Latest Projects Based on Servo Motor

The following projects are based on servo motor. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using servo motor.

1. GSM Controlled Level Crossing

GSM Controlled Level Crossing

In India, Railways is one of the biggest networks which is making traveling a lot easier. Generally, we have Level Crossings where roads meet railway tracks. Usually, we have one authorized person who is operating the level crossing manually whenever a train is crossing. But, Across India, there are many Railway crossing without proper level crossings. Through this project, you are going to build a unique system where you can open or close the Level Crossing just with an SMS.

2. GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

Today the most important aspect all of concerned very much is Security Systems. Consider Home security. Generally, we have door locks. Imagine that you had locked your house and went outside. Suppose you had lost your key, What will you do? Obviously, we need to break the look or order new key. Both will take certain and money. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Security system where you can open/close the lock with your mobile.

3. Automatic Door Opening and Closing System

Automatic Door Opening and Closing System

In Today’s World, Automation is one of the trending and emerging technologies these days. Every time when you enter a room, you need to push the door to open the door. Imagine there is a door which opens as soon as you come close to the door.

4. Automatic Windshield Wiper

Automatic Windshield Wiper

In Today’s busy life, all of us need to complete our works quickly. Now let's say you are driving your car to reach somewhere and suddenly it started raining. What will you do?? Immediately you will switch on the Wipers on the windshield. Now Imagine there is a car where as soon as the rain started, your cars wipers started wiping the windshield without your intervention (switching on the wipers). Isn't sounds good? Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Windshield Wiper for your automobile.

5. DTMF Controlled Security systems

DTMF Controlled Security systems

Today, the most aspiring and interesting research is happening in the field of advancements in Security systems. Right now we have the door lock based on the keyboard (by pressing the password door will be opened), Door lock based on SMS (by sending an SMS, the door will be opened), door lock based on fingerprint (when you scan a proper fingerprint, then only the door will be unlocked) etc.

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6. Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

As there is rapid development in the industries, manual operations for the repeated works has been replaced completely by automation through Robotic Arms. The introduction of these Robotic Arm is a major change which entirely changed the look of an industry. Generally, these Robotic Arm will be pre-programmed for the tasks to which they are going to assign. Now Imagine there is a robotic arm which can be controlled by the wrist (whenever you move your fingers, accordingly the Robotic arm will move). Isn’t it great?? Definitely. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Robotic Arm which can be controlled by your own wrist.

7. Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik’s cube is a puzzle which everybody cannot solve easily, a person needs to calculate and then twist the cube to match the colors of each side. How exciting would it be if a robot can solve a Rubik’s cube? If a person is solving a Rubik’s cube, then he checks the pattern of all the sides in the cube and calculates what should be the movement of the cube to match the colors of each side. This Rubik’s cube solver robot does the same.

8. Energy Glider

Energy Glider

Glider is nothing but a type of Aircraft which can fly up to a certain amount of time depending on the design and the area of lifting surface. They might have an engine for altitude gliding which can be turned off after critical lift generation. There are wide varieties differing in the construction of their wings, aerodynamic efficiency, location of the pilot, controls and intended purpose. Some basic lightweight materials like wood, plastic, and other polymer foams are generally used for manufacturing gliders.

9. Internet controlled Pet feeding system

Internet controlled Pet feeding system

Pets are the closest friends to the humans and we do love to take care of our pets, there is always a problem we face when we leave our house for a day or couple. We have to keep our pet either on someone’s place or we ask someone to take care and look after them especially for the food. Hence we rely on someone to take care of your own pet.

10. Design and fabrication RC speedboat

Design and fabrication RC speedboat

The three main medium of transports are Land, Air and Water where this project is mainly focused on design parameter and fabricating the RC controlled Speedboat. As we know speedboats are the fastesr way to travel on water as they sail at comparatively higher speed than the conventional boats and ships. Hence the designing of boats plays an important role where the fluid dynamics is the major area to focus and optimize the design for less hydro-static drags.

11. Bluetooth Controlled Walking Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Walking Robot

If we are talking about short range wireless technology, the topic under discussion will be about Bluetooth Communication. Through this project you are going to build Walking Robot which Can be controlled by Bluetooth in your Smart phone.

12. Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Robotics is one of the trending topics today. There are many ways in which we can control the robot. One of the top technology of controlling Robot is using Human Gestures. Through this project you are going to create Walking Robot which can be controlled using your own Hand Gestures.

13. Maze Solver Walking Robot

Maze Solver Walking Robot

In our Childhood, we used to solve Mazes in the books and News Papers. It is very interesting right?? Imagine there is a robot which can solve any kind of maze by itself. Through this project you are going to create unique Walking Robot which can solve any kind of maze on its own.

14. Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Today one of the common thing for all of us is Mobile or Smart Phone. Imagine there is robot which can be operated by your smart phone. Isn’t is cool?? Through this project you are going to build a unique walking robot which can be controlled by any smart phone.

15. Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Robotics, one of the interesting topic to do research for solving different challenges. Imagine there is robot which can avoid obstacles on itself. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can avoid obstacles on its own.

16. Object Follower Walking Robot

Object Follower Walking Robot

Today most of the research scholars are choosing their research area as robotics. Imagine there is robot which can follow you wherever you go. Isn’t amazing?? Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can follow anything.

17. Sensor Guided Walking Robot

Sensor Guided Walking Robot

As the Technology is developing day by day, Automation has been continuously replacing human intervention every day. In order to perform certain tasks, Robots needs to move by following certain path. Through this project you are going to build a unique Line Follower Robot based on IR sensors.

18. Swarm Based Walking Robot

Swarm Based Walking Robot

Generally humans coordinate with each other to complete certain tasks like lifting heavy weights, carrying long items etc. Similarly we can achieve the same coordination between the robots using Swarm Technology. Through this project you are going to build two unique Walking Robots which works based on Swarm Technology.

19. Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Everything in this world is becoming controllable by your mobile as technology is changing day by day. A similar tech which is going to change world in terms of automation is Voice control. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled by your Voice commands.

20. Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Imagine there is a Robot which can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Is it possible?? Yes, it is possible with Wi-Fi Technology. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled using Wi-Fi.

21. RFID based Ration Machine

RFID based Ration Machine

Today in India, Most of the people are getting products like Rice, Kerosene, Sugar etc. at low cost from government as Ration every month. Generally there will be a man who will scan the fingerprint and eyes for issuing the Ration. So usually it will take lot of time. So Imagine there is a machine where once you scanned your card, you will get products you want. Through this project you are going to create a unique Ration Machine based on the RFID Cards.

22. How to Develop an RC Ornithopter

How to Develop an RC Ornithopter

An ornithopter is a flying machine technology that is adapted from the flying motion of real bird. Its working principle similarly to birds where it can flap the wings to fly. If the ornithopter is flying along with real birds no one can able to identify which one is real and which one is Robot. Because of that, these flying machines are used for tracking purposes as a spy bird.



Whatever the drone that is available in the market, it has the endurance of maximum 30 - 40 minutes only. Once the battery got discharged, again that battery needs to be recharged completely to go for the next ride. Also it takes a lot of time to get recharged, which is a major issue in most of the UAVs that we see today.



Vertical takeoff and landing RC plane does not require more area for taking off and landing. To make this vtol we need a flight controller which can act as a brain of the vtol.

25. Voice Controlled Drone

Voice Controlled Drone

For a flying drone, people should have minimum knowledge of the flying skill then only they can able to fly properly without crashing, but it's not possible for all the people. If it is voice controlled means anyone can fly without any skill.

26. Under Ground parking System using RFID

Under Ground parking System using RFID

Today one of the most important issue which everyone has to consider is the parking management in highly populated cities in order to avoid public disturbance, traffic jams and unnecessary fines. Imagine there is a system where you can park vehicle underground. Once you had parked your vehicle, whenever you need your vehicle you can get it back by simply scanning your RFID card. The parking slot with your vehicle will come back to you. Isn’t this good? Through this project you are going to create a unique Under Ground Parking System using RFID.

27. RFID Based Smart Ticketing Card for Local Trains

RFID Based Smart Ticketing Card for Local Trains

Generally in railway stations, we have long queues particularly in local train stations in metro Politian cities for getting tickets. Because of this people need to waste lot time. In order to avoid the above mentioned, you are going to build an innovative smart ticketing card for local trains based on RFID. With this project person who has the smart card, they can directly using the local train services without buying ticket at the time. But the fair for their travel will be collected at the end of every month.

28. Gesture based Robotic Arm

Gesture based Robotic Arm

Robotic arms are used in various fields like Industries, Medical and many more. In industries the robots are used in the manufacturing process, packaging, in the production line, these robotic arms are used in the place where human intervention is impossible. In the medical field the robotic arms are used in operating the patients in a surgery. The robotic arms can be controlled by many means, in gesture based control of a robotic arm the user can control it precisely by his hand gestures.

29. IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system

IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system

Fire Accident will occur very rarely, but once it occurred it consequences will be devastating. So at any cost fire accidents should be eliminated completely. Through this project you are going to build for a unique fire protection system for the Homes and commercial buildings.

30. RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

Remote Controlled helicopter world there are basically of two types one with two types of blades on top (co axial blades) and once with one side of blades on top. And a active tail motor/rotor at the back which will give yawing stability (newton third Law). they also have gear and shaft for drive. Vet cool about this helicopter is that you can fly around your house. There are two motors one is at front which will control the rotation of helicopter with help of ESC and second one is micromotor at the tail part with micro prop. Lipo battery as a continuous power source for your model servo for bending of Swash plate.

31. Homework Writing Machine with Arduino and Servo Motor

Homework Writing Machine with Arduino and Servo Motor

Homework writing machine is an auto writing machine through which you can make your your work easy by programing your project. As per the title this is a simple project using Arduino to make Homework writing machine at your home.This machine can draw any design and write any type of fonts.You can see sharpness and perfection of writing in photos. The machine uses a gantry to move the writing tip along the X and Y axes. The flexible-nib pen is mounted on a servo motor which rotates the tip onto the writing surface, taking care of the third axis.

32. Alexa Controlled Fan

Alexa Controlled Fan

We are now interacting with technology the most natural way possible by talking people talk to your friends, family there device every day. Alexa is one type of brane can control or over millions of wireless devices with your voice command by understanding and replying questions in seconds by telling you weather updates and playing your favorite music. even Alexa is having lots of skills. Alexa is basically a voice service which makes your project more east with combining with Arduino.

33. Radar With Arduino Using Processing Software

Radar With Arduino Using Processing Software

The RADAR is Radio Detection And Ranging, it consists of a transmitted radio signal aimed by an antenna in a particular direction, and receiver that detects the echoes off any objects in the path of the signal.

34. Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper

Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper

In automobiles car wipers are manual systems to turn the switch while raining. So here we an automatic wiper system that automatically switch on by detecting rain and wiper stop when rain stops.

35. Design and Implementation of Automatic Door using PLC

Design and Implementation of Automatic Door using PLC

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a dedicated controller designed for industrial usage. It contains the various types of I/Os that are very suitably matching with the industrial instrumentation and plant control interfaces. It provides the flexibility in the programming options especially the "ladder language" that is similar to the industrial standard "ladder Network" used for designing automatic control schemes in the plants. So, getting a hands-on experience on PLC is important for an engineer to match the industrial standards. In this project, you will work on making an Automatic door using PLC.

36. Robotic Snake using Arduino

Robotic Snake using Arduino

We Humans have always been inspired by nature so much that we try to replicate everything that nature can do one such example is making a robotic snake.

37. Detachable Wings

Detachable Wings

The main purpose of this project is to minimize the loss of life in times of catastrophic failure of the hydraulic system or case of failure of engines. A new design concept that has the potential to save the lives of a thousand passengers in the event of an air crash. The notion involves the redesigning of a plane with the detachable wings that would eject during the emergency to touch down on land or water safety. It is the method of detaching the wings from an aircraft which is in the state of an unrecoverable stall, which could add up to damage in time of catastrophe.

In this project, we are going to fabricate an aircraft with detachable wings and the Orion parachute system (3 parachutes). Later creating a 3D model of an aircraft and run analysis over the model and obtain the results. At last a field test is conducted based on flight data requirements.

38. Design, fabrication and testing of eagle wing configuration for ornithopter

Design, fabrication and testing of eagle wing configuration for ornithopter

An ornithopter is a type of aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Designers try to mimic the flight of birds, bats, and insects.

In this project, we are going to design and develop a scaled 3D model of ornithopter resembling an eagle. Then, kinematic data is obtained from the 3D model of ornithopter and fabricated to the required dimensions.

39. Artistic Robotic Arm

Artistic Robotic Arm

Robotic arm is one of the biggest milestone in automation industry. It has made the process in the assembly line of cars very fast and automatic. In this project, you will develop a robotic arm that can draw and paint for you. It will be capable of converting a digital image into a canvas.

40. Home Cleaning Movable Robotic Arm

Home Cleaning Movable Robotic Arm

Cleaning the room is always a headache for engineers. In this project, you will build a robotic arm that can clean your room. You have to mount it on a movable robot. Use a web camera as the eyes of the robots. You will use image and video processing.

41. Videography Robotic Arm

Videography Robotic Arm

In this digital age, photography has a huge demand. In this project, you will build a robotic arm that can become your photographer. It can take snapshots and videos from a variety of angles. It will be one of the best devices for branding.

42. Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Are you interested in robotics and mechatronics? If you are an engineer with a passion for mechatronics, then you should invest in projects to gain more insight into your chosen field.

43. Animatronic Hand using Glove

Animatronic Hand using Glove

Do you have an innate interest in robotics and mechatronics? Then this project is for you. Automation and robotics are taking over the world, and as upcoming engineering, it is important for you to keep up with the times. Arduino has been a disruptive technology that made an impact on almost all fields of engineering.

