Latest Projects Based on Sensor

The following projects are based on sensor. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using sensor.

1. Automatic Smart Parking System using IoT

Automatic Smart Parking System using IoT

The device that you build as part of this project is an application of Internet of Things (IOT). The electronic device that you build can assist the drivers in selecting the suitable parking spot for them. The data that the system collects will be sent to the cloud and anyone across the globe can access the data to do some analysis.

2. Develop an Automatic Smart Door Bell With IoT

Develop an Automatic Smart Door Bell With IoT

Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the doorbell automatically to notify the residents. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.

3. Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

This project involves building a robot that uses PIR (passive infra-red) sensors to detect the human presence. It makes use of the PIR sensor application of sensing the infra-red rays that emits when heat is generated from the human body. The application of this project varies from rescue operations to finding out the capacity of humans at a place.

4. Mobile Robot Navigation System

Mobile Robot Navigation System

Through this project you will develop a robot that uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag sensors, laser range sensors and ultrasonic sensors to find its way out of a path. The robot that you build will automatically move along the path using the scanned range data till it finds a tad and then follows a pre-set map for the next movement.

5. GPS-Guided Mobile Robot

GPS-Guided Mobile Robot

The main objective of this project is to build a modular mobile robot that can navigate around its way using GPS. The primary component of this robot is its navigation system, with an augmented GPS system integrated to provide the local coordinates and help in positioning of the robot. It can be programmed to carryout multiple functionalities.

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6. Home Security Model Using IoT

Home Security Model Using IoT

Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the buzzer to alert the user. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.

7. Autonomous Firefighting Robot

Autonomous Firefighting Robot

According to survey in india nearly 25,000 people die every year due to fire and related causes and the loss due to these fire incidents is more than Rs.100 crores. Even though there are lot of precaution taken to prevent the fire there are accidents happening everywhere, so we have to kill the fire before it kills us. In a fire breakout the firefighters are restricted to go near the fire as the intensity of the fire is high in some cases, In order to overcome this we can build an autonomous firefighting robot which can help the firefighters in reducing the heat of the fire.

8. Smart Walking Cane

Smart Walking Cane

Technology can improve the quality of life of the masses. Normal people is struggle when a object is in front him but the visually challenged people still now using the blind stick, the person only able to manage the sound and the keeping the stick high on the ground and down able understand the obstacles is present or not.

9. Pneumatic Braking System

Pneumatic Braking System

A brake is a device by means of which frictional resistance is applies to a moving machine member, in order to retard or stop the motion of a machine. Most commonly brakes use friction between two surfaces pressed together to convert the kinetic energy of the moving object into heat slow down the motion of the vehicle.

10. Automatic Human Follower Trolley using Raspberry pi

Automatic Human Follower Trolley using Raspberry pi

Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will follow you continuously wherever you go to the malls and grocery stores and carry the things you buy. Through this project, you are going to build an Autonomous trolley which will follow the particular human using Image Processing.


11. Smart Shopping Trolley

Smart Shopping Trolley

Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will get all the groceries on its own. The only thing you need to do is just send the list of groceries through simple SMS. Through this project, you are going to build a Smart Shopping Trolley which will collect the groceries you need on its own.

12. Finger Controlled Wheel chair

 Finger Controlled Wheel chair

Generally Old and Physically Handy-capped people face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Though they use supporting stick or wheelchair, they need to give some force to move the chair or they need someone to move the chair. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the finger movements.

13. GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

Today the most important aspect all of concerned very much is Security Systems. Consider Home security. Generally, we have door locks. Imagine that you had locked your house and went outside. Suppose you had lost your key, What will you do? Obviously, we need to break the look or order new key. Both will take certain and money. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Security system where you can open/close the lock with your mobile.

14. Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

As the conventional energy sources are depleting day by day, it is very essential to search for alternative energy sources. Nowadays belt conveyor is playing a key role in material handling application, they are used to carry materials from one end to another end. Based on the size, nature of the material, different conveyors are being used.

15. Vehicle Accident Prevention System with Eye Blink Sensor

Vehicle Accident Prevention System with Eye Blink Sensor

Automobile has great importance in our daily life. We utilize it to go to our workplace, travel all over the place, deliver goods. Speed is one of the important to consider while driving and the driver stress of the over-shift it also leads to the sudden accident. The Speed of the vehicle can be measured with help of speed limiter so the speed is controlled and also if the driver is tired or not can be checked.

16. Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Today the most promising source of energy where everyone focusing is the concept of Solar Power and its Utilization. Generally, we see people who had gardens use lawn mowers manually to cut the unwanted grass. Those lawn movers are powered from normal household’s power through cables or using petrol/diesel. Using cables creates messing problem and if there is any power cut, we can’t use that lawn mower. Similarly, if we use petrol/diesel powered machine, it requires money and they create pollution through the smoke. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Solar Grass Cutter (Lawn Mower) which is powered by solar energy and it will overcome all the above-mentioned problems.

17. Automatic Braking Systems for Automobiles

Automatic Braking Systems for Automobiles

In today’s world, along with mobile phones, vehicles are also playing important an role in everyone’s day to day life. Most of the people who owned the automobiles either, drives by themselves or they will have a driver. Anyway 100% perfection is impossible to achieve in any domain, but we can reach maximum efficiency. Imagine that there is car with Automatic braking systems i.e. as soon other vehicle is approaching near your car or your car is approaching towards any object like Trees, Dividers, Humans etc., once safe distance is crossed immediately the brakes will be applied. Isn’t it cool?? Through this project you are going to build an Automatic Braking system for your vehicle.


