The following projects are based on technology. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using technology.
A ‘Green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve our quality of life.Any building can be a green building, whether it’s a home, an office, a school, a hospital, a community centre, or any other type of structure, provided it includes features listed below.
In our home devices are controlled with help of switches,sensor .Sometimes it dangerous if it physical contact with home appliances.To overcome these drawback the Light Dependent Resistor is replaced here so just pass the hand near to the LDR then the device is ON and to turn OFF again pass the hand above LDR is placed.
The advent of technology has brought a revolutionary change in the field of robotics and automation which ranges in all the sectors from household domestic works to the defense sector. Today in the global market, smart phones also have brought a revolution in changing people’s lifestyle and providing numerous applications on different operating systems. Android operating system is one of these systems build on open source which has made a huge impact providing many applications for robotics to help people in their day today life.
The three main medium of transports are Land, Air and Water where this project is mainly focused on design parameter and fabricating the RC controlled Speedboat. As we know speedboats are the fastesr way to travel on water as they sail at comparatively higher speed than the conventional boats and ships. Hence the designing of boats plays an important role where the fluid dynamics is the major area to focus and optimize the design for less hydro-static drags.
Radio Controlled flying wing one type of elongated or extended wing aircraft having more surface area on wing creating more lift.There are no embellishments or fuselage, its lightweight and fairly easy to assemble of these aircraft are having Delta shape (triangular). Its a kind of delta wing Aircraft having high speed as compared to commercial aircraft. The lift and thrust forces are much more than normal aircraft. Basically, they are made fabricating one long piece of Wood/ Coroplast/ Polyforms.
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Here you are going to learn about how to make an automatic flying robot called UAV. Nowadays everything is becoming an automatic system where you are able to reduce the human errors as much as possible.
We call this as ornithopter, means a mechanical flying machine which can mimic a bird up to 80% and Engineers are trying their best to make this bird most efficient. Basically, these are categorized by flapping wings flying machine which generate lift through the atmospheric air. This machine differs from a temporary power plant or limited ( temporary) power sources. The best application they can be used for Spying, surveillance, surface analysis.
What if I say that you can control your paper plane with your smartphone, that sounds crazy right! All the users have made or gone through the art of folding papers( Origami ) but it can fly up to few second or minutes only. Again your flight duration depends on the fabrication size and shape of your paper plane and a little knowledge of aerodynamics and shallow knowledge of aerodynamic forces acting on your model.
Sailplanes are aerodynamically streamlined and are capable of gaining altitude and remain airborne, while maintaining forward motion. The main advantage of the sailplane solar glider is to generate free energy from the sun. That's the difference between a normal glider and solar sailplane glider. By using this model you can increase the endurance of flight.
In today's modern world we have ample amount of facility which can satisfy above our basic need, unfortunately this condition is not satisfied everywhere in countries like Kenya, India where millions of people don't have electricity to lighten their house even renewable energy(wind, solar, water) are hardly available at some places and they are using harmful fuels like kerosene to power their house spending 20% of their income. What is the solution?
A fully autonomous suitcase can go anywhere with you while traveling or any other situation or want to carry stuff with you. There are more than 2 Billion people who travel periodically in their day to day life, this project can reduce the effort of travelers.
There are more than 2.5 billions cars in this 21 century which generates wind turbulence and air pollution up to certain percentage every year. We have all seen those creepy old wind mils on farms which are unable to generate electricity efficiently.
These days drones are playing a very important role in all the sectors including the surveying lands. Drones make surveying of lands much faster than the conventional methods. Now drone simplifies the collection and analysis of geospatial data, allowing professionals to make better decisions.
Generally, as we know drones are can able to perform position held in the outdoors with the help of GPS module. In case if it is indoor it's very difficult to perform position hold why because the GPS cannot be able to receive the satellite signal.
It's a combination of both fixed wing and multi-copter. For flying fixed wing drone you need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. For multi-copter, you don't need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. But the fixed wing can carry more loads with less power consumed than the multi-copter. For the multi-copter, you don't need more area where it can fly any places.
Recent times all the drones are coming along with the obstacle avoidance technology where it can able to sense any kind of obstacle by using the sensors. This technology protects the drone from crashing.
Gesture recognition technology helps you to communicate or control any other devices via your hand gestures. From this technology, you can control the drone simply by moving your hands.
In conventional drone lipo batteries are used as a power source where you need to charge for every particular time period. The charging time alone will be taking more time due to which you cannot do continues flying. By adding the IC engine and DC generator with the conventional drone you can build a hybrid drone.
