpage development will help you place yourself well in the coming future.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

145. Python for Engineers

Python for Engineers

Python is the programming language favored by most programmers because of its easy approach and simplicity. It has become the most loved programming language as well since a developer can build a lot of applications using Python - desktop applications, web development, game development, web scraping, machine learning, data science and analytics, embedded programming etc. are all possible with Python. This course takes you from the basics of python to advanced level so that you can explore and build a great career with the help of this powerful tool.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

146. Python for Game Development

Python for Game Development

Python is the programming language favored by most programmers because of its easy approach and simplicity. It has become the most loved programming language as well since a developer can build a lot of applications using Python - desktop applications, web development, game development, web scraping, machine learning, data science and analytics, embedded programming etc. are all possible with Python. Many popular games like Civilization IV, Battlefield II are built using Python. This course takes you from the basics of game development and helps you to build your favorite games using Python.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

147. Python for Web Development

Python for Web Development

Python is the programming language favored by most programmers because of its easy approach and simplicity. It has become the most loved programming language as well since a developer can build a lot of applications using Python - desktop applications, web development, game development, web scraping, machine learning, data science and analytics, embedded programming etc. are all possible with Python A large number of popular website like Instagram, Quora, Youtube, Google and Dropbox are build using Python. A large number of companies are building their website using Python and so the employment opportunities are good for python web developers. This course takes you from the basics of web development and teaches you how to build amazing websites using Python and Django MVC framework.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-24

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