18. Automatic Windshield Wiper

Automatic Windshield Wiper

In Today’s busy life, all of us need to complete our works quickly. Now let's say you are driving your car to reach somewhere and suddenly it started raining. What will you do?? Immediately you will switch on the Wipers on the windshield. Now Imagine there is a car where as soon as the rain started, your cars wipers started wiping the windshield without your intervention (switching on the wipers). Isn't sounds good? Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Windshield Wiper for your automobile.

19. Vehicle based Intensity controlled Street lighting System

Vehicle based Intensity controlled Street lighting System

One of the biggest problem the world facing now is Wastage of Power. Generally, in almost all the countries, you can see that whether there is vehicle present or not, the street will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever the vehicle comes near the street light that street glows with full intensity and as soon as the vehicle move from that area the streetlight will be glow with very less intensity. Through this project, you are going to build a Power Efficient Street Lighting system.

20. Occupancy based Street lighting System

Occupancy based Street lighting System

Right now the entire world has taken steps to reduce the wastage of power. You may have observed that during night time whether anyone present on the road or not, the street lights will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever someone is walking through the street, immediately Street lights are turned on and as soon as the person left the street, the street lights will be turned off. Through this project, you are going to build an autonomous street Lighting system based on occupancy.

21. Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

As there is rapid development in the industries, manual operations for the repeated works has been replaced completely by automation through Robotic Arms. The introduction of these Robotic Arm is a major change which entirely changed the look of an industry. Generally, these Robotic Arm will be pre-programmed for the tasks to which they are going to assign. Now Imagine there is a robotic arm which can be controlled by the wrist (whenever you move your fingers, accordingly the Robotic arm will move). Isn’t it great?? Definitely. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Robotic Arm which can be controlled by your own wrist.

22. Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.

23. Automated Unmanned Railway Crossing Level Using Arduino

Automated Unmanned Railway Crossing Level Using Arduino

In Railway System, India is the largest second place to have big railway network. People almost use railway system to travel everyday, revenue generated from railways also plays a major role to our government. Everyday people are crossing the railway track and near the area at times because of track keeper fault or unavailability of track keeper or obstruction of vehicles in the railway lines causes major accidents near the railway gates.

24. Bidirectional Count using 8051 Microcontroller

Bidirectional Count using 8051 Microcontroller

The IR Sensor finds its application in many application fields, in industries the mass production count of the product is done by human beings. And other is meeting hall or public meeting where the visitor count is essential and difficult to count. So IR sensor is implemented to count the production in industries and also the visitor count who enters and exit.

25. Ultrasonic Distance Finder Using 8051

Ultrasonic Distance Finder Using 8051

Today's world technology ultrasonic response is more needed like in robotics, automation. Here ultrasonic is interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller to find the range of objects. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module designed for embedded projects like this.

26. Maze Solver Walking Robot

Maze Solver Walking Robot

In our Childhood, we used to solve Mazes in the books and News Papers. It is very interesting right?? Imagine there is a robot which can solve any kind of maze by itself. Through this project you are going to create unique Walking Robot which can solve any kind of maze on its own.

27. Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Obstacle Avoider Walking Robot

Robotics, one of the interesting topic to do research for solving different challenges. Imagine there is robot which can avoid obstacles on itself. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can avoid obstacles on its own.

28. Object Follower Walking Robot

Object Follower Walking Robot

Today most of the research scholars are choosing their research area as robotics. Imagine there is robot which can follow you wherever you go. Isn’t amazing?? Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can follow anything.

29. Sensor Guided Walking Robot

Sensor Guided Walking Robot

As the Technology is developing day by day, Automation has been continuously replacing human intervention every day. In order to perform certain tasks, Robots needs to move by following certain path. Through this project you are going to build a unique Line Follower Robot based on IR sensors.

30. Swarm Based Walking Robot

Swarm Based Walking Robot

Generally humans coordinate with each other to complete certain tasks like lifting heavy weights, carrying long items etc. Similarly we can achieve the same coordination between the robots using Swarm Technology. Through this project you are going to build two unique Walking Robots which works based on Swarm Technology.



Generally, as we know drones are can able to perform position held in the outdoors with the help of GPS module. In case if it is indoor it's very difficult to perform position hold why because the GPS cannot be able to receive the satellite signal.



It's a combination of both fixed wing and multi-copter. For flying fixed wing drone you need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. For multi-copter, you don't need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. But the fixed wing can carry more loads with less power consumed than the multi-copter. For the multi-copter, you don't need more area where it can fly any places.



Recent times all the drones are coming along with the obstacle avoidance technology where it can able to sense any kind of obstacle by using the sensors. This technology protects the drone from crashing.

34. Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture recognition technology helps you to communicate or control any other devices via your hand gestures. From this technology, you can control the drone simply by moving your hands.

35. Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

After 150 years, the entire world will run out of the most important non-renewable Energy resource “Coal”, where 48% of the total power now is generated from it. Once it is exhausted, entire world is going to face severe power shortages. In order to avoid this shortage, the entire world has started focusing on the Renewable Energy Resources. A step further to this solution is hybridizing the Renewable Resources to generate power based on the availability to maintain continuity in the Power Generation. Through this project you are going to build a unique hybridized power generation system using Solar and Wind Energy.

36. Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Through this project you are going to build an innovative project where smart irrigation technique with maximum power tracking technique through dual axis solar panel application.