Whatever the drone that is available in the market, it has the endurance of maximum 30 - 40 minutes only. Once the battery got discharged, again that battery needs to be recharged completely to go for the next ride. Also it takes a lot of time to get recharged, which is a major issue in most of the UAVs that we see today.
Vertical takeoff and landing RC plane does not require more area for taking off and landing. To make this vtol we need a flight controller which can act as a brain of the vtol.
For a flying drone, people should have minimum knowledge of the flying skill then only they can able to fly properly without crashing, but it's not possible for all the people. If it is voice controlled means anyone can fly without any skill.
This is one of the most widely used UAV in all the places for different types of applications. Whether it is a quad or hexa or octa copter, this concept is the most widely used one. Here you are going to learn how to build a multicopter UAV.
The robots which are based on wheels can move only on flat surface, and even when there is a hurdle in front of any wheel the robot cannot cross the hurdle or go on it. What if the robot can not only be able to cross the hurdle but also can climb the stairs. In this project idea you will be able to start building a robot that can cross any hurdles.
CarCoper is the combination the copter and car having the mixture of two technology Automobile technology and Aeronautical Engineering. Car means something mobily On land and copter means having rotational motion in form of propeller. Its really cool to make the combo of car and copter. Something we call as hybrid technology which is which an nully disadvantage of two individual mode by adding the technology.
Basically this is all about to reduce the weight of the car by using a balloons instead of wheels. It a combination of both electric and light weight wheels. You can call it as Hybrid car which fits in eco cytheria and no emission invention.
Remote Controlled helicopter world there are basically of two types one with two types of blades on top (co axial blades) and once with one side of blades on top. And a active tail motor/rotor at the back which will give yawing stability (newton third Law). they also have gear and shaft for drive. Vet cool about this helicopter is that you can fly around your house. There are two motors one is at front which will control the rotation of helicopter with help of ESC and second one is micromotor at the tail part with micro prop. Lipo battery as a continuous power source for your model servo for bending of Swash plate.
What makes this regular wallet smart is trs small pcb chip having a global GPS module which can give a live time location of your wallet above some distance rage so it's also having an distance alarm also contain an micro antichief camera which can take can also add ultra light 2500mAH power bank through which you can charge your mobile as well as other electronic devices.
In home appliances the TV is the mostly available in every house.The television channel is changed by the tv Remote.Same way by pressing the tv remote the home appliance sload can be ON and OFF.
Due to lack of circulation, water can become stale and undrinkable. In order to ensure safe and clean drinking water on board, your boat freshwater system needs to be sanitized if it hasn’t been used for some time, for example before your first use of the system after your boat has been stored for the winter. In order to clean boat water tanks, you have to remove the old water before starting the disinfection procedure.
As we all know that for a flying object to fly, it is important an external source of energy to overcome the gravitational and inertial forces and carry the to desired altitudes. There are different sources of energy used in flying objects like petroleum fuels along with piston & Wankel engines, Jet fuels aka ATF aka avtur fuels along with gas-turbine engines. Another source of supplying power to the flying objects is hot air used along with sterling engines.
Do you think by using battery constrain you to run the technology anywhere in the world or in a solar system. Our drawback is battery we need some platform or power source for storage of power in the form of chemical energy. What if you are making your project without battery sounds crazy right! You don't need to store energy anywhere or neither you need to convert into another form. What happens when you use the battery you are converting in the chemical energy to store in battery and then again to are converting into electrical energy in that process you are losing some amount of energy in form of power. Usually batteries are made of terrible chemicals among very few are being recycled and finally, in the end, we have to dispose of them in the earth which might be very dangerous for humans in future
The idea behind this project salt lamp is the chemical conversion of energy. It utilizes the scientific process behind the Galvanic cell, but instead of electrolytes, the SALt lamp uses saline solution, making it harmless and non-toxic. SALt lamp project is an LED lamp powered by the galvanic reaction of an anode with saline water. It also has a USB port to charge low-power mobile devices such as cellphones, smartphones, and mp3 players.The anode must be replaced approximately every six months and the saline water daily; sea water is usable.
As temperature is rise in many parts of the country, we are suffering from heat cramps, exhaustion, dehydration and heat stroke.According to studies in America, hundreds of people around the world die every year from heat-related conditions, which can be completely avoided if preventive measures are taken.where temperature reach up to 45 deg Celsius making corrugated tin huts unbearable to live in.
We are now interacting with technology the most natural way possible by talking people talk to your friends, family there device every day. Alexa is one type of brane can control or over millions of wireless devices with your voice command by understanding and replying questions in seconds by telling you weather updates and playing your favorite music. even Alexa is having lots of skills. Alexa is basically a voice service which makes your project more east with combining with Arduino.