44. RADAR using Arduino

RADAR using Arduino

Have you ever wondered how an airplane flies so precisely to land at such specific spots? Or maybe how a ship never seems to get lost in the vast ocean? Navigation is an essential part of science. It is science that helps things reach particular destinations.

45. RC Hovercraft using Arduino

RC Hovercraft using Arduino

Hovercrafts are vehicles that travel over the cushion of air created with the help of motors and propellers. Hovercrafts can reach almost all the terrains on earth. The principle behind the development of air-cushion is the closed plenum effect. The high-pressure air is accumulated below the hull with the help of motors and propellers. The skirt is used to increase the ground clearance of the vehicle which helps to achieve the smooth ride over big tide waves, rocky terrains, etc. In this article, you will learn to build an RC Hovercraft using Arduino.

46. Ducted Fan Drone

Ducted Fan Drone

Nowadays drones are used in almost all the fields, from this article, you will get an idea to fabricate a ducted fan drone. Ducted fans have the advantage of producing more thrust than a conventional propeller with the same diameter. Ducted fans are silent when compared to the conventional propellers and have reduced blade tip losses which increases efficiency.

Ducted fan drones can be easily operated in indoors or can be flown near to the people. Conventional drones (with propeller) may hurt people or the propellers might get damaged during the indoor flight.

47. Smart Door Unlock system using IoT

Smart Door Unlock system using IoT


In the current scenario, science is making exceeding advancements in the field of technology. With every passing day, new inventions and systems are being developed which makes a huge impact on the lifestyle. IoT revolutionizes technology in a never imagined before fashion. The smart door is just one of the byproducts of the same. It is a combination of the traditional door system and IoT, and the results are secure and reliable. It is a simple project that prevents any unauthorized access to the area. The system requires few products for its assembly and the cost of develop it is also less. It helps in controlling breaches and establishes a secure atmosphere.

48. Bluetooth controlled Hexapod

Bluetooth controlled Hexapod

The world of robotics has been amazing the word for years now. From a time when robots where main characters of science fiction movies, we came to a situation where kids play with robotic toys. Like any other technology, robotics has also become common and accessible to even the general public. However, the field is really wide and we have small toy robots for big robotic manufacturing units. Today we will be seeing about a common robot that is getting popular among the general public known as the hexapod.

49. Automobile Prototyping

Automobile Prototyping

In this project-based course, you will learn about the dynamics, control and overall design of real vehicles. You will make your model car with working copies of automobile systems like transmission, suspension, powertrain, steering, locomotion and the chassis. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of automobile engineering and give you the necessary practical skills useful for the automobile industry.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

50. 2 Mechatronics Projects

2 Mechatronics Projects

This course introduces you to the concept of industrial robotics through two different innovative mechatronics projects. The first mechatronics project that you will build is the robotic arm, which has 3 degrees of freedom and can be controlled by your smart phone using an Android App. In the second project, you will learn to build a two legged robot or a biped walking robot that will have six degrees of freedom with a hip, knee & foot and mimic the walking action of humans.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

51. Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

In this project, you will build a robotic arm that has 3 degrees of freedom which you can control by your mobile phone. The robotic arm will be connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth and can be controlled by an Android App.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

52. Animatronic Hand

Animatronic Hand

In this project, you will learn to design, fabricate and control an animatronic hand using embedded systems. The animatronic hand that you build can be controlled with your hand movements with the help of flex sensors.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

53. Automated Railway Crossing

Automated Railway Crossing

In this course, you will make an automated railway crossing model to understand the real application of embedded systems. Here's how it works:
1. Sensors detect train arrival and departure and send appropriate signals to microcontroller
2. Microcontroller is programmed to operate motorized railway gates as per sensor input

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

54. 4 Mechatronics Projects (Combo Course)

4 Mechatronics Projects (Combo Course)

The course involves you to build multiple Mechatronics projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Mechatronics practically.
You will develop the following projects: Animatronics Hand, Hexapod, Robotic Arm & Biped Walking Robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

55. Biped Walking Robot

Biped Walking Robot

Just like humans, a robot needs to do 3 things - sense the environment (collect data), think (process data) and act (move).
In this project-based course, you will write programs to make your biped robot do various functions like walking, standing, turning, etc.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

56. Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

This project-based course involves you to build multiple Embedded Systems projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Embedded Systems practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

57. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)

Mechatronics (Career Building Course)

The course involves you to build multiple Mechatronics projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Mechatronics practically.
You will develop the following projects: Animatronics Hand, Hexapod, Robotic Arm & Biped Walking Robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on servo motor
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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