37. IoT based Dam Water Monitoring

IoT based Dam Water Monitoring

During rainy season,floods are very natural to occur. But if they occur heavily then problem will arise. Through this project you are going to build an automatic protection system for dams and reservoirs through IoT based water monitoring technique.

38. IoT based Human Safety System for Coal Mines

IoT based Human Safety System for Coal Mines

The most important non-renewable resource which contributes 48% of the total power produced in the entire world is coal. Now how we will get the coal. Humans have to dig it from coal mines. But coal mines very dangerous places where a person can easily lost his life. That’s why through this project you are going to build a unique human safety system based on IoT.

39. Sign Language Translator

Sign Language Translator

Sign languages are languages which are used to convey messages using manual communication like simultaneous hand gestures, movement, and orientation of fingers, arm or body movements, and facial expressions. These languages are mainly used by deaf and dumb community. There are many types of sign languages, but the universal sign language is used all over the world.

40. Gesture based Robotic Arm

Gesture based Robotic Arm

Robotic arms are used in various fields like Industries, Medical and many more. In industries the robots are used in the manufacturing process, packaging, in the production line, these robotic arms are used in the place where human intervention is impossible. In the medical field the robotic arms are used in operating the patients in a surgery. The robotic arms can be controlled by many means, in gesture based control of a robotic arm the user can control it precisely by his hand gestures.

41. IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system

IoT based Fire Detection and Controlling system

Fire Accident will occur very rarely, but once it occurred it consequences will be devastating. So at any cost fire accidents should be eliminated completely. Through this project you are going to build for a unique fire protection system for the Homes and commercial buildings.

42. Smart mirror

Smart mirror

A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.

43. Drowziness Prevention and Collision Avoidance System

Drowziness Prevention and Collision Avoidance System

Drowsiness is a huge problem for the drivers, especially for long-distance travelers. This has led to many accidents and deaths too, the drowsiness can be caused due to sleeping disorder, alcohol consumption, or if the driver did not have enough sleep. We cannot stop drowsiness if the driver is not physically active but we can alert the driver if he is drowsing off.

44. Multipurpose Robot For Military

Multipurpose Robot For Military

The military robot utilization of robotics technology for fighting terror and defense of the nation. The human lives are highly valuable, the soldier lives more important to stay us alive in the combat field.

45. Ocean Drone

Ocean Drone

DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.

46. Hover Board

Hover Board

Hoverboard is a cool device having the ability to change its direction without steering or touching the handle. They are also called as self-balancing mini scooters. Hoverboard became unique due to its lightweight, compact size and pressure steering. It can rotate to 360 degrees just by changing the pressure through your can change your direction just by changing pressure or center of gravity of body.

47. Air Pollution Detector

Air Pollution Detector

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the atmosphere that causes serious health and environmental health but what causes air pollution for our planet. Most of the air pollution comes from human activities very least are from natural activities like a volcano eruption. Most of the harmful gases formed are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfates, nitrates, through Greenhouse gases, smog, toxic pollutants like lead and mercury now the question is do we have a solution? In this project, you are going to make an air pollution detector by using an Arduino and some air quality sensors. You need one Arduino Uno, LCD display, and 5-volt power supply


48. Noise Pollution Detector

Noise Pollution Detector

Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.

49. Smart Umbrella

Smart Umbrella

which can measure rainfall and it can predict the weather condition with the notion in your smartphone. It's about the real-time weather condition. In this project, you are going to learn about how to make a smart umbrella using IOT that will be connected to your phone via Bluetooth or wifi. It can notify you before 30 min about to start rain or not or you have to take your smart umbrella with you by vibrating or led blinking to get your attention.

50. Solar Based Railway Crack Detection Robot

Solar Based Railway Crack Detection Robot

Our Indian Railways has the largest railways network, in world’s fourth largest railway network. The indian railways covers all the part of the place,most of the train are diesel and electric were used in railways.Safety has been one of the biggest concerns in the railways system.

51. IOT Based Health Monitor Using Arduino

IOT Based Health Monitor Using Arduino

Monitoring the various parameters of the patient in hospital using the internet of things.Health Monitoring system is based on the internet of things ,the patient data is sends to the cloud server ,stores on the particular channel.

52. IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino

IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino

In this IoT project you will use Arduino and gas sensors to build a pollution detector which helps to have a track over the surrounding environment.

Arduino is the education based product,open source,easy to learn programming,compact and implementation using this air pollution controls on the internet of things and alert signal when the pollution level goes high.

53. Collision Avoidance Robot

Collision Avoidance Robot

Nowadays the robot technology is trending ,invention occurs, students are taking more interest on robotics field.This project is based on the collision avoidance robot using arduino board with ultrasonic.

54. Alcohol Detection

Alcohol Detection

Nowadays many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the drunk person is driving the vehicle by self. The drunk driving vehicle is a major reason for accidents in most countries all over the world.

55. RFID Based Water Distribution system

RFID Based Water Distribution system

Water is the natural resource, once an abundant natural resource, is becoming a more valuable commodity due to droughts and overuse. Many efforts on the development of water system have been made through for sustainable water supply.

56. Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic sensor is used as a range finder or a distance calculator, It generates sound waves and waits for the echo and depending on the timing of the echo It calculates the distance between the sensor and the object. In this project you will be using the ultrasonic sensor to find the objects coming in the range, this project is somewhat similar to the radar, so the utrasonic sensor constantly sends sound pulses and if the sound waves are received back then there is aobject in in front of the sensor. You can create a GUI to show the area of the coverage of the sensor and if there is any object infront of the sensor you can also show the position of the object.

57. Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring is a Project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project, you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

58. PLC Based Filing System

PLC Based Filing System

The Programmable Logic Controller is widely known in the automation field. And in the modern world, it is applied to the most of the manufacturing industries. In industries, the PLC is used to control the movements of machines or heavy machines in order to create high productivity of products.

59. Smart Energy Saver

Smart Energy Saver

There is a lot of electricity loss in homes due to the fans and lights that are kept on even when no one is present in the room. My idea is basically to inform a user that when he leaves his/her home if any of the basic appliances like the fans or lights, televisions, fans or air conditioners are left on accidentally, which are the basic and major electricity consuming appliances of our house. Some appliances like televisions and air conditioners consume electricity even when just their switchboard switches are on, it isn't much but a cumulative sum of a 1000 houses with the same condition would be a large enough number.

60. Solar powered Environmental system

Solar powered Environmental system

To save the city it is very high time to take necessary steps. Creating public awareness is first one of the steps. For creating public awareness we need real time data of the noise we are creating everyday. If every one can see the noise level and air quality in real time it will create a mental pressure for taking steps against the pollution. Researcher will also be benefited from this open source real time data.

61. Neck Movement Controlled Wheelchair for Crippled

Neck Movement Controlled Wheelchair for Crippled

About the project

As we all know that we are in an era of advanced technology. The technology is reporting to next step in the ladder and the impact is that we are planning to build home in neighboring planets, we are printing human organs, we are travelling at a speed of sound, we are building a platform of data communication where data transfer rate is equal to or more than speed of light, we are printing materials in space and the list is infinite.

62. Hyper loop

Hyper loop

About the project

Have you ever wondered the possibility of high-speed racing competitions like formula racing, a century ago? We all are well aware of advancement made in transit field. A section of Engineers is working on an agenda on increasing the value rate of distance covered on a daily note. We can also see the improvements that we have seen and experience in last century.

63. Transformer Humanoid Automobile

Transformer Humanoid Automobile

As we all know (and some might have experienced) the energy and fascination any human gets whenever he comes across a high-speed racing, a good looking automobile or a car. Some dream to have a Lamborghini and some dream of a little scientific to own a Batmobile but ever dreamt to have an automobile which can transform itself into a humanoid bot?

64. Human Detection Using Raspberry Pi

Human Detection Using Raspberry Pi

In this project, the PIR sensor is interfaced with raspberry pi and display the human count on the LCD display. Every humans and animal which has a temperature greater than absolute zero will emit infrared radiation.

65. GSM Based Weather Report

GSM Based Weather Report

Weather Monitoring is a project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

66. Radar With Arduino Using Processing Software

Radar With Arduino Using Processing Software

The RADAR is Radio Detection And Ranging, it consists of a transmitted radio signal aimed by an antenna in a particular direction, and receiver that detects the echoes off any objects in the path of the signal.

67. Line Follower With Arm Robot

Line Follower With Arm Robot


Line following robot is a unique type of robotic system which can be used in industries. This type of robots can be used to collect the tools, carry projects and moves on the path. The sensor is used to detect the path to follow in addition, the arm to pick the objects in the path and keep it beside the path.

68. Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper

Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper

In automobiles car wipers are manual systems to turn the switch while raining. So here we an automatic wiper system that automatically switch on by detecting rain and wiper stop when rain stops.

69. Weight sensing automatic gate

Weight sensing automatic gate

Automation is everywhere now, from industries to home, the automation has lead to a drastic change in this world. There is Automation or Automatic Control everywhere now, from machines, the process in factories, to microwave ovens, switching in telephone, steering, and many more. In this project, you can automate your gate or door and open it whenever a person's or a vehicle's weight is detected.

70. Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink & drive is a leading cause of road accidents. Detecting drunk driving requires stopping vehicles and manually scanning drivers by using breath analyzers. Well, here this is a system which allows detecting drunk driving in the vehicle itself. The system uses an alcohol sensor with raspberry pi along with a GSM modem for SMS notification.

71. Gauss Accelerator

Gauss Accelerator

About the project

A guass accelerator or a coil gun is a device that uses a magnetic field to launch a ferromagnetic projectile. These accelerators are stored with a high amount of charge using capacitors. Basically, these are used to accelerate ferromagnetic projectiles. These accelerators are also known as Coil gun.

72. Design and Implementation of Automatic Door using PLC

Design and Implementation of Automatic Door using PLC

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a dedicated controller designed for industrial usage. It contains the various types of I/Os that are very suitably matching with the industrial instrumentation and plant control interfaces. It provides the flexibility in the programming options especially the "ladder language" that is similar to the industrial standard "ladder Network" used for designing automatic control schemes in the plants. So, getting a hands-on experience on PLC is important for an engineer to match the industrial standards. In this project, you will work on making an Automatic door using PLC.

73. Design and Implementation of Lift Machine Control System using FPGA

Design and Implementation of Lift Machine Control System using FPGA

The project title is Design and Implementation of Lift machine Control System using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). In this modern era, lifts have become an integral part of any commercial or public complex. The control system is one of the most important aspects of the electronics control module that are used in the automotive application. The lift system is also known as an elevator controller. The elevator controller will be fully designed on the FPGA board using a simple I/O interface on the FPGA board. The controller will be used in any type of elevator and it will produce a single chip controller compare to other controllers that will need more than one chip.