Probably you all heard about ReSpeaker, it is a hackable open hardware voice interface. It is a development board based on Mediatek MT7688 WiFi module and runs on OpenWrt. You an program it using Arduino, Python, Node.js, Lua and C/C++. ReSpeaker also supports various hardware add-ons like Groove Expansion, Microphone Array, etc... I am one of the early beta user of ReSpeaker.
As well all know that it was the wright bros who gave the first successful manned flight to the world, and there are better proofs that eight years earlier to wright bros, an Indian Sanskrit scholar S B Talpade designed a basic aircraft called marutshakti, unmanned aerial vehicle at Chowpatty beach in Bombay, crediting him the first creator of an aircraft in modern times. He used Vedic technology for designing the aircraft.
We all have come across the carbon paper used in billing and other materials. Ever wonder if the same carbon paper has strength equivalent to steel but size equal to human hair? Bucky paper supports this fact when manufactured with Nanotechnology.
As a mechanical engineer, we have always learned about properties and behavior of different materials under development of heat. Study of materials under different temperatures is very important and the analysis is not limited only to the production of mechanical application but analysis involves where ever there is a material used and different temperatures involved. As an example, a gulf country completely differs from temperature condition in sub-continent or an African country.
A plasma railgun is a linear accelerator uses two long parallel electrodes to accelerate a "sliding short" armature. In a plasma railgun, the armature and ejected projectile consist of hot, ionized, gas-like particles heated by a very high temperature. Scientific plasma railguns are operated in a vacuum.
Concrete is considered the world’s most used construction material. Typical concrete mixtures are comprised of water, sand, cement and an aggregate of rock. This civil project focuses on the coarse aggregate in concrete. Here you will replace the coarse aggregate by burn brick or Jhama brick and you will study the effect of salient parameters that affect the properties of Jhama class brick based concrete. You will also study the short-term mechanical and physical properties of fresh and hardened Jhama class brick based concrete.
It is known that wastage in India in the construction industry is as high as 30%. This is a large, yet relatively simple and straightforward challenge needs to be tackled by engineers. These wastages are activities that absorb man hours, resources and materials but create no value. In this project, you will use those waste materials to make something productive by making a concrete using recycled aggregate and fly ash. After making concrete you will compare the compressive as well as flexural strength characteristics of the concrete made through NMA and TSMA.
Heat exchanger has been a part of many works producing devices such as air conditioner, refrigerator, automotive, manufacturing, thermal power plants etc. Convective heat transfer is the main phenomena behind the working of heat transfer. A lot of research going on around the world to increase the heat transfer rate of a heat exchanger. One way of increasing this is by introducing extended surfaces inside the fluid flow which will result in more surface area and flow velocity. This technique is known as passive heat transfer augmentation technique. In this project, you will work on increasing the coefficient of convective heat transfer inside a Copper tube using the above technique and will observe the benefits of this technique.
Concrete technology has undergone a rapid improvement in the last two decades and internal curing of concrete has gained popularity and is progressing steadily from the laboratory to field. Water consumption has also been an issue and the scarcity of water is increasing exponentially too.
As long as the internal combustion engine has existed, engineers have been trying to find better ways of igniting the highly combustable mixture of air and gasoline that powers cars.
Drones are everywhere in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be approximately 7 million drones in the sky and looking the trend it is important to ensure that drone enthusiasts are operating in a peaceful and safe manner.
Biotechnology is powerful, but only for those with the tools to experiment with and utilize it. Biotechnology combined with 3d printing can be make wonders and leads to bioprinting, tissue engineering, centrifuge dna extractor.
Cracks are a common phenomenon in concrete structures due to shrinkage. These cracks create a path for liquids and gases (contains harmful substances) into the concrete members. Reinforcement may get corroded if the liquids reach the steel reinforcement. So, it is necessary to take precautionary measures to end these cracks at the very beginning stage. Self-healing concrete is one of the ways to avoid the formation of cracks problem.
Buildings affect the environment adversely in many ways. Buildings produce almost 40% of global carbon emission it leads to global warming problems. Methodologies like green roof technology, green buildings, and net-zero energy buildings are necessary to minimize these problems.
In recent years, there has been a great interest in improving the properties of concrete by involving various puzzolanic materials in the concrete mix.
The building materials play a major role in our national economy. From stones, we have shifted to bricks and now more advanced compressed stabilized earth bricks can be used which are also called as “HYBRID BRICKS”. This bricks can be used for almost all the applications of burnt clay bricks.
One way or another, concrete structures always contributing pollutants for environmental pollutions. In heavy rainfall areas, the concrete pavements becoming a major source for water pollution.