74. Development of LabVIEW based Distribution Control System

Development of LabVIEW based Distribution Control System

A DCS (Distribution Control System) is used in industry and in plants as a central operator supervisory control to monitor autonomous controller used in the plant. Nowadays these DCS are used a lot by autonomous industries. Getting a hands-on experience on how DCS works will be beneficial for an engineer. In this project, you will implement a mini version of DCS which is used to measure flow and pressure using a PID controller. So, this project work involves, designing a controller using LabVIEW and a DAQ card to control the flow and pressure using this LabVIEW based controller.

75. Interfacing of Proximity Sensor with PLC in Motor Speed Control Application

Interfacing of Proximity Sensor with PLC in Motor Speed Control Application

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a dedicated controller designed for industrial usage. It contains the various types of I/Os that are very suitably matching with the industrial instrumentation and plant control interfaces. It provides the flexibility in the programming options especially the "ladder language" that is similar to the industrial standard "ladder Network" used for designing automatic control schemes in the plants. So, getting a hands-on experience on PLC is important for an engineer to match the industrial standards. The aim of this project is to develop a drive system which can regulate the speed of the DC motor with the help of the Proximity sensor.

76. Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water is the world’s most precious resource, yet it is also the one which is almost universally mismanaged. As a result, water shortages are becoming ever more common. Leakages, overflow of water and bursting of pipes these all most common in waste of water. So as to detect all these problems here you are going to work on the building, tank water level sensing monitoring and water pipeline leakage sensing monitoring system.

77. Mini Weather Station using Arduino

Mini Weather Station using Arduino

Arduino board Mini weather station will be a mini Weather station with the Wi-Fi connection which will be able to give live updates this weather station will take data related weather from the environment using sensors like temperature. Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure Light Intensity and Dust Concentration using open hardware and sensors. The first priority for an outdoor weather station is protecting the electronics and sensors from moisture direct precipitation and condensation. The best solution is a ventilated enclosure specifically designed for weather stations. These are referred to as Stevenson screens or enclosures. After making the basic model, try to add a radio frequency transmitter and receiver module to remote sense temperature and humidity. The sensors should be on the transmitter side and the LCD on the receiver side. For the RF module, you can configure based on the same modules we are using till this point.

78. River Level Monitoring for Flash Flood Warnings

River Level Monitoring for Flash Flood Warnings

Flood is one of the major disasters occurring around the globe. Every year it's affecting a large amount of population because of significant reduction of the forests the flood peak travels quickly and gives less time for people to evacuate from the flood-affected zones. This project will give a live data of water level and help people to find track the flow and changes in the flow of the water.

79. Design and Fabrication of Segway

Design and Fabrication of Segway

Segway is a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle which will be feasible for small distance transport. Segway works on balancing of masses only on two wheels placed opposite to each other and the Segway counteracts the oscillating motion using gyroscopic sensors because too much tilt in front or rear will result in imbalance can put the driver in danger.

80. Gas Detection System

Gas Detection System

Drones are nowadays largely used for environmental monitoring. To locate the leakage of gasses in houses or industrial area it was easily monitored and detected by using sensors fixed on a moving vehicle but with an aerial vehicle or UAVs we can attach a camera to identify the location.

81. Agriculture robot using Arduino

Agriculture robot using Arduino

Agriculture industry is wide and ever-growing as the farmers being the backbone for food production but the technological advancements seen in the field of agriculture is quite less compared to other industries now so to minimize the effort and drastically increasing the efficiency of the work use of robotics is must in agriculture. Robots can be used for many purposes in agriculture like seeding, irrigation, fertilizing, harvesting etc. so let’s start with designing a robot for this task. Agriculture is valuable compared to others fields from occupation as well as from the needs point of view.

82. Automatic Irrigation System

Automatic Irrigation System

The automated irrigation system can prove that the use of water can be reduced for different agricultural production. The irrigation system provides only the required amount of water to crop. The automated irrigation system is designed to be scaled up for larger greenhouses or open fields.

83. Detection of Asthma Trigger using Zigbee

Detection of Asthma Trigger using Zigbee

This project focuses on the development of a system which will collect the data periodic wise from different sensors. For this system, the PIC microcontroller

84. Fall Detection system for Elderly

Fall Detection system for Elderly

As the old age comes closer, the pain of every accident we ever had started to increase but in this age, if they fall that might lead to some serious operations.

85. Smart Energy Distribution System using Arduino

Smart Energy Distribution System using Arduino

This project is an electronic system which can be implemented by using Arduino & GSM Module to give a command and receive feedback. We will use the technique of power shedding.

86. Blood Oxygen Level Monitoring System

Blood Oxygen Level Monitoring System

Today, most countries are struggling with the increased number of patients and increased costs of patient care per patient. This is happened because of an unhealthy lifestyle, habits, including stress which increasingly leads to chronic illness such as heart disease even in younger age. Also, it is difficult for doctors to monitor the particular patient for total working hours. In many critical conditions such as the patient is located far away from the hospital or also in case of an old patient who suffers from heart disease and physical disorders, continuous monitoring of the patient is not possible. Normally it is difficult to keep track of abnormalities in patient itself manually. Body temperature is 37 degree Celsius for a normal human being. Patients are not well with manual treatment which doctors normally used for tracking, so there must be a device which would help patient keep track of their health by themselves.

87. Biometric Ignition System for Vehicles using Arduino

Biometric Ignition System for Vehicles using Arduino

Vehicle security is an important issue due to the rise in Vehicle hijacking and car theft. Because of easy access to the vehicle’s framework. The biometric system gives a secure and easy approach to start or stop the vehicle and the system enables approved user to start the vehicle. The biometric authentication system is used in various fields for a security mechanism. Biometrics refers to the programmed recognizable proof of a living individual dependent on physiological or social qualities for confirmation purposes. The four important strategies used in Biometrics are Palm, Fingerprint, Iris, Voice, and Face.

88. Height Measuring Cap

Height Measuring Cap

Nowadays we have gadgets for almost every need. This project is about a simplified method of measuring the height of a person. You will also connect the system to the internet and then update the values to the cloud using IoT.

89. Andriod Application for Curing and Irrigation

Andriod Application for Curing and Irrigation

In the construction industry, there is a rapid growth due to the urbanisation. So, there will be a maximum demand for manpower and resources. Due to the limitations of manpower and resources, their minimum wages are also increasing day by day.

90. Flood Detection and Mitigating Loss

Flood Detection and Mitigating Loss

Natural calamities will occur at any time and kill many people all over the world. There are many different types of natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods etc… The losses are very high including property loss, human loss, crops loss etc…

91. Garbage Monitoring System

Garbage Monitoring System

In this world, waste is generated from every work we do. Statistics says that about 62 million tonnes of wastes are generated from urban cities.

These wastes generated from urban cities must be collected by the municipality of the city but due to some constraints this waste is not being collected on time.

If the garbage is not collected regularly, it becomes a good place for breeding of the houseflies and it will make the place hard to live because it will be comprising of materials which will start to decompose and dreadful smell will be covered all over the area.  

92. Regulating Temperature using Ardunio

Regulating Temperature using Ardunio

In this urban life living it has become a necessity for automating everything. It is also useful when we forget something to turn off and it turns off automatically instead of people going back and turning it off.

93. Collision Detector

Collision Detector

As per a survey, nearly 1.2 million people die in road accidents every year. In this project you will use piezoelectric sensor to detect collision. Then, system will send an SMS to any nearby hospital. The SMS will contain the location of the victim and personal details. As soon as they receive the SMS, they will send the AMBULANCE.

94. Smart Photography Drone

Smart Photography Drone

Drone is one of the best invention of the flying industry. In this project you will build a drone that can fly on its own. You will also install a camera at its base. It will have the ability to detect humans and take snapshots by itself. You will program it to fly without a remote control.

95. Power Generation by Piezo-Electric effect

Power Generation by Piezo-Electric effect

Nowadays the demand for electricity is rising enormously with the growing industries. The mechanical energy produced by human locomotion or vehicle movement can be utilized to generate electric energy.

96. Flight parameters monitoring and alerting system based on CAN communication

Flight parameters monitoring and alerting system based on CAN communication

This project aims to design an automated flight parameter monitoring and alerting system based on Controller Area Network (CAN) communication. The system monitors the parameters like temperature, pressure, humidity, door status sensors. It alerts through the buzzer if anything went wrong. 

97. Smart Horticulture

Smart Horticulture

Some people have gardening as a hobby. They spend their spare time in their gardens. However, because of the increasing pace of life, some of them are not able to find time for gardening. In this project, you will try to help these people.

98. Gesture Based Music

Gesture Based Music

Can you produce music without using any instrument? Yes, it is possible now. In this project, you will produce music just by moving your hands. Based on particular gestures, you can produce music. This is the future of the music industry.

99. Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Are you interested in robotics and mechatronics? If you are an engineer with a passion for mechatronics, then you should invest in projects to gain more insight into your chosen field.

100. Animatronic Hand using Glove

Animatronic Hand using Glove

Do you have an innate interest in robotics and mechatronics? Then this project is for you. Automation and robotics are taking over the world, and as upcoming engineering, it is important for you to keep up with the times. Arduino has been a disruptive technology that made an impact on almost all fields of engineering.

101. Gesture Controlled Wheel chair

Gesture Controlled Wheel chair

The health service industry is growing for a while now, thanks to the advancements in science and technology. As more scientific breakthroughs happen, the medical sector benefits from this, and as a result, the standard of living rises.

102. Vacuum Cleaner Robot

Vacuum Cleaner Robot

Technology changes everything; from the way, we eat food to how we run our homes. Automation has an impact on all walks of our life. The automation of our homes has made it easier for people to live and manage their households.

103. Color Sorter Machine

Color Sorter Machine

Sorting is a technique used to group similar things together. It finds extensive scale applications in mass-production facilities because, in such production facilities, similar items need to be shipped together.

104. RADAR using Arduino

RADAR using Arduino

Have you ever wondered how an airplane flies so precisely to land at such specific spots? Or maybe how a ship never seems to get lost in the vast ocean? Navigation is an essential part of science. It is science that helps things reach particular destinations.

105. Electronic Candle

Electronic Candle

Candles are being used for light from ancient times. Before the invention of the light bulb, candles are being used for the light. They have been in use from ancient time. In recent times they are used in churches. Our project depends on electronic candles. Ordinary candles melt very fast and the place where they are used gets nasty. In this electronic candle project, we will make an electric candle with the help of an LED. It will be capable of turn on automatically during darkness and also shut down when they find some light.

106. IoT-Water Tank Filling system

IoT-Water Tank Filling system


Water is an important resource for our planet. We should not waste it and try to regulate its use. There is a constant decrease in water levels in the environment. Currently, water in urban areas comes for a specific period and an individual is needed to present physically to switch on the pumps, store water and then again switch it off once the tank is filled. If a person forgets to switch off the pump on time then a lot of water is wasted and if the person is not available on time to switch on the pump, then they will have to face difficulty due to the unavailability of water. This IoT project focuses on this issue and eliminates the need for a person. It automatically switches on the pump when water comes, and will switch it off once the tank is filled. Many people have installed this in their houses and find it effective.