The use of composite materials is a new trend in the construction sector. There are many reasons for this new adaption in the construction industry.
The durability of existing concrete structures always depends upon the properties of hardened concrete. To find the safety of any existing concrete structures,
Concrete is a foremost important material in the construction industry due to its vast applications. With the recent development in concrete technology, new and advanced types of concrete making methodologies are emerging.
The construction industry is growing day by day with new inventions and advanced technologies. These new changes eliminating the errors of conventional methods.
Swept wing is a type of wing configuration used in fixed-wing aircraft. There are two types: Swept-back (wing is angled backward) and Swept forward (wing is angled forward). This project deals with the fabrication of forward-swept wing remotely controlled aircraft. Forward-swept wing aircrafts are highly maneuverable (ability to change direction quickly) at low speeds and drag produced is also low compared to backward-swept wing aircraft. The characteristic "sweep angle" is usually estimated by drawing a path from root to tip, twenty-five percent of the way back from the leading edge, and matching that to the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Wing sweep has the effect of delaying the shock waves and accompanying aerodynamic drag rise caused by fluid compressibility.
Around 110,00,000 new vehicles are been added to Indian roads every year. Due to this, about 3 crores of tyres are been discarded by the vehicle users every year and causing a potential threat to the environment.
There are different types of security system that are available in the world but most of them are having some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is Closed Circuit camera is fixed on the walls and can record only one side at a time, so it can be damaged from the other side.
Nowadays it is very hard to find drinking water which is free from bacterias and viruses and hence drinking these type of water reflects the human health.
With the advancement in technology and growing nations, many things are developed in the field of construction and chemical industry.
Due to the advancement in the technology many miracles are seen in the field of engineering, medical sciences, etc.
ANN (artificial neural network) is a huge architecture which has the capability of generalizing and learning from the data which is given in the form of exercises and examples from the humans. This ANN gives us a meaningful solution to problems if the input data isn’t correct or incomplete from the previous examples and experiences. This property makes ANN an outstanding tool for solving complex engineering problems.
People refer green concrete which is having the coloured pigment. But generally, the concrete which is environmentally friendly is called as green concrete. This concrete will use less energy for its production, and also emits less carbon dioxide than normal concrete. The concrete is mainly comprised of cement. The main component of the manufacturing of the cement is limestone (calcium Carbonate CaCO3). During the manufacturing of the cement the raw materials are heated about 800 – 1000 degree Celsius. Approximately 1kg of cement releases around 900gs of CO2 into the air.
There are many different types of concrete in the world. Each of the them are having added advantages and disadvantages when compared to each other.
For example, if concrete is made from the sulphate-resisting cement then it is good in resisting concrete from sulphate attacks but will not be good in strength as compared normal or traditional concrete.
Different concretes are been developed in the world for different purposes. Some of them are used under water some of them for rapid hardening, some of them in Ready mix concrete etc… one of them is this reactive concrete. This was first developed by P.Richard and in the early 1990’s. this RPC is prepared by replacing the ordinary concrete with quartz powder, silica fume. It has very high strength and also ductility. The compressive strength may vary from 250-810 Mpa.
Reactive concrete will have very fine powders such as sand, quartz, steel fibres, super plasticizer and cement. The quantities used are generally as follows: OPC – 1000, Water -18, Fine sand – 500, Silica Fume – 230, Quartz powder -390, Super plasticizer – 18, Steel fibers – 630 all the weights are in kg per cubic metre. And this mix give approximate strength of 800Mpa.
Knowledge of concrete technology.
Knowledge of Mix Design.
Quartz Powder
Silica Fume
Steel Fibers
Super Plasticizers
Test apparatus for the concrete (concrete lab can be used)
Project Implementation:
Software Requirements:
This project is still in development stage and do more improvisation by adding or removing the materials used in it. If you want to make something new or learn something new regarding the concrete technology then you can do this project and experience it yourself.
Concrete is being used since very old times. It is used since roman age for the development, housing and infrastructure. But the materials used in the concrete is been not changed. Concrete is majorly made of the three components, cement which is a very fine powder and acts as binder, fine aggregate, which comprises of small and fine sand particles, Coarse aggregate, which comprises of large to medium pieces of the stone or gravel.
Nowadays drones are used in almost all the fields, from this article, you will get an idea to fabricate a ducted fan drone. Ducted fans have the advantage of producing more thrust than a conventional propeller with the same diameter. Ducted fans are silent when compared to the conventional propellers and have reduced blade tip losses which increases efficiency.
Ducted fan drones can be easily operated in indoors or can be flown near to the people. Conventional drones (with propeller) may hurt people or the propellers might get damaged during the indoor flight.
In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career.
In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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