107. Traffic signal monitoring using IoT

Traffic signal monitoring using IoT


In the current scenario, the population is increasing rapidly and the same is the situation with traffic. In metro cities, traffic is a huge problem and it takes a minimum of 1 hour to reach your destination. Cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, etc. are currently facing this problem and need an appropriate solution to resolve this problem. With IoT coming to India, an intelligent traffic management system can be designed to deal with this problem. This system will monitor the vehicle count on every road and set the priority accordingly. The main component of this system is the IR (Infrared) sensor which is to be installed in the lanes so that it can count the vehicle and regulate traffic. 

108. Smart Irrigation Using IoT

Smart Irrigation Using IoT


Farmers have large portions of land which they use for farming and irrigation. It is difficult for them to track and take care of each portion of it. There is a possibility of uneven crop distribution or uneven water from sprinklers. This results in loss of crop and leads to financial loss as well. This is where IoT changes dynamics and eases the work of farmers. This IoT based system uses the nodemcu and dht11 sensor to trace the moisture level in the soil and also tracks the condition of the land. It uses thingspeak to receive data from the system and cluster it to get a detailed report of the land. Water pumps and incorporated on the system to regulate and sprinkle water when the soil needs it.

109. Electro Pneumatic Sorting Machine

Electro Pneumatic Sorting Machine

Project Description

Pneumatic power has found great application in the engineering industry today. The are heavily used for automation to simplify tasks. A great deal of human effort and time is saved by its application. Through this project you will learn how to use pneumatic power to automate a task. This is a scaled down setup for an electro - pneumatic sorting machine that can sort objects based on their colour. Here, we will sort defective objects from a moving conveyor belt using a cylinder and optical sensor.

110. IoT based Flood detection and Prevention system using ESP8266

IoT based Flood detection and Prevention system using ESP8266

It is a smart machine that closely monitors different natural aspects to forecast flooding so that we can take care to mitigate flood damage. Natural catastrophes such as earthquakes can be disastrous, eventually led to the destruction of assets and life loss. The device uses different natural parameters to predict flooding and minimize or reduce the flood effects. The device has a Wi-Fi connection, and data obtained can be viewed very conveniently from almost anywhere using IoT.

111. Air Pollution meter using IoT

Air Pollution meter using IoT

Air pollution is one of the biggest concerns faced by major cities globally. With more and more automobiles on the roads and new factories, the carbon emission rose at a threatening rate. The decrease in air quality at a global level raised a lot of concerns. For a few years now governments and individuals are coming up with newer ways to monitor and reduce air pollution. The latest technologies and innovations have given a boost in this movement to improve air quality. Today we are going to use IoT to build a simple and effective air pollution meter.

112. Noise detector with automatic recording system using arduino

Noise detector with automatic recording system using arduino

The world of the internet of things is limitless and comes with a lot of real-world applications. It’s been a few years since the word IoT became familiar to the world of technology. Since then there have been many innovative ideas backed with the power of this ground-breaking technology. From day to application high level once there are IoT devices everywhere. Today we are going to see about a Noise detection system that uses IoT.

113. PLC based energy saver

PLC based energy saver

The importance of saving energy has been in the priority book for over a decade now. With non-renewable resources running out fast it is important to save every bit of power. From government-level campaigns to rules, a lot of things have come out for a decade now. But still, most of us forget to switch off the lights when we exit a room. Although not done by knowing a lot of energy is wasted in this manner every day. So we are going to tackle this issue with the help of PLC and some sensors.

114. Smart Building using IoT and PIR

Smart Building using IoT and PIR

Smart building refers to the place where the system can keep a track of people and maintains a database. The building will be used to get information about the number of people, usage of resources, etc. Such type of buildings is known as Smart buildings. To run that type of building we will need a system which can track people with the help of sensors and then display the results visually. Let’s have a brief look at the smart building using IoT project.

115. Smart Traffic Lighting system

Smart Traffic Lighting system

Smart traffic lighting project is about sensing the density the traffic on roads and automatically controlling the traffic lights. The traffic lights are to be controlled using the Arduino Board. The IoT project is similar to that used in nowadays smart traffic lights; which will teach you the basics of a traffic lighting system. The project will require some kits and concepts which are as follows: -

116. Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Introduction- The baby pram monitoring system is a monitoring technique by which you can keep an eye over your child when you are physically unavailable by the use of sensors and feedback systems. This system can be used in varied situations like when you are in another room doing your work, in office and your child is with a baby sitter, etc.

117. Parking Alarm using Arduino

Parking Alarm using Arduino

Remember the situation, when you’ve parked the car or imagine you are parking a car. You need to look into the mirror and then you have to park the car. You may require another person to assist. Parking the car in a position is not a challenging task, but this project makes it better. This project helps to park the car in the parking area at a proper place easier. When the vehicle crosses the parking area, the buzzer makes the sound. This signal indicates the vehicle crossed the parking area. The sound of the buzzer continues until the vehicle is parked in the range of areas selected for parking. When the car is parked in the proper area, the buzzer will stop. Ultrasonic distance sensing technology is used for this process. Thus parking of the vehicle in the parking area is ensured by Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology. Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology is used in this project for parking assistance.

118. Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Robots are similar to humans but they are robust and more efficient than human beings. Similar to humans they can also sense the environment and react with the help of sensors. Because of its various applications, it is widely used in fields such as military, space exploration, manufacturing industries, etc.

In this robotics project, you will use Arduino to develop an autonomous robot which can able to detect and avoid the edges with the help of IR sensors.

119. IoT using Raspberry Pi

IoT using Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

120. Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

In this project-based course, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

121. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

7 Robots (Combo Course)

Robotics involves electronics, mechanics and programming. And the number of engineers with good robotics skills is far below demand.
You can only learn and experience robotics by building robots. The projects that you build in this course take you through the entire journey of building robots from scratch.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

122. Gesture Controlled Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. The course is also equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy even for beginners. So you need not require any prior programming experience to build this gesture controlled robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

123. Gesture Based Robotics

Gesture Based Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

124. IoT using Arduino

IoT using Arduino

In this project, you will build an IoT based weather monitoring system that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet to the user at a remote location. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

125. Sensor Guided Robotics

Sensor Guided Robotics

In this course, you will develop 3 different basic autonomous robots which are guided using sensors. The first robot will be a line follower which is programmed to follow a line. This robot detects the path using infra-red sensors which work on the principle of reflection of light. Using the same sensors, you will also develop robots that can avoid/follow obstacles or light.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

126. Automated Street Lighting

Automated Street Lighting

In this project, you will build an IoT based Automated Street Lighting System that automatically switches the street light ON and OFF based on the amount of sunlight present. This is one of the key components of smart cities where energy will be used very efficiently by turning the streetlights ON and OFF at the right time as needed. The data will be sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

127. Smart Irrigation System

Smart Irrigation System

In this project, you will work with a soil moisture sensor, ESP-8266 WiFi module, and an Arduino board to develop a smart irrigation system project. The device can detect the change in moisture level in the soil and controls the flow of water accordingly with a DC pump. You will also program the system to send data to the cloud platform for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

128. Smart Water Monitoring

Smart Water Monitoring

In this project, you will build an IoT based Smart Water Monitoring System that can detect the flow of water and record the volume of water that flows through the pipe for a given period of time. The data is then sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

129. Smart Building using IoT

Smart Building using IoT

The project you develop can sense the number of occupants in the meeting room with the help of PIR sensors and automatically switch the lights ON/ OFF based on occupancy. You will be able to analyse the usage of the meeting room, number of persons at various times of the day, the time for which lights are on and the power consumed.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

130. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

You will work on basic to advance level Arduino based IOT projects with practical exercises on key technologies. Thereby you will gain great understanding of IOT and how IOT is going to change the way we live in the near future.
The projects that you will build are, Weather Monitoring System, Smart Irrigation System, Automated Street Lighting System, Smart Water Monitoring System and Smart Building using PIR.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

131. 4 Smart Energy Projects

4 Smart Energy Projects

In this project-based course, you will learn to build 4 different smart energy system projects. Following are the projects that you will build: Home Automation System using IoT, Smart Building System using IoT, Solar Battery Charger and Smart Traffic Control System.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

132. Health Monitoring Wearable

Health Monitoring Wearable

In this project, you will build a Health Monitoring Wearable Glove which can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove. The pulse on a person is sensed using a pulse sensor, which sends information to the Lilypad Arduino board to command the LCD to display the heart rate.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

133. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

In this course, you will learn to build 2 different types of IoT Projects. First, you will develop a weather monitoring system to record and stream the temperature/ humidity data online. Second, you will develop an electronic device to irrigate the field automatically based on the moisture level present in the soil. And the data collected will sent to cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

134. Animatronic Hand

Animatronic Hand

In this project, you will learn to design, fabricate and control an animatronic hand using embedded systems. The animatronic hand that you build can be controlled with your hand movements with the help of flex sensors.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

135. Bluetooth Robotics

Bluetooth Robotics

In this project, you will develop a robot that can move in accordance with the signals sent from a smartphone using an Android Application and Bluetooth Communication. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via BlueTooth. And the robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

136. Swarm Robotics

Swarm Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build autonomous swarm robots enabled with master-slave communication. The master robot controls the slave robot while performing its own task and the slave robot functions based on the signal received from the master robot (both being autonomous).

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

137. Automated Railway Crossing

Automated Railway Crossing

In this course, you will make an automated railway crossing model to understand the real application of embedded systems. Here's how it works:
1. Sensors detect train arrival and departure and send appropriate signals to microcontroller
2. Microcontroller is programmed to operate motorized railway gates as per sensor input

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

138. Maze Solver Robot

Maze Solver Robot

In this project, you will develop a robot that can find its way out from a maze of puzzling lines. The robot moves through the maze arena using infra-red optical sensors. When it detects a junction, the bot intelligently decides the path using a special algorithm that you will learn and program.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

139. Mobile Controlled Robot

Mobile Controlled Robot

In this project, you will develop a mobile-controlled robot using DTMF or Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. The robot is controlled by a cellphone that makes a call to a second phone connected to the bot. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via DTMF signals. The robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

140. Edge Detection Robot

Edge Detection Robot

In this project, you will learn to build an edge detection robot that uses digital IR sensors to detect the surroundings and move accordingly to avoid falling. The course is equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

141. 4 Mechatronics Projects (Combo Course)

4 Mechatronics Projects (Combo Course)

The course involves you to build multiple Mechatronics projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Mechatronics practically.
You will develop the following projects: Animatronics Hand, Hexapod, Robotic Arm & Biped Walking Robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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